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September 2013

Africa takes the spotlight in two new publications just out in the IMF eLibrary. The first discusses the challenges and policy options for energy subsidy reform, while the second focuses on managing natural resource wealth. Also, coming soon to the eLibrary, is a comprehensive study on the topic of energy subsidy reform. Read sample chapters in the eLibrary before you order from the IMF Bookstore or your local stockists. Also in this issue, you can pre-order IMF History: A Digital Collection, and access volumes that track the history of the IMF from 1944.   


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Energy Subsidy Reform in the Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and Lessons

The reform of energy subsidies is an important but challenging issue for sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. This paper tailors its discussion to SSA countries to respond to the following questions: Why it is important to reduce energy subsidies? What are the difficulties involved in energy subsidy reform? How best can a subsidy reform be implemented?

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Boom, Bust or Prosperity? Managing Sub-Saharan Africa’s Natural Resource Wealth
Sizeable natural resource endowments and potentially large financial inflows provide an unparalleled opportunity for economic growth and development in a growing number of sub-Saharan African countries. However, translating these inflows into stronger economic performance and a higher standard of living has proven challenging. This publication focuses on solutions to the challenges and outlines the main policy considerations and options in managing natural resource wealth.
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Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications
Energy subsidies have wide-ranging economic consequences. Although they are aimed at protecting consumers, subsidies aggravate fiscal imbalances, crowd out priority public spending, and depress private investment, including in the energy sector. Subsidies also distort resource allocation by encouraging excessive energy consumption, artificially promoting capital-intensive industries, reducing incentives for investment in renewable energy, and accelerating the depletion of natural resources. This book provides the most comprehensive estimates of energy subsidies currently available for 176 countries and an analysis of “how to do” energy subsidy reform, drawing on insights from 22 country case studies undertaken by the IMF staff and analyses carried out by other institutions.
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The History of the IMF: A Digital Collection
A digital collection, attractively packaged on a slim USB card, containing key publications and documents providing valuable insights into the founding and history of the IMF. It includes authoritative accounts from IMF historians, including J. Keith Horsefield, Margaret de Vries, and James Boughton. A definitive primer on the foundations of the modern international monetary system. This collection, usually priced at over $500, is now available in this digital format for just $40.
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