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MOHEG Chapter News

2015 1st Quarter


Albert Einstein said,  “Try not to be a man (person) of success.  Try to be a man (person) of value.”  Not just another numbers guy (person)?

Eliminate These Poor Listening Habits

To be successful in the workplace, it is imperative to be a strong listener. Listening enables leaders to not only take in information objectively before analyzing the information and using it to make decisions, but also to show respect to the person speaking. If the below habits sound familiar, work to eliminate them.


Drifting off as another person is speaking can lead to embarrassing moments of continually asking, “What did you say?” Stay engaged during the conversation, and ask relevant questions as the speaker delves into the topic at hand.


When assessing a speaker’s appearance, clothing or habits, it’s difficult to hear the message he or she is trying to convey. Focus on maintaining good eye contact to trigger your ability to concentrate. The other person’s appearance is always less important than his or her message, and it is important to be respectful to the speaker.


Considering your rebuttal to a specific point and forming an article in your head prevents you from focusing on the speaker’s presentation as a whole. This practice will only hurt you in the long run. You’ll miss important points of the conversation and will only be able to speak to one aspect of what was said instead of the presentation as a whole. Take notes during the presentation and form your opinion as you go. Once the speaker is done, take a moment to compose yourself and use your notes to craft your own speech.


This involves giving the appearance of being an engaged listener by nodding and agreeing with whatever you hear without actively engaging in what is being said. A strong listener pays attention and challenges the speaker when necessary. Focus on the presentation and actively listen, instead of pretending.

—Adapted from Communication Solutions December 2014 newsletter,


Five Methods to Engage a New Employee

According to PwC Saratoga’s Human Capital Effectives Report 2013/14, 22 percent of new employees leave within their first year. Successfully engaging a new hire increases retention rates and can go a long way to increasing employee engagement. Below are five ways to successfully welcome a new hire.

Showing Your Appreciation for New Hires

Changing jobs and starting fresh can be intimidating, especially if there is a probation period involved. New employees are searching for assurance that employers recognize their talent and are excited to have them on board. Let new hires know you are interested in seeing how they can shape the future of the company. Everyone needs to feel valued, even in some small way.

Connect the Dots

A key contributor to job satisfaction is the feeling employees have of being part of something bigger. Work to make the connection between your employees’ skills and the goals of the organization. A new employee orientation—either formal or informal—is a way to relate the company’s mission, vision and goals to the skills and experiences of the new hire.

Dole Out Relevant Projects Immediately

Assigning a new hire a project that plays to their strengths and builds their competencies directly upon their start date allows employees to quickly integrate within the organization. Helping them to achieve instant success will also increase their credibility with clients and colleagues.

Create a New Employee Ambassador Position

Having HR or a hiring manager appoint someone within the company to show the ropes to a new hire can be incredibly successful. However, it is important this person has both the time and inclination to take on such a project. Pick a corporate cheerleader who will help to make the new employee feel at home.

Appoint a Mentor

A mentor can reduce the stress of a new employee caused by performing new skills and duties and having a new manager, colleagues and customers. A strong mentor can help a new employee integrate into a company as quickly as possible so they can begin focusing on their work and results.

Helping employees feel valued, competent and part of something important is incredibly helpful to making them feel they have made a smart career move. The quicker they begin to integrate and feel happy with their decision, the faster they feel engaged, confident and able to contribute to the organization.

—Adapted from an article by Jen Lawrence in the December 2014 issue of the Communication Briefings newsletter,

Apply for a Tuition Waiver

To reduce the ACHE educational programming barriers for ACHE members experiencing economic hardship, ACHE has established the Tuition Waiver Assistance Program.

ACHE makes a limited number of tuition waivers available to Members and Fellows whose organizations lack the resources to fund their tuition for education programs. Members and Fellows in career transition are also encouraged to apply. Tuition waivers are based on financial need and are available for the following ACHE education programs:

  • Congress on Healthcare Leadership
  • Cluster Seminars
  • Self-Study Programs
  • Online Education Programs
  • ACHE Board of Governors Exam Review Course

All requests are due no less than eight weeks before the program date, with the exception of ACHE self-study courses—see quarterly application deadlines on the FAQ page of the tuition waiver application. Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Recipients will be notified of the waiver review panel's decision not less than six weeks before the program date. For ACHE self-study courses, applicants will be notified three weeks after the quarterly application deadline.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Teri Somrak, associate director, Division of Professional Development, at (312) 424-9354 or For more information, visit

You can also contact Janet Weckenborg, ACHE Regent for additional information for support.

Board of Governors Exam is at the End of April, are you ready? Access Complimentary Resources for the Board of Governors Exam

For Members starting on the journey to attain board certification and the FACHE® credential, ACHE offers complimentary resources to help them succeed so they can be formally recognized for their competency, professionalism, ethical decision making and commitment to lifelong learning. These resources, which include the Exam Online Community, the Board of Governors Examination in Healthcare Management Reference Manual and quarterly Advancement Information webinars, are designed to be supplements to other available Board of Governors Exam study resources, such as the Board of Governors Review Course and Online Tutorial.

  • The Exam Online Community is an interactive platform to learn and glean study tips from other Members taking the Exam. The community was recently redesigned, and its new look and streamlined navigation features are intended to enhance the member experience in utilizing this study tool. Participants can discuss Exam topics with experts and have the option to participate in study groups. Interested Members may join the Exam Online Community at
  • The Reference Manual, found at, includes a practice 230-question exam and answer key, a list of recommended readings, test-taker comments and study tips. 
  • Fellow Advancement Information webinars provide a general overview of the Fellow advancement process, including information about the Board of Governors Exam, and allow participants to ask questions about the advancement process. An upcoming session is scheduled for Dec. 11. Register online at

Upcoming Events

April 11, 2015 - The Positioning of FQHC's in the Era of Healthcare Reform
Area: St. Louis, MO
Time: 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

The capacity for this event has been increased,

Register by April 3, 2015.

April 24, 2015 - SIUE - Project Techniques in Healthcare Organizations
Area: St. Louis, MO /  Southern Illinois
Time: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

Utilizing Project Management Techniques to Successfully Lead Change in Healthcare Organizations and to Implement Strategic Plans for Successful Operations.

Get More Information about this Event

Register Online!


Submit an Article

We would love to see articles from our members.  If you write articles for your hospital or firm, send them over and we will put them into the next issue of the Chapter news.

Remaining 2015 Deadlines for article submissions to the Chapters News:

May 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
November 15, 2015

Please send them to

Get Involved in a Committee


The Missouri Healthcare Executives Group is in need for some additional volunteers to help out on committees. This is a great way to give back to the profession.

Below is a list of possible committees that could use some help.

Programming Committee
Membership Committee
Student Committee
Sponsorship Committee

There are also

Please send an email to MOHEG@QABS.COM if you are interested in volunteering

In This Issue

  • Tidbits

  • Eliminate These Poor Listening Habits

  • Five Methods to Engage a New Employee

  • Get Tuition Waivers

  • Board of Governors Exam

  • Submit an Article

  • Get Involved

Upcoming Events

Apr 17th - The Positioning of FQHC

Apr 24th - Project Techniques

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