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October 2013

Volume 4, Number 4

We want to know! Let everyone know what's up with you by sending your news item to the ChatterBoxFill out the form and we'll make sure your news gets to all the places it needs to.

Presidents Message 

Message from MPI St. Louis President Corri Roberts corri
Fall- a favorite time of year for many! We kicked off the year with record-breaking attendance at the September luncheon. Deborah Gardner was exceptional and so was the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel St. Louis-Chesterfield. I am thrilled that our members are taking time to invest in their growth and education. I hope to see all of you “Rise and Shine” with us at the October 11th breakfast meeting at the Crowne Plaza St. Louis Airport. The weather may be getting cooler, but Matt Harvey will be discussing a hot topic affecting planners and suppliers – “Bandwidth, Wi-Fi and Internet Services”. Even better, it qualifies for one continuing education unit. Click here to read more!

Education & Events

Join us this Friday MORNING for our October Meeting!

bandwidthThere is still time to register for this Friday MORNING's chapter breakfast meeting! Join us October 11 at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza St. Louis Airport. We will navigate through bandwidth, Wi-Fi, and the internet, as it relates to the meeting planning with industry expert, Matt Harvey, PSAV Vice President. Look for more details to come soon, but plan to attend. Register here

MPI St. Louis Homecoming BOWL Fundraiser!
Wednesday, October 23
MPI St. Louis 2013 Homecoming BOWL Fundraiser
Tropicana Lanes
5:30 – 8:00
Break out those school colors or mascot uniform of your favorite team and join us at MPI’s Homecoming Bowl! It will be a fun-filled night of team building along with some great networking time. Enjoy unlimited bowling featuring rounds of King & Queen Bowling, BINGO Bowl and Crazy Bowl! Register here.

EduCon Sneak PeekEduCon Save the Date Logo_2013
EduCon 2013 is closer than you think!  Save the date for Thursday, November 21, 2013 at River City Casino & Hotel.  MPI EduCon 2013 is St. Louis' only full day educational conference geared toward MPI meeting planners, suppliers and students.  Registration is opening soon at the MPI St. Louis website.  Click here for a sneak peek at this year’s amazing line-up.

September Meeting Recap
While Mother Nature did not hold up her end of the deal in making this another beautiful September day, the St. Louis chapter of MPI was in full bloom for the monthly luncheon meeting. More than 130 industry members gathered at the newly renovated DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel St. Louis-Chesterfield. As I walked around this beautiful hotel, I have to say everything came together quite nicely and with great attention to detail. From the impressive main lobby to the ballroom and other meeting spaces; they really nailed it. Read more!

Chapter Congratulations!
MPI MAX earns international attention...and CASH!

MPI St Louis Area Chapter is the trend-setter again within all national MPI chapters.   The Membership and Education Committees joined forces to develop a chapter-specific program focused on networking skills.   Members of the St. Louis Chapter will experience this immersive networking session as part of the annual EduCon 2013 conference taking place on November 21st at River City Casino & Hotel.  MPI MAX addresses the challenges of breaking the ice in social and business settings.    It explores networking skills, community service through volunteerism and charts one's path for chapter leadership opportunities.  The MPI Foundation, once again, has awarded MPI St. Louis for its efforts to connect our members with an education grant.   The MPI Foundation has recognized that our chapter-developed program effectively educates our members on a peer-to-peer basis.  Our chapters' innovative education program will be made available for other chapters to utilize. Read more!

 Member News
maureen-hareNew Member Spotlight-
Maureen Hare
This month’s New Member spotlight focuses on Maureen Hare, National Convention Sales Manager for the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission (CVC). Maureen joined the CVC in June of this year, coming from Indianapolis where she was a Senior Account Executive at the JW Marriott.

Maureen has been in the industry for more than 20 years, bringing to our MPI chapter a wealth of ideas she has gained throughout this time. Upon joining our chapter this summer and attending WEC in Las Vegas, she immediately found her place within our chapter. She said she met the St. Louis folks, thought they were a fun group with great energy and they immediately made her feel welcome.  She was also recruited in Vegas to volunteer and now serves on Monthly Programs Committee, specifically working to select the speakers for our six programs.  Click here to read the full story

Welcome New Members!
On behalf of the MPI St. Louis Area Chapter, we welcome the following new members. Click here to view the new members list.
 Get Involved
Communications Committee Volunteers Needed 
Are you looking to get more involved in the MPI St. Louis Chapter? Do you already spend time on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter? Do you have a great idea for a newsletter article? Are you interested in
learning more about web design and content creation?  If any of these options sound like fun, then the Communications Committee needs YOU! Contact Megan Campos or Julie Krull to share your interest and for more information. 

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