July 2014 - Web Survey 101
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Web Survey 101
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Tracking Changes in the Consumer's Mind Tracking Changes in the Consumer's Mind (Part 1)
By: Greg Timpany
Tracking surveys are market research tools that help identify changes in consumers' minds over time. These surveys are unique because the questions stay the same while the survey is conducted on multiple occasions. Here is what else you need to know about tracking surveys.
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Put a Stop to Little White Lies with Surveys Put a Stop to Little White Lies with Surveys
By: Matt Eisenberg
Have you ever caught yourself telling a little white lie? If you have, it probably wasn't during a situation where you felt anonymous. When people aren't tied to their identity or forced to answer questions face-to-face, the truth comes out--and that's where surveys come in.
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Perks Don't Necessarily Equal Engagement Perks Don't Necessarily Equal Engagement
By: Susanne Ross
Lately, there's been a lot of hype about companies that offer office perks like valet service, free lunches, game rooms, and other amenities. While perks are fun, their novelty wears off. That's why you need to make sure you know what's really motivating your employees.
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The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees
Voice of the Customer
Tracking Changes in the Consumer's Mind Tracking Changes in the Consumer's Mind (Part 2)
By: Greg Timpany
In order for a tracking study to be successful, it must be both valid and reliable. This means you need to focus on the appropriateness of what is being measured and measuring it consistently over time. Learn what else you should know before you launch a tracking survey.
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Summertime…and the Living is Easy Summertime…and the Living is Easy
By: Susanne Ross
Summer comes and goes, but your clients should be with you for the long haul. This means you need to continuously collect feedback from them. Before you sit back this summer--watch our funny video, avoid these common customer survey mistakes, and keep a few tips in mind.
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How to Recruit 3 Types of Survey Support
How to Recruit 3 Types of Survey Support (Part 1)
By: Alli Whalen
All survey programs have one thing in common--they need to be properly supported. Plan on recruiting these three levels of support for your survey: executive, project owner, and participants. Part one of this series will focus on how to recruit executives and project owners.
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Mastering Matrix Questions
Mastering Matrix Questions
By: Greg Timpany
Matrix questions are an efficient way to present Likert scales to your respondents. When designed correctly, they capture the intensity of your respondents feelings. However, many researchers make design mistakes that affect their data integrity. Here is how to do it right.
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