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Volume 1


February 2015

Hello Iowa School Leaders,
We trust you are having a wonderful school year and will be glad to see winter behind us.  Spring brings a new opportunity for planning and collaborative conversations.  This newsletter includes three great opportunities:

  1. Continuous School Improvement through Accreditation Workshop (March 11, 2015) - An opportunity to learn about or revisit the AdvancED Performance Accreditation Protocol and have great forward thinking conversations with colleagues. 
  2. Real Time/Real Learning – serving on an AdvancED External Review Team is a great professional learning experience.
  3. The eleot™ app Launches – Learn more about the eleot app and how it can provide data to guide your Continuous School Improvement journey.

Please be sure to check out these exciting articles below.  We look forward to working with you as we create a world of opportunities for all learners.

Tina Woolsey, Ed.D.

AdvancED Iowa

Quick Links
Continuous Improvement Workshop

The AdvancED Performance Accreditation Protocol is a research-based framework that supports the process of accreditation but also provides a means to engage in continuous improvement.  The Protocol includes an ongoing internal review process and an External Review. Maintaining a culture that supports continuous improvement requires self-reflection while keeping stakeholders motivated and engaged.  A performance-based model, the AdvancED protocol employs diagnostic tools for institutions to conduct an internal review. These reviews are focused on evaluating performance related to the AdvancED Standards and Indicators, Student Performance and Stakeholder Feedback. The process of internal reflection helps institutions move forward in their ongoing improvement efforts. The External Review provides focused feedback, as well as evaluation and validation of the institution’s improvement efforts.

This workshop will provide schools and school systems an overview of the AdvancED process including the following topics:

  • An Overview of the AdvancED Protocol 
  • AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools and School Systems
  • Student Performance Diagnostic: Using your Achievement Results
  • Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic: Using your Survey Results
  • Goals and Improvement Plans
  • Executive Summary and Assurances
  • External Review Process
  • Maintaining Momentum for Continuous Improvement

Schools are encouraged to send a leadership team of teachers and administrators as the workshop is designed to provide school teams the knowledge and skills to lead the internal review process in their school or system.  Register today.

Real Time Learning, Real Time Impact
Educators from around the world rate their service on an External Review Team as one of the most powerful professional development experiences in their careers.  We invite you to engage in real time learning and make a real time impact by serving on an External Review Team.  Past team members have found the experience to be both rewarding and inspiring.  The time commitment varies based on whether you serve on an External Review for a school or school system.  Whichever review you serve on, your expertise and knowledge will be invaluable.  You also can use this experience as an opportunity to prepare for your school’s review.  To assist you with gaining insight from and giving the most to the External Review, trained Lead Evaluators are assigned to each review to assist, support and coach the team throughout the process.  If you are interested in this great opportunity, please contact our office.
The eleot™ App Launches

You’ve experienced the impact of the Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool™ (eleot™) during your External Review or through serving on a team.  What if you could conduct your own observations in any classroom anytime?  The eleot app now is available for you!  An innovative, formative tool for continuous improvement, eleot measures evidence of classroom environments that are conducive to learning.  This is great for your continuous improvement, peer learning and professional development goals.  The eleot is quick and simple to use.  You’ll be able to load your schedule, identify courses, grade levels, time in the classroom and gather beneficial data about the classroom experience.  Data then can be easily aggregated and disaggregated providing you with the ability to identify trends and inform the instructional decision-making process.  Interested? Get eleot today!

AdvancED, the home of NCA CASI, NWAC and SACS CASI, is dedicated to
advancing excellence in education worldwide.

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