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Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education

Greetings! This past summer has been a season of positive change for MAEOE. As an organization, we continue to evolve to support environmental education throughout the state. Below are some highlights: 

MAEOE and Project Learning Tree

Over the summer, MAEOE became the state coordinator for Project Learning Tree. Dr. Sarah Haines continues to work with PLT Maryland as a facilitator/trainer.  We look forward to meeting all of the MD PLT Facilitators and teachers using PLT in the upcoming year! We will be offering professional development and sharing resources with everyone. Check out the new PLT corner in the newsletter every month! We are committed to helping our students learn about sustainable forestry and conservation of our State's precious natural resources and improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
Take a look at the new MAEOE website!
With the start of a new school year, the MAEOE website has a fresh look. We love the new colors, the layout, and how easy it is to navigate! If you have not seen it yet, click here. Send us your feedback!

MAEOE Green School update! We are proud of our MAEOE Maryland Green Schools! We now have 585 schools, more than 25% of all public and independent schools in the state, participating in our program. We have so many great examples to share of schools achieving a green and healthy environment that allows students to flourish in environmental education and become stewards in their communities. Below are some updates for the 2017-2018 MAEOE Maryland Green School program.

2017/18 Application changes 
There a few small changes/additions to the 2017/18 Maryland Green School application in Objective 1.3, Sustainable Schools, this is where your green team will demonstrate how you school community is working to create a sustainable school culture:
1.3.1 School Wide Environmental Behavior Change 
1.3.2 Systemic Partnership
Click here for the 2017/18 application guides.  

Share your MD Green School examples!
Throughout the year I would love to share what you are doing with our Maryland Green schools network. When you post on Facebook or Twitter, don't forget to tag us at @MAEOE.MD on Facebook and @MAEOE_MD on Twitter. I will re-post what you posted and include how it fits into the #MDGreenSchool application. Feedback from teachers participating in the program says that they enjoy trying new ideas to support environmental literacy, NGSS and STEM in art, science, math, social studies, music, and English in their school and on the school grounds. 

Have a great September, 

Christina Gladmon
Associate Director
Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE)

2017-2018 MAEOE Green Schools Program Important Dates
December 16, 2017: Deadline for the Intent to Apply Form and Fee 
February 1-4, 2018: MAEOE Conference (Professional Development Opportunity)
March 17, 2018: Application Deadline
May 31, 2018: MAEOE Youth Summit and Green School Awards Ceremony

Want to learn more about the Maryland Green School Application?
Check out one of our Green School Application Information Sessions

Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) presents the 2017-2018 Green Schools program! We are offering two different type of sessions that you can choose from, an in-person workshop or a two-part webinar. These information sessions will provide an introduction and overview of the Maryland Green Schools program and the application process. You will also be provided with examples of successful applications and tips to take back to your school. If you are planning on submitting an application to become a new Maryland Green School, these are important. If you re-certified or certified during the 2013-2014 school year, your school is scheduled to re-certify year. We will go through the application which has had several updates in the last 4 years, and we will share new examples that can help you to organize and present your on-line application. 

The webinar session will be a two part session. 
Dates: Part I: September 18: 3:30 - 4:30, Part II: September 25: 3:30 - 4:30
Note: Webinar information will be emailed to participants. 

In-person Information Session is on October 11th, 4:30-7:30 and light snacks will be provided.
Location: MAEOE office, 10015 Old Columbia Road, B-215, Columbia, 21046

Registration is required. Please click here to register. Members: $10/Non-members: $15


All Are Welcome to the MAEOE September 21 Board Meeting, Severna Park Community Library 
Special invitation to the members of MAEOE to attend the September Board meeting, Thursday, September 21st, 3:00 pm – 5:00  pm at Severna Park Community Library, 45 W McKinsey Road, Severn Park, MD 21146.  This is the last board meeting of the financial year. Come be a part of this month's meeting along with your Board of Directors,  Executive Director and staff. We all work together to support and help move the organization forward.  If you like what you see, we invite you to consider participating in one of our committees to help us achieve our goals and better meet the needs of those we serve. Committees meet periodically throughout the year to plan and create.
Click here to confirm your attendance.

BRIAN BORU Member Mixer
September 21st 5:00 - 10:00pm 
Following the Board Meeting, please join us at Brian Boru for our fall MAEOE Membership Mixer - - it’s just round the corner from the library at 489 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park, MD.
Call 410-975-2678 for reservations.


MAEOE Professional Development
The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) is offering workshops throughout the fall. These session do count towards Green School Application Objective 1.2, 10% of School Staff have Environmental Education Professional Development.
Click here to learn more about the programs below. 
PLT's Carbon and Climate with MAEOE MD Green School Introduction
This day long course will give educators the information and resources necessary to communicate carbon and climate issues through hands-on and engaging activities that help teach students how – not what – to think about the environment and their place within it. They also make teaching and learning fun. The unit is align with NGSS standards. During the morning, educators will learn about the MD Green School program and the necessary steps schools should take to be successful. In the afternoon, educators will participate in lessons from the Project Learning Tree Carbon and Climate e-unit
Designed for students in grades 6-8.

This course runs from 9 AM to 4 PM and is offered multiple times at a variety of locations: September 29th: Clearwater Nature Center, Clifton, MD
November 8th: Bar-T at Mountainside, Frederick, MD
November 18th: Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center, Nanjemoy, MD
December 12th: Ward Museum, Salisbury, MD
Cost: Member—$35, Non-Member—$45

Using School as a Laboratory: Student Investigation of Air Quality
Join Lorna Rosenberg, Green and Healthy Schools Coordinator, Region 3 EPA LEED Green Associate and Rebecca Davis, Education Program Manager, Clean Air Partners, for an in-depth look at air quality. The goal of this course is to give educators the resources, knowledge, and experience necessary to guide their students to complete indoor and outdoor air quality conservation practices around their school environment. This workshop has an online learning component. Substitute teacher stipends available, limit quantity. Please email Christina Gladmon at

: September 28, 9:30 AM to 2 PM Location: National Aquarium, 501 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202
Cost: Members—$35, Non-members—$45

Professional Development Opportunities From Our Partners

The requirement for the Green School Application states that 10% of all your teachers need to have professional development. If you are re-certifying your school, you can use PD information/documentation from the past four years. Schools applying for the first time can use PD information/documentation from the past two years.
Below are just some of the opportunities from our partners: 

- September 8th, 10 - 11 AM: Monarch Rearing
- September 9th, 8:30 - 12:30 PM: Monarch Curriculum Workshop
- September 13th, 9 - 6 PM: Naturally Latinos Conference 
- September 15th: 9 - 5 PM: Creek Freaks! 
- October 5 - 7th: National Science Teachers Association: Making Science Accessible: Full Speed Ahead

To see more opportunities and to learn more information about the above events check out the MAEOE calendar by clicking here! 

2018 MAEOE Conference

Expand Your Influence! Empowering Action for the Environment

  Save the date: February 1-4, 2018
Princess Royale, Ocean City, MD
Stay tuned for more information!  

 ***Is your school or center doing Green School Activities that you would like to share? Send a write up of 200 words and a few pictures to and your school could be featured in the next newsletter***

Did you know...? Resources for Teachers:
Free Admission to the Aquarium for MD School Groups
The National Aquarium offers free admission to Maryland school groups from Sep 1, 2016 to Feb 28, 2017.  Group leaders must have attended a teacher orientation, which are offered on multiple Saturdays at 10:30 and 12:30, and multiple Tuesdays at 4pm.  Details and the complete schedule is attached. Registration is required – contact the Central Reservations office at 410-576-3833. Space is limited. To find out more information: Teacher Orientation
MD zoo
Free Admission to the Baltimore Zoo for MD School Groups
The Maryland Zoo offers FREE admission for Maryland school groups on a field trip when they pre-register!

The Free Field Trip Program at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is a grant-funded program for Maryland school groups, PreK through grade 12. Public schools, private schools, Head Start programs, and homeschool groups are all eligible for the program. Requests for field trip reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance.

furbearDepartment of Natural Resources' Wildlife Educational Trunks

Bring the outside into your classroom with these unique hands-on, interdisciplinary teaching tools. These education trunks are designed to educate students while building on fundamental disciplines like math, art, social studies, science, language arts and physical education. Education Trunks are available free to educators in Maryland for a one to two week period, depending on availability. For more information, click here.

green center
Maryland Green Centers
When is the last time you said "Hello!" to your local Green Center? Green Centers have resources for your school like materials, offering professional development, programming, and the list goes on! Here is our list of all our MD Green Centers (along with contact information).  

Upcoming Events/Celebrations
 Below are some Events and Green Holidays. If your school plans a school wide activity for one of the Green holidays you could use it on the MD Green School app under section 1.4. Look for  ** for events to use on your Green school application. 

Environmental Concern Native Plant Sale
September 8-9th

Join EC for a two-day annual fall native plant sale located at our waterfront campus in St. Michaels, MD from 9:00am-2:00pm. EC will have many native plant species from our greenhouses available for purchase. Two workshops will be open for registration during the two day event from 10:00am-11:00am.

Open House
September 9th, 1 - 5 PM
 outdoor classroomday Outdoor Classroom Day**
Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play. On the day, thousands of schools around the world take lessons outdoors and prioritise playtime. 
 September 7th
International Coastal Cleanup: Saturday, September 16th, 2017**

Nearly 12 million people and counting have been part of the world’s biggest volunteer effort to protect the ocean. Will you join us this year?
Today, plastic has been found in 62% of all sea birds and in 100% of sea turtle species.
A problem as big as plastic in the ocean requires a big response! By participating in the International Coastal Cleanup, you can make a difference. You’ll join millions of volunteers just like you, who love the ocean and want to protect it.

 Walk to School Day**
Join students, families, school leaders, community partners and mayors around the country on October 4 to celebrate the benefits of walking to school during International Walk to School Day.
October 4th

 The World of 7 Billion Student Contest 

Back by popular demand, the World of 7 Billion student video contest helps you bring technology and creativity into your middle and high school classes. The contest challenges your students to create a short video connecting world population growth and one of three global challenges: Advancing Women and Girls, Feeding 10 Billion, or Preventing Pollution. Students can win up to $1,000 and participating teachers will receive free curriculum resources. The contest deadline is February 22, 2018 – use this lesson plan to get started now! Full contest guidelines, resources for research, past winners, and more can be found at


Thanks to our following sponsors for their generosity: 


September 2017

In This Issue

2017-2018 Green School Dates
Green School Information Sessions
School Tip: Indoor Air Quality
Professional Development Opportunities
MAEOE Conference
Did you know? Resources for Teachers
Grant Opportunities
Upcoming Events

Follow MAEOE

Follow our Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our blog for the latest information about professional development opportunities, job announcements, and Green Schools deadlines.



Tip of the Month: Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Classroom

1. Keep ventilation units in the classroom free of clutter. 
2. If you have a classroom pet and it causes an allergic reaction, relocate the pet to another part of the classroom or replace the pet with fish/animals that does not trigger allergies. 
3. Reduce the number of items made of cloth in your room. These materials attract dust mites, which can negatively impact students. 
4. Keep an eye out for moisture build up in and around your classroom. Excess moisture can lead to mold. Report any issues to your custodial staff. 

Healthier school environments enable children to learn and produce more in the classroom which can improve their performance and achievements later in life. For more tips go to:


Eco - Schools USA
As the new school year gets underway, Eco-Schools USA would like to introduce a new pathway, WOW, Watersheds, Oceans and Wetlands. Developed not only to support the 40% of our population that calls the coastline of the United States their home, but to address the growing need for conservation stewardship and a systems thinking approach to our current and future water problems. For more information on this pathway:

Green Leaders Needed

Are you interested in assisting a school or more with Sustainable Schools activities or helping a school build a green team?
Do you have experience putting together a green school application?   Sign-up to be a Green Leader! Explore the Green Leader Page here.  Email for more information.

PLT Corner

Looking to connect with middle and high school students using technology? Check out these 12 apps focusing on topics such as climate change, trees, conservation, and weather, which complement Project Learning Tree’s lesson plans!

Grant Opportunities  
GreenWorks Grants:
Project Learning Tree (PLT) offers GreenWorks! grants up to $1,000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental service-learning projects that link classroom learning to the real world. Students implement an action project they help design to green their school or to improve an aspect of their neighborhood’s environment. To be eligible, applicants must have attended a PLT workshop, either in-person or online, that provides training, lesson plans, and other resources to help integrate these projects and environmental education into your curriculum or youth programs. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2017. Funding will be distributed in December 2017.

Captain Planet Foundation:
The Captain Planet Foundation primarily makes grants to U.S.-based schools and organizations with an annual operating budget of less than $3 million. Grants are made for activities that conform to the mission of the Captain Planet Foundation and MUST have all four of the following to be considered for funding: Be project-based; Projects must be performed by youth; Projects must have real environmental outcomes; Be based in the United States. Grants from the Captain Planet Foundation are intended to: Provide hands-on environmental stewardship opportunities for youth; Serve as a catalyst to getting environment-based. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2017.

Green Thumb Challenge:  

It's that time of year again! GEF and Gardener’s Supply Company have teamed up on an exciting funding opportunity for established youth garden projects nationwide! The organizations are calling on schools and youth groups to submit chronicles of their garden projects in a race to win a $250 prize. The award is designed to support the continued sustainability of an exceptional youth garden program that has demonstrated success, and has impacted the lives of kids and their community.The deadline to apply is September 30, 2017.

BirdSleuth Garden Grants: 

School gardens provide the context for lessons across subjects and offer a wonderful opportunity to engage students in hands-on, project-based learning. Students who engage in school gardening are likely to experience academic, physical, emotional, social, and even behavioral benefits. We are seeking 10 dedicated teachers within the United States who strive to bring STEM and healthy living from the garden to the classroom. These teachers will receive a $500-$2,000 grant, gardening supplies, and BirdSleuth’s Habitat Connections kit thanks to our sponsor Alaska Fertilizer. Funds may be used to support the building or revitalization of school gardens. In addition to food gardens, preference will be given to bird, pollinator, native habitat, rain, and other natural projects. Deadline to apply: October 8, 2017.

Keen Grant:
KEEN awards $100,000 per year through the KEEN Effect Grant Program to registered 501(c)3 or global equivalents. Grant size ranges from $2,500 to $10,000. Funding is given to projects that inspires youth outdoor participation, diverse audiences & geography, and  innovative & creative. 
Deadline to apply: September 30, 2017.


Questions or comments?

Office Phone: 410-902-6226

Laura Johnson Collard
Executive Director

Christina Gladmon
Associate Director

Kim Drake
Administrative Associate

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