

Join The Next 10 NICHQ challenge

NICHQ Featured in The Huffington Post 'Next 10' Campaign

We Challenge You
to Raise $50

Sure, we’ll take your donation,
but even better, tell five friends
about NICHQ and ask them
to each donate $10!

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We're proud to announce that The Huffington Post has selected NICHQ as one of 60 organizations it is promoting in its "The Next 10" awareness building and fundraising campaign. The campaign shines a light on 10 causes for which The Huffington Post believes meaningful strides can be made in the 10 years to come, and highlights organizations it believes can make a difference on these issues.

NICHQ was chosen as an organization that is "providing meaningful and innovative solutions" to the cause of "reducing maternal and infant mortality by investing in health infrastructure." Through multi-sector, multi-partner, national initiatives like our Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality (IM CoIIN) initiative, NICHQ is tackling the US's embarrassingly high infant mortality rate—one of the highest of all industrialized nations.

The Next 10 campaign is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for NICHQ and create awareness for all that we do. As a friend of NICHQ, we hope you will support this campaign by participating in our challenge: raise $50 by encouraging five friends to donate $10 each AND to tell five of their own friends to do the same.

Even if you can't donate personally, please spread the word by telling five friends about NICHQ and our participation in The Next 10 campaign. With your support, we'll continue to be able to help more children reach their first birthday and beyond.

Thank you for supporting NICHQ!

About 'The Next 10' Donate to NICHQ Our Infant Health Work

NICHQ (National Institute for Children's Health Quality)
30 Winter Street 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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