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Monthly Dose for the Monthly Close

For the Evolving Accounting Department

March 2014


About ART

ART equips executives with striking insight into their balance sheet by transforming the account reconciliation process.  Do away with spreadsheets, crazy emailing and manual distractions.  Enjoy ART's powerful workflow management and reporting tools to automate account reconciliations and become more productive without ever installing software.


Three Ways to Torture Your CFO

Redefining Management's Expectations on Quality, Productivity and Cost of Maintaining a Healthy Balance Sheet


We Know That...

Adopting new technology is a big change.  That’s why we offer different ways to help you decide if ART is right for your accounting group. 

Watch a short video on what we do, how ART works and the ways you can benefit.

Schedule a private demo for your group to see how ART can transform your account reconciliation process without breaking the bank. 

See if ART can drive productivity and automation into your monthly close by lightening workload, standardizing and creating total transparency.

What's Our Procedure?

  Nancy Wu, Head of Client Service

Documentation of company procedures is probably one of the most important activities there is.  It is also one of the most wide interpreted activities.  Some processes are documented in broad strokes, while others capture detailed instructions and resemble desktop procedures.

The goal of procedural documentation is to preserve intellectual knowledge of the organization and to instruct employees on how things should work.  The more detailed and specific a set of procedures is documented, the more likely these objectives can be met.  But that also means more maintenance in the form of periodic updates, which may sometimes be impractical.

At a minimum, a good set of procedures should have the following pieces of information included:

1. Listing of major activities within the process, along with step-by-step guidance on how to complete them. 

2. Names of documents and reports needed to complete the process, as well as sources (internal department, system reports, vendor, etc.).  Include copies of old reports and documents for reference.  For time-sensitive information, timing of submission/retrieval is also relevant.

3. Deliverables, if any, that comes out of the process.  Include past examples for reference.

And that's really it.  At a minimum, you should have enough documented so that a brand new person can roughly execute the process without major assistance.

We're Your "Close" Friend

At SkyStem, we believe that the Close process shouldn’t be so beastly.  We help you close the books fast, get it done right, so you can get on with the rest of your month!

See how we can help automate and streamline your month-end account reconciliations.



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