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British "Proms Concert" at Stadtcasino Basel

Dear Member and Reader,

This a great opportunity to attend a British ”Proms Concert” by the Sinfonie Orchester Collegium Musicum Basel conducted by Kevin Griffiths on Friday 17 April at 19.30 in the Grosser Musiksaal, Stadtcasino in Basel.

One of the soloists is coming over specially from the UK. The soloists are Michael Reid (Dudelsack) and George Humphreys (Baritone).

The programme includes

 Tam O'Shanter                              
 Malcom Arnold
 Songs of Travel     
 Vaughn Williams
 Pomp and Cicumstance 
 Edward Elgar
 Knightsbridge March 
 Eric Coates
 Sea Songs Suite      
 Henry Wood 
 Orkney Wedding with Sunrise  
 Peter Maxwell Davies

Members intending to attend the concert should obtain their tickets directly online at or at various ticket corners including Bidder + Tanner (, BAZ, SBB etc.

The event will be jointly with the British Residents’ Association of Switzerland and the Royal Overseas League and is of course a concert open to the general public.

To round the evening off, we plan to meet after the concert for a drink in the Campari Bar just opposite, part of the Kunsthalle and Basel Theatre complex next to the Tinguely Fountains.

It would be helpful to know if BSCC members and guests are attending by sending a short email to Basel Chapter Committee Member who can also be reached if urgent by mobile +41 763 789 987.

We look forward to seeing you at this special event!

Your BSCC Basel Chapter

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