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Capital Chatter

Monthly Newsletter for the ASIS National Capital Chapter

Issue #10, October 2014 

In This Issue

  • Chair Corner
  • Recap:  October Events
  • Renew Your ASIS Membership Today!
  • ASIS Foundation
  • ASIS Certification
  • Did You Know?
  • National Law Enforcement Museum
  • Check Out Our Neighboring Chapters!
  • Run with WIFLE
  • Member News
  • Upcoming Events

ASIS Foundation

Donate Now to the 2014 Lines of Hope Campaign

The ASIS Foundation will present its annual donation to Walter Reed Military Medical Center in early December.  You can make a difference in the lives of severely injured U.S. military personnel and their families with your donation of any size.

Donate online

ASIS Board Certification

Thinking About Earning Your Board Certification?

Hear from a range of security practitioners as they share their reasons for earning their certifications and offer advice to those thinking of applying for their CPP, PCI or PSP.

Apply now

Did You Know?

The ASIS National Capital Chapter usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  Adjustments to the schedule may be made due to scheduling conflicts or venue availability.  Check the events tab of our website for updates.  The 2015 calendar should be posted by mid-November.

CPPs, PSPs and PCIs can normally earn one (1) point towards recertification by attending monthly chapter meetings where educational sessions and briefings are included.

National Law Enforcement Museum

Officer Roll Call

The National Law Enforcement Museum recently presented, an interactive portion of the Museum in which officers, or friends and families of officers, can tell their stories. Go to and read fascinating law enforcement histories.

What's your story?  Go to and record your service or enroll another officer.  Your story will be shared through the Museum website and in the Museum after it opens.  Thank you, for honoring all law enforcement officers, past, present and future by sharing your story.

Check Out Our Neighboring Chapters!

Maryland Suburban Chapter November Chapter Meeting

Join the Maryland Suburban Chapter November Tuesday November 11th for an Intimate Luncheon & Discussion with one of the country's leading experts on terrorism

Richard Schoeberl has over 19 years of security and law enforcement experience. Richard's career includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency's National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). Richard has served at a variety of positions throughout his career ranging from  Supervisory Special Agent at the FBI's headquarters in Washington, D.C. to Acting Unit Chief of the International Terrorism Operations Section at the NCTC's headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Seating is very limited so please RSVP early


ASIS Hampton Roads Chapter Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

Congratulations to the Hampton Roads Chapter (#043) which celebrated its 55th anniversary on September 9th.


Run with WIFLE

Start your training now!

The 1st Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) half Marathon on March 22, 2015 at Prince William Park.  All proceeds Will benefit the WIFLE Scholarship Fund.  Entry Fees: $60 thru December 31, 2014 & $70 thru February 28, 2015.   

See the registration form for more information.


Member News

At the 60th Annual ASIS International Seminar & Exhibits, two National Capital Chapter members were recognized. by the ASIS Professional Certification Board (PCB).

The PCB presented Loye Manning, CPP, PSP (Sprint) with a “Regional Award” for her work in the National Capital Chapter CPP and PSP review sessions. 

Also recognized was Ann Trinca, Esq.,CPP, PSP, PCI (SecTek, Inc.).  Ann was awarded a “Certificate of Appreciation” for work on the CPP Job Analysis Task Force. 

 Certification Awards
 Ann Trinca, Esq.,CPP, PSP, PCI and Loye A. Manning, CPP, PSP with Rich Widup, CPP, 2014 ASIS President



Halloween Kids 

Chair Corner

Greetings NCC Members -

The year is very quickly coming to a close but there is no slowing down your National Capital Chapter!

The first annual Chapter Awards Ceremony & Reception was held on Tuesday, September 30th at the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits in Atlanta, GA. The ceremony was well attended by chapter and regional officers, to include the ASIS Awards Committee and members of the ASIS Board of Directors. The ceremony began with a brief presentation from the ASIS Awards Committee on the value of the Chapter Awards Program. The presentation was followed by the recognition portion of the awards ceremony. ASIS President, Richard Widup, Jr., CPP, ASIS Chairman of the Board, Geoffrey Craighead, CPP, Treasurer, David Davis, CPP, and President-Elect, Dave Tyson, CPP, announced the chapter award winners, and presented the awards on stage.  Ann Tasber, CPP, NCC Treasurer, John Gallagher, NCC Programs Chair, Jim Saulnier, CPP, Region 5A ARVP and Bob Battani, CPP, Region 5A RVP and I were present to receive the IB Hale Chapter of the Year Award and Newsletter of the Year Awards.  We were all honored to accept these awards on behalf of our Chapter members who help the NCC continue to grow and flourish.

ASIS Awards 

As we move toward the final months of 2014, we are starting to look toward 2015.  The Executive Board has started the planning process for the year but we could use your help.  We recently sent out invitations for the Annual Chapter Survey.  Your feedback is key to our planning process! I encourage you to take a few minutes to let us know what went well this year and how we can continue to improve and bring the most value to our members.  If you have not had the opportunity to respond yet, a reminder message will be sent out soon.

Another way to get involved is to volunteer as a committee chair or committee member.  There are a number of positions still open and we could use your help. Our most pressing needs are for a Communications Chair, Social Media Coordinator and Chapter Development Chair. Our Law Enforcement Appreciation, Young Professionals, Women in Security, Private Security Appreciation, and Security Seminar Committees could all use some help and new perspectives. We hope you will consider being a part of one of these important committees.  To volunteer or request additional information, send an email to:

ASIS NCC Volunteer Positions

As is our tradition, we will wrap up the year with our Holiday Celebration & Induction of Officers event.  I hope that you will join us on December 10th from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to celebrate with your fellow chapter members and meet your incoming Executive Board members.

Best regards,

Loye A. Manning, CPP, PSP
NCC Chair

Recap:  October Events

Mentoring Security Leaders Program Launch

On Tuesday, October 7th, the ASIS National Capital Chapter kicked off its Mentoring Security Leaders Program with an event at the Embassy Suites in Alexandria. The event marked the conclusion of the mentor-protégé matching process and the beginning of the six-month mentoring period. Protégés and mentors of all experience levels and backgrounds had an opportunity to network and discuss their motivations for participating with others in the program.

Christian Conroy, the coordinator of the Mentoring Security Leaders program for the NCC, discussed the role mentoring plays in closing the skill gaps intrinsic to career pathways within the security industry. Mr. Conroy officially announced the mentor-protégé pairings and laid out recommended practices and strategies for getting the most out of mentoring.

The Mentoring Security Leaders program, which has been successfully piloted at six ASIS chapters over the course of two years, is designed to match experienced security professionals with individuals who are new to the industry or those looking to advance into leadership positions.

October Chapter Meeting

The Chapter's October Meeting was held at the new Center for Personal Protection and Safety (CPPS) Global Training Center in Reston, VA on October 15th.  Our presentation was an interactive discussion regarding travel safety for business professionals and executives with Dave Benson, Chief Operating Officer, Center for Personal Protection and Safety.  Prior to joining CPPS, Dave served as Director of the Diplomatic Security Training Center at the Department of State in Washington DC where he was responsible for the all Security, Engineering, and Law Enforcement training within the Bureau.
Dave's discussion included essential skills everyone should know for traveling safely in today's increasingly unpredictable, global environment.  Additionally, he discussed best practices that should be considered for traveling safely in the international environment as part of the Executive Protection (EP) process and dealing with worst case scenarios.

The meeting concluded with a celebration of the Chapter's recent IB Hale Chapter of the Year and Newsletter of the Year awards.
We would like to thank CPPS for opening their facility to us and hosting our meeting.

 2014-Oct Mtg Dave Benson 
Happy Hour & Networking
Hosted by the ASIS NCC Women in Security

On October 28th, the ASIS National Capital Chapter Women in Security hosted a Happy Hour and Networking event at Fiona's Irish Pub in Alexandria, VA.  Everyone was invited to network with fellow security professionals in a relaxed atmosphere.  The turnout was great and everone had a great time. 

Thank you to Shelly Kozacek, NCC WIS Liaison who planned the event.
 WIS Event 1  WIS Event 2
 WIS Event 3 WIS Event 4 

Renew Your ASIS Membership Today!

The ASIS Board of Directors invites you to please take a moment to renew your ASIS membership so that you can secure your member benefits through 2015. The preferred method to complete your renewal is to simply go to your "My ASIS" page on the ASIS International website, sign into your "My ASIS," and select the "My Transaction" tab followed by "My Open Invoices" to view your renewal invoice.  Please select the invoice and "add to cart."  Note: Multi-year renewals are now available for up to three years, should you choose to extend your membership beyond 2015.

This year, ASIS will be holding a drawing the last business day of each month for those who have renewed so far.  The winner will receive a $100 gift card. The earlier you renew, the more months you will be eligible to win.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact ASIS Member Services representatives by email at or by telephone at +1.703.519.6200 between 09:00 and 17:00 (ET), Monday-Friday.

 Chapter Dues

As a security professional and member of ASIS International living or working in the National Capital Area, you are automatically a member of the National Capital Chapter.   Each year the Chapter presents educational events and recognition luncheons, many of which are self-supporting; however, the website and communications media that advertise and drive attendance are not and present a sizable budget challenge each year.  We invite you to support the NCC through our annual dues drive.

Through our dues and special donations, the National Capital Chapter also funds our Security Education Foundation granting scholarships to qualifying area students working towards degrees at the associates, baccalaureate, and graduation levels. 
To carry on these worthy goals and objectives, the National Capital Chapter needs your financial support. Your  annual contribution assures our critical programs and events are funded.  Annual Chapter dues are $25.00 and we will begin collection of 2015 dues in November. Chapter dues are not included in your ASIS international Membership Fee.

To renew your membership dues, please visit our member portal
Please note:  You must be a member of ASIS International in good standing to be a member of the ASIS National Capital Chapter.  Chapter dues are valid for the calendar year (January 1 - December 31) and are non-refundable.

"In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport.  You must also be prepared to work hard and willing to accept constructive criticism.  Without 100 percent dedication, you won’t be able to do this."

- Willie Mays


Previous Issues

About Us

The ASIS National Capital Chapter official charter was issued on April 27, 1957 and our volunteers have been in constant service to ASIS and our chapter members ever since.

 ASIS National Capital Chapter 
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ASIS National Capital Chapter
P.O. Box 2014
Reston, VA  20195-2014


2014 ASIS NCC Leadership
Loye A. Manning, CPP, PSP
BJ Folayan, CPP, CHS-V, CPM
Chris Czarnowski
Ann Tasber, CPP
Programs Chair/

John Gallagher
Upcoming Events
ASIS Assets Protection Course (TM): Principles of Security (APC I)
November 3 - 6, 2014
Courtyard Philadelphia Downtown
Philadelphia, PA
Learn more
ASIS Maryland Suburban Chapter Meeting
November 11, 2014
Germantown, MD
ASIS NCC November Chapter Meeting
Legalization of Marijuana
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
USA Today Headquarters
McLean, VA
Wharton/ASIS Program for Security Executives
November 16 - 21, 2014
Learn more
ASIS/ASW Global Security Forum
November 26, 2014
Berlin, Germany
Learn more
ASIS 8th Asia-Pacific Security Forum & Exhibition
December 7 - 9, 2014
Learn more
Holiday Celebration & Induction of 2015 Officers

December 10, 2014
USA Today Headquarters
McLean, VA
Access Control Trends and Technology for 2015
December 10, 2014
ASIS International Webinar
Learn more
Viewpoints in Healthcare Security: Achieve Success in Today's Healthcare Environment
Sponsored by the ASIS Healthcare Security Council
February 2-3, 2015
Alexandria, Virginia
Learn more
Looking for a New Opportunity?

See what is new in the ASIS Career Center.

Additionally, our LinkedIn group page now has a job announcements. Click on the Jobs tab at the top of the the LinkedIn group page.

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