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April 2021
Let's get social!
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Moment
"We Can & Should Do More" -
Hotel Industry Announces $5 Million, 5-Year Diversity Plan

Elevating Diversity & Inclusion:
4 Ways Leaders Can Take the Challenge

How to Stop Asian Hate | Successful Meetings

Get Involved & Volunteer with MPI St. Louis!
Our Membership Committee is looking for volunteers! If you are interested in learning more about engaging with our members and becoming more involved with MPI St. Louis by volunteering, please contact Kaitlin Jakel (VP of Membership). Click here for a list of volunteer positions available.

Check out MPI St. Louis'
Newest Members & Anniversaries!

Make sure to welcome our newest chapter members, and congratulate those celebrating an anniversary. Read more>>  

Recent Job Alerts
Looking for a new opportunity? Check out these openings.

All About Wellness
How Planners Can Fight Back Against
Work From Home Distractions

Amazon Smile Fundraiser
US smile Orange@2x
If you already shop on Amazon, please visit Search by "MPI St. Louis". No added cost to you, but Amazon will donate to MPI St. Louis on your behalf. 
Other Headlines
Save the Dates!
Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) will be held on April 8th both in-person at America's Center and virtually.
MPI After Five! Networking Event on April 14th at 9 Mile Garden
EduCon 2021 will take place at the Marriott St. Louis Grand on May 20th! More details to follow.
Trivia Night will be held on June 10th at River City Casino. Details are forthcoming!

Success story from a recent event (Give It Up For 24)

Don't Forget to update your email address with MPI St. Louis!

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