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Milken Institute May 2015
View photos and videos from the 2015 Milken Institute Global Conference
Milken Institute Global Conference is unique in its determination to drive change
The Global Conference convened 3,500 participants who heard 700+ speakers in more than 170 sessions explore solutions to pressing challenges in financial markets, industry sectors, health, government and education. See photos, videos, and more here »
Technology and Jobs
Technology and Jobs: Should Workers Worry? (3 min. 13 sec.)
Amy Webb, a digital media futurist, outlines job sectors she expects to lose workers in the next 10 to 20 years.
Beyond the Headlines
Beyond the Headlines: Global Leaders Explore Africa's Future (2 min. 39 sec.)
Rwandan President Paul Kagame details why African nations, including his own, offer immediate investment opportunities.
Trends in Global Entertainment
Trends in Global Entertainment
(1 min. 30 sec.)
Film producer Nina Jacobson, founder of Color Force, discusses the different viewing habits of women.
The Economic Implications of Climate Change
The Economic Implications of Climate Change (1 min. 37 sec.)
Professor John Cochrane discusses carbon taxes in the battle to fight climate change.
View all GCTV clips »
The Wall Street Journal: Companies should lean in too
By Peter Grauer and Michael Milken
Building gender diversity on corporate boards is the right thing to do and it makes economic sense. Every day, we see the value of different backgrounds and perspectives in corporate decision-making. More »
A better world for women and girls
Discrimination, pay inequality and lack of access to education aren't just women's problems; they're everyone's problem. More »
U.S. needs to step up on global economic issues
Three former U.S. Treasury secretaries took the stage at the Milken Institute Global Conference to sound the alarm on the need to address critical economic challenges — and to beseech Congress to relearn how to compromise. More »
Transforming health care in the digital age
Advances in genome sequencing and the use of digital technologies to store and analyze the data have helped to create a golden age in medical innovation. More »
A Conversation With Ben Horowitz
A Conversation With Ben Horowitz
A Conversation With Jerry Brown and Kevin de Leon on California's Response to Climate Change
Part 1: A Conversation With Jerry Brown and Kevin de León on California's Response to Climate Change
Part 2: Trends in Global Entertainment
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Asia Summit London Summit
Milken Institute Asia Summit
September 17-18, 2015 — Singapore
Milken Institute London Summit
October 12-13, 2015 — London
Click here to read the report. Currency Manipulation Provisions Do Not Belong in Trade Agreements
Senior Fellow Phillip Swagel explains why including currency manipulation provisions in trade agreements is misguided.
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Click here to read the report. Innovative Financing Models for Energy Infrastructure in Africa
Continued growth across the continent is threatened by major development challenges.
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Click here to read the report. FinTech: Views from the Market
The financial sector, from capital markets to consumer payments, is undergoing dramatic change.
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Click here to read the report. Access to Capital: How Small and Mid-size Businesses are Funding Their Future
Small and mid-size businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, and access to capital is the fuel that lets them thrive.
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