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April 22, 2020

Dear readers, 

After COVID-19: Will the next threat be human resistance to antibiotics?

As part of the Tech Council’s continuing series, “Crossing the coronavirus chasm,” we’ll hear from Jo Handelsman, director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, during a noon Tuesday, April 28th webinar.

Individual and corporate members of the Wisconsin Technology Council may register now to learn about antibiotic resistance and the urgency in the search for alternatives.

In addition to directing WID, the UW-Madison’s multi-disciplinary research center, Handelman is a Vilas Research and Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor. She was as a science advisor to President Barack Obama, serving as associate director for science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for three years. She earned her Ph.D. at the UW-Madison in Molecular Biology and has since authored more than 200 scientific research publications, 30 editorials, 29 essays and six books.

Her laboratory has taken a deeper look at the microbial communities of soil in the search for antibiotic alternatives, with the “Tiny Earth” project marking the launch of a worldwide antibiotic-discovery initiative.

There are limited “seats” in the Zoom meeting. Members of the Tech Council and its programs, the Tech Council Innovation Network and the Tech Council Investor Networks, may email Julie Johnson at to reserve a spot. Meeting log-in credentials and other guidelines for the hour-long session will be sent by prior to the event.

The Tech Council is pleased to produce this seminar for its members in Wisconsin and beyond. This event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

To join the Tech Council and to access this and future webinars or conferences, contact Angela Schlobohm at

Handelsman blue
Jo Handelsman 

Stay tuned for announcements about virtual Tech Council webinars on COVID-19 issues of interest to our members and others.

Do you have news or best practices to contribute to a future edition of Tech Council Current?


Tom Still, president

View Tom Still’s full InsideWis archives by clicking here.

Guest column: I just got laid off. What should I do?

Layoffs aren’t new, but that doesn’t make it any less shocking when you get laid off without warning. The swift surge of layoffs in the United States and around the world due to the coronavirus shutdown is something we’ve never seen before. For many, this is unfamiliar territory. Here are a few actionable items if you have recently found yourself out of a job. Take a deep breath, realize that you’re not alone, and then start to work through some of these items.

Click here to read the full column by Tech Council member DeWitt in our newsroom.

Mitch DeWitt

We want to know how you’re doing!

Please complete a brief online survey, the results of which we believe will be helpful to policymakers, news media and others as Wisconsin prepares for the economic aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us emphasis “brief” really means brief in this survey, with only 11 questions – counting demographics – and all questions answerable via radial buttons. It’s anonymous and asks for your thoughts on the timing of the economic recovery, what actions can help your organization, targeted workforce needs and more. We’ll publish the results when they’re tabulated. You do not need to be the CEO to complete the survey!


2020 Wisconsin Business Plan Contest

We recently announced a fantastic crop of 28 finalists , and we’re looking forward to the competition entering the next phase. If you’re able to contribute services to the prize kitty – legal, accounting, consulting, office space, media and design, cash or something else a young company might want – please contact us. Email your ideas to: and she’ll get back to you. Thanks for helping this exciting group of entrepreneurs advance their companies during a challenging time.

SBDC presents Keys to Business Survival: Cash Flow and SBA Relief Options on Thursday April 23

BizTimes is hosting COVID Era and Beyond: Managing Workforce Liability Under a New Normal on Thursday, April 23

DreamBank is hosting Sales During Social Distancing: Thriving in the New Normal with Ashley Quinto Powell on Thursday, April 23

German Marshall Fund presents Beyond the Peak: Coronavirus Update from Europe on Thursday, April 23

Aberdean Consulting is hosting several webinars to enhance the remote working environment safety:
Hosting a Teams Live Event (part 1 of 2) on Wednesday, April 29
Collaborate with Microsoft OneNote on Thursday, April 23 and Thursday, May 7
Microsoft Outlook Productivity Hacks on Tuesday, May 5
Using Microsoft Forms and Power Automate for Live Events (part 2 of 2) on Wednesday, May 6

The Creative Company will present Communicating with Clarity during COVID-19 on Monday, April 27

HyperInnovation is offer a free Emerging Tech Hub Online Showcase on Tuesday, April 28

Baker Tilly is offering a Crisis, continuity and recovery: A real-time enterprise risk workshop on Wednesday, April 29

The Fitchburg Chamber Visitor + Business Bureau is hosting a Fitchburg Focus Economic Development Update webinar on Thursday, April 30

Quarles & Brady
is offering a Key Bankruptcy Considerations Heading into a Recession on Tuesday, May 5

upcoming virtual events

·       WEDC Small Business 2020 Program: Assistance will be available to Wisconsin-based Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) List of All 23 CDFIs in Wisconsin to provide grants to their existing loan clients to help mitigate business-related cash flow issues in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Approved CDFIs will make program grants (up to $20,000) available to for-profit businesses meeting the following criteria: Current loan recipient in good standing as of 3/1/20 with the approved CDFI (or its collaborating CDFIs); 20 or fewer PT/FT employees; Greater than $0 but less than $2 million in annual revenues; and, preference should be given to service and retail businesses

·       Gov. Evers’ office has launched a statewide COVID-19 website that aggregates information and resources throughout state government.
COVID-19 Volunteer Program
Religious Gatherings and Services
DVA Assistance to Needy Veterans Program
Gov. Evers Announces Badger Bounce Back Plan

·       The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development produced this helpful Frequently Asked Questions document.

·       WEDC has compiled a comprehensive overview of their resources along with state and federal resources to assist Wisconsin citizens aimed at maintaining the viability of the companies upon which our economy depends.

·       Report any scams or price gouging to Wisconsin Department of Justice: If you suspect fraud or a scam, Attorney General Kaul suggests filing a complaint online at

·       Small Business Administration (SBA) has guidance for businesses, Pending congressional and presidential approval, the SBA may offer another round of low-interest Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) and Paycheck Protection Program loans for businesses and non-profits impacted by coronavirus

·       Centers for Disease Control: Coronavirus latest updates

·       Wisconsin Department of Health Services: COVID-19 Outbreaks in Wisconsin

·       The FDIC has provided guidance to banking institutions and consumers affected by COVID-19 and encouraged financial institutions to work constructively with borrowers and customers in affected communities.

·       The Department of Labor has issued guidance on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements.

·       NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers are providing services to small- and medium-sized manufacturers such as connecting businesses that are pivoting their production in response to the coronavirus to new supply chains, connecting firms with state resources, advising companies on new operational issues, and providing workforce support.

·        “Wisconsin COVID-19 Startup Talentis a new project to help those displaced from jobs and employers now hiring

·       The Department of the Defense has established the Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF) for COVID-19 to assess and rapidly respond to challenges presented by this pandemic. They are collecting information from both government and non-government personnel who are interested in getting involved. All resources and solutions are welcome from industry, academia, venture capital firms, individual contributors and more. Request information here.

·       Wisconsin Hospital Association releases a COVID-19 dynamic Situational Awareness Update

·       View an interactive map of public wi-fi “hot spots” in Wisconsin

CoVID-19 news graphic - BIZ resources

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Stay on top of the real-time news coming out of the Tech Council.
We're on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram!

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 CoVID-19 news graphic Wisconsin State Journal: Exact Sciences announces pay cuts, furloughs amid COVID-19 pandemic
CapTimes: Blank and Gard talk about navigating unprecedented disruptions at UW
Release: Artificial intelligence from Epic triggers fast, lifesaving care for COVID-19 patients
The New York Times: New U.S. treatment guidelines for COVID-19 don’t see much progress
Wisconsin State Journal: Survey: 35% of Wisconsin businesses could close permanently if shutdown continues for 3 months
The Journal Times: Senate approves next aid bill as cancellations keep mounting
Forbes: CDC director warns a second coronavirus wave would be ‘even more difficult’
Milwaukee Business Journal: Wisconsin Gov. Evers tells state businesses to be patient, keep state moving forward
The Journal Times: Autopsies show U.S. virus deaths started weeks earlier than first reported
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Vice President Mike Pence touts manufacturing of ventilators in visit to GE Healthcare facility in Madison
The Wall Street Journal: Should venture-backed firms take stimulus money?
Wisconsin State Journal: United Way to disburse about $1.5 million in COVID-19 grants to 90 organizations


View The Show full archives by clicking here.

CoVID-19 news graphic - other resources

  • WI Health Connect: Think you may have COVID-19? Free, confidential over-the-phone screening now available.
  • Live dashboard with QUICK NUMBERS and FACTS on the IMPACT of COVID-19
  • IdeaAdvance: Get your idea off the ground: Learn more about this $75,000 seed fund.
  • Newance is offering free “Office Hours” for business leaders: Reach out to Amanda Daering.
  • Fiveable offers free AP assistance, the exams through CollegeBoard are scheduled for at-home and online in May.
  • Access Microsoft’s efforts to help teams work remotely and navigate online.
  • Michael Best has formed a COVID-19 Task Force to address business and legal implications.
  • Reinhart’s Coronavirus Resource Center includes the impact of HR 6201 on employees.
  • BDO monitors the latest COVID-19 business impacts and regulatory updates.
  • Wisconsin Veteran’s Chamber of Commerce: Member guide, understanding COVID-19 and how to plan.
  • Learn more about Epic tools that can help you and your organization treat and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • WIPLFi: Information to help businesses and individuals weather the coronavirus.
  • Quarles & Brady has created a resource of COVID-19 articles that impact clients and businesses.
  • Wisconsin Department of Tourism is actively planning for Wisconsin’s economic COVID-19 recovery.
  • Click here to sign up for the WisPolitics/WisBusiness daily healthcare report.
  • gener8tor is working in conjunction with AmFam Institute to host emergency one-week virtual programs for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Husch Blackwell explores issues at the intersection of law and public health emergencies.
  • TASC is making its expertise and emergency benefit accounts available for free to Dane County employers in 2020.
  • Neider & Boucher provides their clients with the necessary focus to help define and reach their goals during COVID-19.
  • UW-Madison’s CROWE researchers track and analyze the economic impact of COVID-19 in Wisconsin and beyond.
  • WMC launched a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Resource Center and Employer Toolkit.
  • Godfrey & Kahn’s COVID-19 Resource Center provides timely insights on the unique legal challenges and business implications created by the pandemic
  • Baker Tilly’s Coronavirus Resource Center: how an unplanned event such as the COVID-19 outbreak can affect your organization, employees, customers and suppliers.
  • The Burish Group: UBS Business Owner Resiliency Center



Tech Council Innovation
Tech Council Innovation Network membership:
Experience for yourself why the Innovation Network has been a Tech Council tradition for over a decade. With more than two dozen events annually, you'll expand your network while learning from top-notch speakers. When you become a member, your membership applies to all chapters, statewide. With a variety of membership types to choose from, you and/or your company will be sure to find a membership that fits your business goals. Join today!

Need help finding the membership level right for you?
Please contact Angela Schlobohm, development & member
relations director: or 608-442-7557.

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Tech Council Investor Networks membership:
Your $750 Investor Networks membership entitles you to one free pass to our two major conferences (Entrepreneurs' Conference and Early Stage Symposium), as well as regular Tech Council Innovation Network events.
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                                         THANK YOU TO OUR MAJOR SPONSORS
Phone: (608) 442-7557
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