
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buckminster Fuller, philosopher, futurist and global thinker (1895 - 1983)
"If there are to be problems, may they come during my life-time so that I can resolve them and give my children the chance of a good life."

Kenyan proverb
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987
Under the patronage:

Gold sponsors:

SPECIAL SESSION: Integrating resilience and sustainable development – Managing the green economy transition process in the food-energy-water nexus (FEW-Nexus) sectors
Session resume:

On 25 September 2015, the United Nations adopted the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and thereby also 17 sustainable development goals (UN-SDGs)[1] to assess global development [1] and in the preamble it urges that bold and transformative steps be taken to “shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path [1].” Six goals (1, 2, 9, 11, 13, 14) of the UN-SDGs call explicitly for resilient and sustainable development [1]. The World Bank supports the UN approach: “Resilience and development are inextricably linked. When we invest in infrastructure, we have to invest not just for today but for the future, and that means building resilience into everything we do.”[2] The food-energy-water nexus (FEW-Nexus) represents key linked sectors of the green economy and is therefore at the centre of the current discussion about transforming the globalized economy towards resilient and secure sustainable development.

The session aims to identify methods and management strategies for the transformation process towards resilient and secure sustainable development with a special focus on the FEW nexus sectors. The session intends to present measuring and methodological approaches (sustainability indicator systems, nexus metrics, input-output modelling, general equilibrium modelling and linear programming models, system dynamics) for the FEW nexus, but also encourages theoretical reflections about securing resilient development by fulfilling the UN-SDGs.

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Dr. Holger Schlör
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Research Centre Jülich)
Jülich, Germany
Holger Schlör studied economics at the University of Heidelberg and went on to complete his PhD in Economics at the Free University in Berlin. His interest in economics and the idea of sustainable development has remained with him throughout his career. He has conducted research at several institutions and is currently working at Forschungszentrum Jülich in the Institute of Energy Research -- Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEF-STE). His research here focuses on the fields of sustainable development, economics and energy systems analysis.
He was member of the Scientific Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Croatian Science Foundation. He was an invited speaker at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Conference 2016 of the National Council for Science and the Environment in Washington.
He is a member of the “Sustainable Management” and “Sustainable Assessment” Committees of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and supporting member of the International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES Centre).

Invited papers (8)
SPECIAL SESSION: 100% Renewable Energy Systems in a Smart Energy System perspective - Transitional challenges and the modelling of sector integrated energy systems
Session resume:

More and more scientific evidence points in the direction that 100% renewable energy systems are technically possible. After COP21, The Paris Agreement and COP22 almost 50 nations worldwide have committed to such a target. While such 100% renewable energy systems are technically possible some energy systems design may be very costly and some not sustainable with regards to e.g. bioenergy consumption. Scientific knowledge about feasible long-term targets and system designs is needed to identify key technologies and system re-design options. At the same time an affordable and technically possible transition from fossil fuels and into a redesigned energy system should take place and existing infrastructure may be used in new innovative ways. With constantly decreasing LCOE from onshore and offshore wind power as well as photovoltaics these capacities can be expanded to a point where the electricity grid of a country is not enough. Smart energy systems may provide robust and cost-effective investment strategies that will facilitate an efficient transformation towards a sustainable energy system suing synthetic gas storage, electrofuels, large-scale heat pumps with thermal storage for district heating. A two-dimentional approach can enable trade between nations or regions as well as trade between sectors i.e. combining The Smart Energy System’s cross-sectoral approach (electricity, heat and gas) with a cross-border approach.

In this special session we invite researchers focusing on energy system analyses, modelling or feasibility studies to submit abstracts. Abstract should focus on a sectorial integration approach, i.e. a Smart Energy System design merging the electricity sector, the heating sector and the transport sector, enabling the use of infrastructures and energy storages across energy carriers. 

Prof. Brian Vad Mathiesen
Aalborg University
Aalborg, Denmark
Brian Vad Mathiesen, Professor in Energy Planning and Renewable Energy Systems at Aalborg University, holds a PhD in fuel cells and electrolysers in future energy systems (2008). His research focuses on technological and socio-economic transitions to renewables, energy storage, large-scale renewable energy integration and the design of 100% renewable energy systems. He is one of the leading researchers behind the concepts of Smart Energy Systems and electrofuels. He is on the Clarivate, Web of Science Highly Cited list (2015-2020), thus among the top 1% most cited researchers globally. Among other positions, he is member of the EU Commission expert group on electricity interconnection targets in the EU as well as Research Coordinator of the Sustainable Energy Planning Research group, Principal Investigator (PI) of the RE-INVEST and sEEnergies projects, and Programme Director for the MSc in Sustainable Cities. He has been PI, work package leader and participant in more than 60 research projects as well as editorial board member of The Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier) and The Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment Systems; Associate Editor of Energy, Ecology and Environment (Springer) and Editor of the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. Furthermore, he is a member of The Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) and a board member at The Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP).
Prof. Henrik Lund
Aalborg University
Aalborg, Denmark
Henrik Lund (born 2 July 1960) is a Danish engineer (M.Sc.Eng.1985) and Professor in Energy Planning at Aalborg University in Denmark. He holds a Ph.D. in Implementation of Sustainable Energy Systems (1990), and a Dr. Techn. in Choice Awareness and Renewable Energy Systems (2009).

Henrik Lund is a highly ranked world-leading researcher. He is listed among ISI Highly Cited researchers ranking him among the top 1% researchers in the world within engineering and on the Stanford list of top 2% scientists.

Henrik Lund has many years of management experience as head of department for approx. 200 staff persons (1996-2002), head of section for approx. 50 persons (2014 – 2016) and head of research group of 20-30 persons (2002 – present). During his time the Sustainable Energy Planning research group at Aalborg University has now grown to approx. 30 staff members including 4 professors.

Henrik Lund is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s high-impact journal Energy with annual 10000+ submissions.

Henrik Lund is the author of more than 400 books and articles including the book ''Renewable Energy Systems”. He is the architect behind the advanced energy system analysis software EnergyPLAN, which is a freeware used worldwide that have form the basis of more than 200 peer reviewed journal papers around the world.
Prof. Poul Alberg Østergaard
Aalborg University
Aalborg, Denmark
Poul Alberg Østergaard is professor in energy planning at the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Poul Østergaard holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in energy planning – the latter with particular focus on integrated resource planning and the organisational structure of the energy sector.
He has conducted research and authored publications on energy planning since 1995 and has been project manager, work package leader or participants in a series of research projects mostly centred around large scale integration of renewable energy sources and the development of renewable energy scenarios.
He is the programme director of the M.Sc. programme in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management at Aalborg University and has been involved in various other teaching and training activities notably energy systems analyses work-shops in Denmark, Nicaragua, Jordan and Malaysia.

He is also the editor-in-chief of the Int Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management

Invited papers (20)
SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable combustion
Session resume:

The dependence of the world’s energy production on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution remain among the greatest challenges today. The combustion of fossil fuels releases large quantities of pollutant and CO2 emissions into the environment, which are the largest drivers of climate change. The latest report from the scientific panel on anthropogenic global warming indicates that remarkable and joint global action is required to reduce these emissions, and the longer we wait to address this issue, the more difficult, technologically challenging and expensive will become. The need to burn more efficiently and cleanly remains a great challenge and huge responsibility for the international combustion community and therefore the main objective of this special session is to bring together the scientists, researchers, and experts to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of combustion science and sustainable combustion technologies: fundamental physical and chemical aspects of traditional and novel fuel sources; reaction kinetics, combustion emissions, pollutants, soot and particulates; IC engine combustion; gas turbine combustion; furnace combustion; coal, biomass, biofuel and waste combustion, multiphase flows and sprays; particle technology, gasification and pyrolysis; new combustion technologies. 

Prof. Milan Vujanović
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Milan Vujanović is a researcher and team leader of CFD Combustion Research Group and head of the Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair at Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb.
Prof. Vujanović holds PhD in “numerical modelling of multiphase flow in the combustion of fuels”. His research is in the areas of modelling and simulation of turbulent combustion, pollution formation, multiphase flows and sprays, and also in the areas of sustainable energy, environmental protection and climate change. He holds lecturers within courses “Combustion and Radiation Modelling”, “Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics” and “Energy Engines”. He has over 100 publications in Scientific Journals, Books and International Conferences Proceedings to his credit.
Prof. Vujanović is a consultant to many industries and several public authorities. He is a member of the Combustion Institute, member of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, and member of the Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems.
Prof. Mário Costa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa, Portugal
Mário Costa (1960-2020) was a Full Professor in the area of Environment and Energy at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), where he taught several courses, including Thermodynamics, Combustion, Renewables Energies and Integrated Energy Systems.
He graduated in Chemical Engineering at University of Coimbra in 1984, obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London in 1992 and his Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Lisbon in 2009.He supervised more than 100 MSc, Phd and Postdoc students. He participated in more than 55 national and international projects in the area of Energy and Environment and (co-)authored one book, more than 140 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 180 papers in international conferences. Mário served as Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and belonged to the Editorial Board of the Aerospace, Combustion and Flame, Energy Conversion and Management, Energies, and Energy and Fuels.
He was the recipient of the Caleb Brett Award of the Institute of Energy in 1991, of the Sugden Award of the British Section of the Combustion Institute in 1991, of the Prémio Científico UTL/Santander Totta in 2010 and of a Menção Honrosa Universidade de Lisboa/Santander in 2016.

Invited papers (22)
SPECIAL SESSION: Energy and Water Efficiency for Sustainable Future: Knowledge Development and Transfer
Session resume:

In Dubrovnik, at SDEWES 2015 the session has received a considerable attention, having three time slots and spanning two conference days. Similarly, the sessions at the SEE SDEWES 2016 in Piran and the SDEWES 2016 in Lisbon have both been very well attended by participants, widening the geographical coverage. Many of the presenters have been invited to publish extended manuscripts in dedicated Special Issues of journals with a high Impact Factor, among which Applied Energy (IF 5.746), Energy (IF 4.292), Energy Conversion and Management (IF 4.801), Journal of Cleaner Production (IF 4.959).


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Dr. Petar Varbanov
Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic
Dr Varbanov worked for the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where he still acts as a Consultant. After a spell in the industry in Bulgaria he got a scholarship at a prestigious British University – UMIST, Manchester. He got PhD in Process Integration from UMIST with distinction and won another prestigious EC Marie Curie grant for 2-year research at Technische Universität Berlin, followed by another EC grant for coming to the University of Pannonia - Hungary, where he is a Deputy Head of the Centre for Process Integration and Intensification CPI2.

His experience covers energy saving, water and waste water minimization, optimization of energy supply networks, Systems Modelling, Process Synthesis and Process Operation. His research has been successfully implemented in collaboration with industrial partners: BP-Coryton, BP-Grangemouth, MOL Százhalombatta. Presently he has been contributing to 7 EC co-funded research projects. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is a co-author of two books and several chapters in books. Dr Varbanov acts as a scientific secretary of the PRES series of conferences and editor of the related Special Issues in respected journals such as Applied Thermal Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Policy, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. Dr Varbanov is Subject Editor for ENERGY, for the topic of Energy Planning Tools.
Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno
Brno, Czech Republic
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production. The founder and President for 24 y of PRES (Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction) conferences. Chairperson of CAPE Working Party of EFCE, a member of WP on Process Intensification and of the EFCE Sustainability platform. He authored and co-authored more than 700 papers, h-index reaching 65. A number of books published by Elsevier, Woodhead, McGraw-Hill; Ashgate Publishing Cambridge; Springer; WILEY-VCH; Taylor & Francis).
Several times Distinguished Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and University Technology Petronas, Malaysia; Xi’an Jiaotong University; South China University of Technology, Guangzhou and Tianjin University in China; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Brno University of Technology and the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow. Doctor Honoris Causa of Kharkiv National University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” in Ukraine, the University of Maribor in Slovenia, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania. “Honorary Doctor of Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”. Awarded with “Honorary Membership of Czech Society of Chemical Engineering", "European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Life-Time Achievements Award" and "Pro Universitaire Pannonica" Gold Medal.

Invited papers (14)
SPECIAL SESSION: Renewable Energy Developments
Session resume:

This session concerns with the Renewable Energy Developments, it includes the following areas:

  • Developments on Wind Energy
  • Developments on Solar Energy
  • Developments on Tidal Energy
  • Developments on Biofuel
  • Developments on Energy Storage Systems

Prof. Abdul Olabi
University of the West of Scotland
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Prof Olabi graduated with a B Eng. in 1984, he then joined an R&D company for 4 years. From 1988 to 1993, Prof Olabi was engaged in research for his Masters and PhD degrees at Dublin City University which he successfully completed in late 1993. From 1994 to 1998, he joined the academic staff as lecturer at HIAST “Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology”. From 1999 to 2002, he joined the research centre of FIAT, “CRF”, in Italy, working on a number of projects related to alternative fuel systems for vehicles. Commencing end of 2002, he assumed the post, first of lecturer, and then senior lecturer at Dublin City University. In 2013 Prof Olabi has Joind the University of the West of Scotland as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and a dirctor of new institute regarding Energy and Engineering Techolologies.
In the last 10 years, Prof Olabi has acted as supervisor to postgraduate research students (9 M.Eng and 23 PhD) all of which were successfully completed. Currently, he is supervisor to a further 7 PhD students, and has also supervised more than 30 taught masters students. Prof Olabi has edited 11 proceedings, and has published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed international journals, and around 100 papers in international conferences, in addition to 7 book chapters. In the last 12 months Prof Olabi has patented 2 innovative products.
Prof Olabi is the founder of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP. He is an Associate Editor of Elsevier Energy Journal and board member of a number of other journals. Prof Olabi has coordinated various National, EU, and International Projects.

Invited papers (5)
SPECIAL SESSION: Math for Water, Soil, and Ecosystems
Session resume:

Mathematics is an academic discipline which ultimately comprehend all methodologies in science and technology, without excepting theory and practice in sustainable development of water, soil, and ecosystems. Collaboration among mathematicians and scientists in other research fields shall lead to scientific solutions of real world problems as well as to formulation of new mathematical problems. In this regard, this special session aims at providing a forum for all those interested in mathematical approaches to modelling and optimizing water and soil environment, life phenomena, and their interactions with human activities. The session organizer specializes in water resources engineering based on the methodologies of fluid dynamics and mathematical optimization, emphasizing applications to sustainable rural development in different regions with arid, semi-arid, and monsoon climates. Tentative session themes include: modelling hydrological and agro-ecological environment with stochastic processes and differential equations; nonlinear dynamics in behavioral and physiological mechanisms of animals and plants; subsidies, microfinance, and insurance for agriculture, environment, and rural development; viscosity solutions of degenerate elliptic equations appearing in the above-mentioned problems; computational methods applicable to the above-mentioned problems; and mathematics education in agricultural universities and colleges. However, other themes beyond expectation of the session organizer are most welcomed.

Dr. Koichi Unami
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Dr. Unami, PhD (Agriculture) 1996 Kyoto University, is an Associate Professor at Water Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan. The titles of his current research projects include: “Optimal operation of irrigation schemes based on viscosity solutions of partial differential equations”; “Direct subsidy for environment-friendly agriculture and water quality index insurance in the catchment basin of an urban water reservoir”; “Sustainable development of Bangladeshi rural communities by integrated utilization of groundwater and fish ponds”; and “Water resources portfolio for farmlands along the Dead Sea”.

Invited papers (6)
SPECIAL SESSION: Renewable Energy Sources and Efficient Use of Energy on a Building and Distribution Grid Level
Session resume:

Changing energy supplies towards 100% renewable power resources is no longer a question of whether it is possible or not to achieve the aim. But the question is how to reach the aim to an affordable cost and how to reach the aim to obtain a reliable energy system.

This special session will concentrate on several aspects and several energy sectors of the energy transition process but all topics are dedicated to the distribution grid level and its challenges.

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Prof. Ingo Stadler
TH Köln
Cologne, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ingo Stadler researches and teaches at the TH Köln, where he is responsible for renewable energy and energy economics and is involved in the Cologne Renewable Energy Institute (CIRE), which he co-founded.
He completed his doctorate and habilitation at the University of Kassel. His work covers grid integration of renewables and renewable energy systems and focuses on non-electric storage and load management beyond electricity.
He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Conference on Renewable Energy Storage IRES and the International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems SDEWES. For more than a decade he represented Germany in the Photovoltaic Systems Programme of the International Energy Agency IEA.
He is also the editor, together with Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner from OTH Regensburg, of the standard work on energy storage - demand, technologies, integration, published by Springer-Verlag.
In addition, he has been involved in various projects in Brazil for over twenty years, including with the University in Fortaleza and projects with the Society for Cooperation and the regulatory authority ANEEL.

Invited papers (6)
SPECIAL SESSION: Polygeneration: a novel paradigm for an efficient and sustainable use of energy resources
Session resume:

In conventional systems, energy conversion is typically performed by different devices separately producing electricity, heat, cooling energy and/or other products. This approach has been used for a long time, driven by the requirements for system simplicity and reliability and supported by the large availability and low prices of fossil fuels. However, in the past decades this scenario has been rapidly changing due to the increasing concerns about depletion of fossil fuels resources and greenhouse gases emissions. In this framework, new energy conversion paradigms must be developed, aiming at improving systems efficiency and sustainability, simultaneously reducing their environmental impacts. As a consequence, energy conversion devices can be integrated in single optimized systems, maximizing the utilization of energy inputs (either from renewable or fossil sources) and limiting any possible waste energies. Such a target may be achieved by adopting Polygeneration systems. In fact, polygeneration is the combined production of multiple types of energy (e.g. electricity, heat and cool) and material products (e.g., desalted water, hydrogen, glycerine, ammonia,etc.). Polygeneration systems can be based on both renewable (solar, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal) and fossil fuels-based (reciprocating engines, combined cycles, etc.) technologies, in different combinations. At meantime, in order to increase their penetration potential, polygeneration systems must accurately face with the dynamic trends of user energy and products demands and minimize the mismatch between instantaneous production and loads. This is extremely important in order to favor the growth of the so called Distribute Generation, which is unanimously recognized to achieve a number of benefits, in terms of increased efficiency, reduction of transportation losses and maximization of use of local resources. To this scope, polygeneration systems can be equipped with suitable thermal (sensible, latent and chemical) and electrical storage systems (battery, supercapacitors, super wheel, CAES, mini-hydro) and specific control systems aiming at optimizing the utilization of energy sources and/or products in order to maximize the economic profitability.

In this framework, this Special Session aims at collecting recent studies and contributions focused on polygeneration systems. Manuscripts focused on crucial aspects like systems modeling, control strategies and experimental analysis at whole-system or single-component levels are welcomed. Also, studies including thermoeconomic analyses and single- or multi-objective optimizations are well targeted for the Session.

Prof. Francesco Calise
University of Naples Federico II
Naples, Italy
Francesco Calise was born in 1978 and graduated cum laude in mechanical engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy in 2002. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Thermal Engineering in 2006. From 2006 to 2014, he is a Researcher and Assistant Professor of applied thermodynamics at the University of Naples Federico II. In 2014 he has been entitled as Associate Professor at the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity has been mainly focused on the following topics: fuel cells, advanced optimization techniques, solar thermal systems, concentrating photovoltaic/thermal photovoltaic systems, energy saving in buildings, solar heating and cooling, Organic Rankine Cycles, geothermal energy, dynamic simulations of energy systems, renewable Polygeneration systems and many others. He was invited lecturer for some courses or Conferences (UK and Finland). He teaches several courses of energy management and applied thermodynamics at the University of Naples Federico II for BsC, MS and PhD students. He was a supervisor of several Ph.D. degree theses. He is a reviewer of about 30 international Journals. He was involved in several Research Projects funded by EU and Italian Government. He is Member of the Editorial Board of 10 International Journals. He was a Conference Chair and/or member of Scientific Committee in several session of International Conferences. He is Vice-Chair Cross Reader for the FET OPEN Projects funded by EU
Prof. Antonio Piacentino
University of Palermo
Palermo, Italy
Antonio Piacentino is Full Professor of Energy Systems and Thermal Sciences at the Dpt. of Engineering, University of Palermo. He is currently covering the roles of President of the Territorial University of Trapani and Head of Master Course in Energy and Nuclear Engineering at University of Palermo. His teaching activities are in the field of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Energy Management and Analysis and Thermoeconomics of Energy Systems. His research activities have covered a number of topics, being mainly focused on cogeneration and trigeneration applications in buildings, thermoeconomic cost accounting and diagnosis of energy systems (with a particular focus on refrigeration and air conditioning units), energy and exergy analysis of thermal desalination systems, process integration and pinch analysis.
Prof. Piacentino has been involved in several European projects, Research Projects of National Interest financed by Italian Ministry of University and projects in the framework of the National Operative Programme “Research and Competitiveness”.
He has authored or co-authored more than 120 papers, with more than 50 published on scientific and technical journals indexed by high-level databases. He served as associate editor for several scientific journals and as a Guest Editor for several Special Issues of top-level journals, serving also as a reviewer for many journals in the fields of thermodynamics, heat transfer, energetics and desalination. Also, Prof. Piacentino is member of several national and international associations, and since 2017 he has been serving as a member of the International Scientific Committee of SDEWES Centre.
Prof. Laura Vanoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope
Napoli, Italy
Laura Vanoli is a full professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the Engineering Department of the University of Naples Parthenope. In 1997 she obtained her five years master degree with honours in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cassino. In 1999 she gained her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the same University. From November 1999 to October 2003 she was an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Cassino. From November 2003 to January 2005 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Food Science of the University of Naples Federico II. In September 2004, she was visiting researcher at the Energy Management Institute of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA). From January 2005 to October 2008 she has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Food Science of the University of Naples Federico II. From November 2008 to December 2016 she was an associate professor at the Engineering Department of the University of Naples Parthenope. From December 2016 to February 2019 she was a full professor at the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale.
Her research interests cover: thermodynamic and thermo-economic analysis of advanced energy systems, energy saving, renewable energy sources, thermo-fluid-dynamic measurement. Over the last ten years, she has been working on simulation optimization and exergy analysis of hybrid SOFC-gas turbine power systems, dynamic simulation and thermoeconomic analysis of polygeneration systems based on renewable technologies and sources. On these subjects, she has written more than 100 scientific papers, mostly published in International Journals and Proceedings of International Conferences.
She has coordinated and participated in several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry for Research (MIUR), and private companies. She thought several modules at the Universities of Cassino, Napoli Federico II and Napoli Parthenope: Energetics for Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, Applied thermodynamics for BA degree in Food technology, Applied thermodynamics for BA degree in Industrial Engineering, Exergy analysis for BA degree in Management Engineering, Energy Management for Master degree in Management Engineering.
Since 2015 she has been an adjunct researcher at the Engines Institute of the Italian National Research Council.
Currently, she is the coordinator of the Ph.D. international program in Energy Science and Engineering of the University of Naples “Parthenope”.

Invited papers (8)
SPECIAL SESSION: Transition to circular economy: Technological and social consequences
Session resume:

The concept of circular economy offers potential solutions to the current global interconnected crises of economy, environment, society and institutions. This session will be devoted to brainstorming, research, modeling, analysis, measurement and assessment of activities that contribute to the transition to circular economy and sustainable knowledge society, and to the social impact of these activities. The session is organized in cooperation with the World Academy of Art & Science, Club of Rome - European Research Centre and National Associations.


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Prof. Aleksander Zidanšek
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aleksander Zidansek is Professor of Physics at University of Maribor, researcher at Jozef Stefan Institute, and Secretary General of the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. Dr. Zidansek holds Ph.D. in Physics and Master Degrees in Physics and Business Administration, with specialization in sustainable development management. Prof. Zidansek is active in both solid state experimental physics and in research of renewable energy. He has been involved in a number of national and international research and education projects in solid state physics, security and in sustainable development. He received a Fulbright Grant for research at Montana State University with Prof. V. H. Schmidt in 1995/1996. He became associate member of tt30 in 2001 and associate member of the Club of Rome in 2005 ( He is Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science since 2012 and Trustee since 2021.
Prof. Ivo Šlaus
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Zagreb, Croatia
Ivo Šlaus is Professor of Physics, researcher at R. Bošković Institute and Dean of the University College for International Affairs and Diplomacy, Zagreb. He is also Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 1977) and foreign secretary (1992-1997), Founding Fellow Academia Europaea (since 1988) and former chairman Physics Section (1990-1994), Fellow World Academy of Art and Science (since 1994), from 2005 chairman of WAAS South East European Division (SEED), from 2005 member of The Board of Trustees, fromk Dec 2011 president of World Academy, initiator and President of the international journal Cadmus launched at the occasion of 50th anniversary of WAAS in 2010, member of The Club of Rome (since 1989), member of the International Advisory Council of The Club of Rome (since 2007), member Pugwash Council (since 2002), member of the European Leadership Network (ELN), and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) since 2002.

Invited papers (5)
SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable Enhancements of Power, Cooling and Water for Hot Climates
Session resume:

The global energy demand is anticipated to grow by approximately 40% by 2040, driven primarily by developing economies with surging populations and gross domestic product growths.  In parallel, water demand is projected to increase by 55% globally between 2000 and 2050, essentially contributed by industry and notably manufacturing, and the power generation and domestic sectors.  While supplies need to grow to respond to the demand, lower-carbon fuels and technologies require to be deployed to limit environmental emissions and mitigate their climatic impact. 

Regions exposed to hot climates, including the Mediterranean and Middle East, face specific, exacerbated challenges in meeting their domestic power, cooling and water demands.  As a result of global warming compounding population and/or economic growth, such regions are anticipated to experience increased industrial and building cooling loads, compounded by severe water stress and a deterioration of water quality.  Depending upon the type and amount of energy and water resources available locally, as well as local climatic conditions, optimal power, cooling and water technology options and their integrations in such regions will require unique, tailored solutions.

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Prof. Valerie Eveloy
Khalifa University
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Valerie Eveloy holds a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering (Dublin City University, Ireland) and a M.Sc. degree in physical engineering (National Institute of Applied Science, France). She has over twenty five years academic and industrial experience in mechanical and energy engineering, and is currently professor in the department of mechanical engineering at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Prior to joining Khalifa University, she was with The Petroleum Institute (now part of Khalifa University), the University of Maryland-College Park, and Nokia. Her current research interests include energy system/process modeling and optimization, hydrogen and other energy vectors from renewable power, energy recovery, multi-generation, sustainable cooling, and computational fluid dynamics. She has authored or co-authored over 130 refereed journal and conference publications in these areas, book chapters, and co-edited several international energy conference proceedings. She is an editorial board member of several international energy and mechanical engineering journals, and has also served as guest editor for sustainable energy journal special issues including on power-to-X and decarbonization of energy-intensive industry. She serves on several international conference program committees focused on energy technologies and electronics thermal management.
Prof. Ricardo Chacartegui
University of Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Ricardo Chacartegui. . PhD in Energy Engineering. Msc Mechanical Engineer.
Ricardo is Professor of the Energy Engineering Department of the University of Seville. His research is oriented to Energy Storage and Low carbon economy technologies: design, development, and optimization. It comprises the development of new technologies, concepts and integrations: energy storage , carbon capture, SCO2, HAT cycle, high temperature fuel cell hybrid systems, ORCs, biomass boilers,..; combined with improvements of existing technologies and systems: solar and fossil fuels power systems or energy applications (CHP,DH, buildings).
Linked to the R&D activity he has participated in more than 60 R&D collaborative projects with energy and transport industries in product development, analysis and optimization. In addition he is very passionate in innovation and business creation activities.

Invited papers (10)
SPECIAL SESSION: Industrial applications and IT tools for sustainable future
Session resume:

Nowadays the trend for the production processing industries led to the steady increase. There are a lot of wastes with by-products, energy, water and raw materials is consumed. The special section “Industrial applications and IT tools for sustainable future” originated as a part of a comprehensive worldwide research and solutions, which is designed to develop ecologically sustainable, environmentally friendly, resource-saving industrial applications for processing industries and IT tools which will help to improve it in most sustainable way.

The session involves a recent developments and innovations for the waste minimisation incorporating by-products, energy, human resources for processing industries. It is connected with new approaches for technology and equipment developments and installations, system optimisation, organisational issues and IT tools making more sustainable industrial clusters and regions. One of the main goals is ecologically sustainable, environmentally friendly, resource and energy saving industrial applications. Mathematical models and computer-aided process engineering tools guarantee the efficient and sustainable operation of the production systems with key objectives the reduction of operation cost, profit increasing as well as safety and operability improvement. The technological advancements are accommodated in an information system for easy access and utilisation. Expert systems assist the user to make a decision according to the needs and particular specifications. It would be potentially interesting for researchers who deal with industry, industrial staff and developers of IT applications and makes closer cooperation.

Dr. Stanislav Boldyryev
ITMO University
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Dr. Stanislav Boldyryev is Head of Centre for Integrated, Energy Saving, Environmentally Friendly Processes of ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation) and a Head of a System Integration Department at Neva-TeploTechnika Engineering Company (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation). He graduated National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) in 1999 and defended PhD thesis in 2008. His PhD study was in the field of Process Integration. He started to work at Spivdruzhnist-T Engineering Company where an energy audit and process integration of 22 industrial sites were executed. He has worked with refinery, coke-to chemical, chemical, cement, sugar, food and other industries. Since 2000 he has been working on EU projects: SYNERGY, DEMACSYS, SHERHPA, ECOPHOS, CONNECT, INTHEAT, DISKNET, EFENIS, CARBEN etc. From 2004 he worked at National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” as an Assistant and Associate Professor. 115 publications have been delivered. During his teaching career he prepared 4 new curricula, 5 teaching guides and more than 30 BSC and MSc students in Ukraine and Croatia. He has more than 10 years’ experience in software development. From 2013 he worked at Chemical Bromine plant as Deputy General Director on Development. In 2014 he got a NEWFELPRO grant, which was financed by Marie Curie Fund and Croatian Government. In 2016 he was a guest editor of Special Issue of Thermal Science Journal. He is a Scientific Advisory Board Member of several International Conferences. In 2017 he founded System Integration Department at Neva-TeploTechnika Engineering Company where, jointly with CAL GAVIN and HTRI, he shares the knowledge and experience to industry. His research interests are Process Integration, Process Simulation, Heat Exchangers, Heat Exchangers Networks, Heat Recovery, Total Site Integration, and Heat Transfer Enhancement.

Invited papers (10)
SPECIAL SESSION: Power-To-What (Gas, Heat, Vehicle, etc.) solution and their integration at different scales to decarbonize the energy systems
Session resume:

A wide range of energy storage systems coupled with energy planning design strategies are currently investigated for solving the renewable energy sources (RES) capacity firming. Intermittency of RES production is the main drawback in handling the energy transition towards high share of renewables in the energy systems. Large part of storage systems are analyzed by their Power-to-Power (P2P) reconversion efficiency but, the forthcoming and foreseeable interaction between electricity, heating and transport sectors call for new solutions and metrics. This session will be devoted to the design and evaluation of other Power-to-What (P2X) technologies, such as Power-To-Gas (P2G), Power-To-Heat (P2H), Power-To-Vehicle (P2V), etc. to boost the RES integration in the current systems in a narrow connection to Electricity, Heating and Cooling Networks Planning as well as present and future Transport sectors.

Electricity-to-Fuel, Electricity-to-Heat and Electricity-to-Transport would seem the paradigm shift to merge all the sectors and promote the Smart Energy Systems concept.

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Prof. Benedetto Nastasi
Tor Vergata University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Benedetto Nastasi is Assocciate Professor & Senior Energy Planner at Department of Industrial Engineering at Tor Vergata University of Rome. He got the PhD title with Honors from Sapienza University of Rome with a dissertation in Energy Systems Planning and Design. The core of his thesis was published in Energy (Elsevier) and became one of the Most Cited Paper 2016. He was rewarded for the Best Poster at 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference 2016 and Best Senior Researcher at SES4DH Conference 2018. Previous affiliations include TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, International Solar Energy Society and Guglielmo Marconi University, Italy. He is Editor at Renewable Energy (Elsevier) and Energies (MDPI), Associate Editor of Sustainable Buildings (EDP Sciences), Guest Editor at Frontiers in Energy Research, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy and Energies. His work is related to Power-to-What solutions for energy systems design with a specific focus on Built Environment. He authored more than 90 publications (H Index 37 in Scopus database).

Invited papers (10)


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.