
IMF eLibrary Update, June 2014
Dear IMF eLibrary Subscriber,           


We are pleased to announce some recent additions to the already impressive set of tools available to IMF eLibrary subscribers:


  • Annotations – users with personalized accounts can now easily annotate passages of text from IMF publications and share them with other users of the IMF eLibrary.  We envisage this tool facilitating discussion and stimulating debate on the fascinating research the IMF produces on topics such as financial crises, macroprudential policy, and inequality.
  • Microsites – the volume of content in the IMF eLibrary is vast!  To assist our users in pinpointing the most relevant information more quickly, we have put together a selection of subject and country-based microsites.  Simply click on the "Subject" and "Country" links at the top of the IMF eLibrary homepage to access curated content including publications, data, and video.
  • Suggested links – the next time you perform a search in the IMF eLibrary you may find a new feature called "Suggested links" appearing at the top of your search results.  We have made some improvements to search so the most relevant results appear first.
  • "Single Sign On" (SSO) – this feature seamlessly enables navigation between IMF publications, data, and AREAER.  SSO makes it easier to create your own personalized space within the IMF eLibrary for saving searches, capturing content for use in custom book creation, and accessing the additional tools which personalization unlocks.

In the next two months we will be rolling out plenty more useful features including updated tutorial videos, improved metadata with additional country and topic information, Crossref-linked citations, related search results, and search results from other publishers such as the ILO and ADB.


Specifically for the librarian community, please look for additional access and self-service option over the next few months and easier access to COUNTER compliant reports.


We trust you are enjoying your subscription to the IMF eLibrary and are finding plenty of value in the 14,000+ publications, IMF Statistical databases, the Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements & Exchange Restrictions (AREAER) database, and helpful tools and features.


Thank you for your continued support.


Jeremy Clift


International Monetary Fund


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