We are delighted for the opportunity to share our Elementary School Program with you. Our courses have been thoughtfully prepared, to provide a family-centered, school supported education. Each course and unit study is designed to inspire and engage students in a rich academic adventure, taught in light of the restored gospel. Please complete the form below to apply for admission to Ensign Peak Academy's Elementary School Enrolled Student Program.

All elementary school (K-6) students who are members of the same family may be included on this single application.




Please read the following agreements. You will be asked to indicate agreement below, which applies to all students included on this application.

Student Agreement 1: As student(s) of Ensign Peak Academy, I understand and agree to the following participation conditions: I agree to learn, explore, do activities, create things, try hard, have fun and follow the directions of my parents and mentors. I also agree to make a record of my learning.

Student Agreement 2: To the best of my age and ability, I understand and agree to the following student honor code agreement, which is to strive to follow "For the Strength of Youth" standards (e.g. language, music, media, etc.) at all times and in all places, and strive not to engage in bullying behavior.

Parent Agreement: I agree that (if at any time I enroll in live courses) my student's name, voice, and image (e.g. video) may be recorded as part of the Ensign Peak Academy live clubs, meetings and events, and that by enrolling in the program, I grant Ensign Peak Academy a full, perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to share these recordings with school staff. Such recordings will not be shared in any other manner, with any other person or entity, except for the following: I grant Ensign Peak Academy permission to publish screenshots of live meetings in its yearbook. I also agree that, on other occasions, my student may be asked to submit video assignments that may include display of my student's name, voice, and/or video image. I grant Ensign Peak Academy a full, perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to share these video assignments, including with other students. I agree that my student's mentors may respond to video assignments with video and audio feedback. I acknowledge that Ensign Peak Academy will showcase examples of good student work on its blog or other online channels, and I grant permission for Ensign Peak Academy to showcase my student's submissions on its website, yearbook or other online channels.




You will be asked to indicate your grade level. The following grade level dates are provided as guidelines and are not requirements. If a parent prefers that their student enroll in a grade level outside of these guidelines, please call or email the program director to discuss and request approval prior to submitting this application.


*Time Zone:
*Parent Agreement:
*Student Agreement 1:
*Student Agreement 2:
Describe your reasons for applying:
*Student #1 Gender:
*Student #1 Grade Level:
Student #2 Gender:
Student #2 Grade Level:
Student #3 Gender:
Student #3 Grade Level:
Student #4 Gender:
Student #4 Grade Level:



Please check the box next to this roster, which is a key function of this application and is used for enrollment and school communications.

Important note: Due to the technical configuration of this form, your application will not be submitted without checking this box.
