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April 2013

The latest publications from the IMF provide an authoritative perspective on topics such as public spending and financial management, the Eastern Caribbean Economic and Currency Union, the South African Customs Union, and Germany's role in the global economy. The World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, and Fiscal Monitor provide the most up-to-date forecasts and analyses on the global economy.
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Public Financial Management and Its Emerging Architecture

Public financial management (PFM)—the fine art of budgeting, spending, and managing public monies—has seen an influx of innovations and reforms over the past two decades. This book poses critical questions about these reforms, which include fiscal rules, fiscal responsibility legislation, medium-term budget frameworks, fiscal councils, performance budgeting, and accrual accounting.
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        2013 Catalog        
Eastern-Caribbean-sm The Eastern Caribbean Economic and Currency Union: Macroeconomics and Financial Systems The Eastern Caribbean Economic and Currency Union (OECS/ECCU) is one of four currency unions in the world. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the key issues in the OECS/ECCU, including its organization and economic and financial sector linkages and policy recommendations to foster economic growth. It combines coverage of various analytical topics with a discussion of the institutional setup of the economic and monetary union.
South-Africa-FINAL Building a Common Future in Southern Africa
The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) faces challenges related to the volatility of its customs revenue, the management of fiscal policy, and high levels of unemployment. However, significant opportunities lie ahead. This book offers policy options to address these challenges and realize future opportunities through the analysis of macroeconomic and structural issues facing SACU countries.


Germany in an Interconnected World Economy
The German economy has continually displayed a capacity to regenerate itself. Its emergence from the Great Recession—and especially its ability to generate jobs—has been widely, and rightly, lauded. With its success, Germany has been called on to assist the global recovery. This edited volume provides a broad overview of German economic growth and international connections over the past half century. It also looks at Germany’s role in the post-crisis global economy and offers some policy proposals.


arrowComing Soon - New Reports on the Global Economy
      WEO-sm                    GFSR-sm                     Fiscal-Monitor-sm
The latest reports from the IMF on the global economy will be released this week. You can read these insightful reports FREE in the IMF eLibrary. The World Economic Outlook and Fiscal Monitor will be available on April 16 and the Global Financial Stability Report will be available on April 17. You may also pre-order the print editions of these reports in the IMF Bookstore by clicking on the covers above.
arrowIMF eLibrary News

NEW IMF eLibrary Interface - Our new and improved eLibrary is now live. We hope that the new site will be more intuitive and help you to access our publication content more quickly. Browse over 13,000 IMF publications, reports, and Working Papers.

FREE Webinar Training Series - the next webinar for the IMF eLibrary is on May 9. The training will cover search, navigation, and use of publications and data. 

FREE eLibrary Subscription Program for academic, non-profit, and governmental institutions in developing countries. The program provides full and free access to all the IMF's publications and data.
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