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August 2013

New this week in the IMF eLibrary are two important new publications, "China's Road to Greater Financial Stability," and "Global Rebalancing: A Roadmap for Economic Recovery." Read sample chapters in the eLibrary before you order from the IMF Bookstore or your local stockists. The new Fall catalog contains more information about forthcoming releases. Digital editions of most IMF publications are also available through Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
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China’s Road to Greater Financial Stability: Some Policy Perspectives
This book discusses the financial policy context within China, macroeconomic factors affecting financial stability, and the critical role of financial system oversight. It seeks to improve the understanding of the financial sector policy processes underway and the shifts taking place among China’s economic priorities.
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        2013 Fall Catalog

Global Rebalancing: A Roadmap for Economic Recovery
his book examines imbalances in seven major economies and evaluates key indicators agreed by the G20 for identifying large imbalances, including public and private debt and private saving, and countries' external accounts. The chapters describe a suite of corrective steps tailored for each country that, if implemented, could improve prospective economic outcomes, creating sustainable and balanced growth for these economies. and serving as a model for other G20 countries.
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IMF eLibrary
Our eLibrary collections contain the latest books, World Economic Outlook reports, Working Papers, and other key research. You can now have access to the IMF's comprehensive digital library of over 13,000 publications, with a deep archive dating back to 1948. Please see our brochure for more information on how to subscribe to the IMF eLibrary and to arrange a free trial. Non-profit organizations in developing countries qualify for a free subscription to this unique resource.


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Energy Subsidy Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and Lessons
The reform of energy subsidies is an important but challenging issue for sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. There is a relatively large theoretical and empirical literature on this issue. While this paper relies on that literature, too, it tailors its discussion to SSA countries to respond to the following questions: Why it is important to reduce energy subsidies? What are the difficulties involved in energy subsidy reform? How best can a subsidy reform be implemented?
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Over 1,000 of the IMF's best-selling books and reports are now available for your Kindle, iPad, and Nook devices. You can search for a specific book or search "International Monetary Fund" to see the publications that are available. Alternatively, you can buy the PDF version in the IMF Bookstore. For the iPad version, search for the titles in iTunes (you need to have an iTunes account in order to purchase the titles).
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