Make evaluations work for you, not against you.
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Dolan Research Briefs
Performance Evaluations—Are They Helping Us or Hurting Us?
Attorney Matt Dolan Attorney Matt Dolan

Why are we conducting performance evaluations and how are they making the agency better? These are fundamental questions for agencies that require standardized performance evaluations. Without clearly answering these questions, supervisors are often put in the position of pursuing the “path of least resistance” when it comes to conducting performance evaluations. This path is understandably tempting for supervisors, but it often results in serious agency problems relating to legal liability in discipline and promotions—not to mention officer morale.

Confronting the Toxic Officer: Making Discipline Stick—Las Vegas, NV

It would be bad enough if these evaluation systems simply failed to produce positive results in the form of detailed and documented feedback on performance strengths and weaknesses. Even worse, however, is the fact that broken performance evaluations actually damage agencies across the country by (1) giving inaccurately positive documentation to officers that is later used to reverse important disciplinary decisions in court or in arbitration and (2) giving standard “meets expectations” evaluations to officers whose performance merits much greater recognition.

Continue reading to learn how to keep performance evaluations from becoming a liability.

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Confronting the Toxic Officer: Making Discipline Stick—Las Vegas, NV
Dolan Consulting Group
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