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Indiana Agricultural Law Foundation November 2016 Issue
InAgLaw Hdr

Lend Me Your Ear: An Update on the Syngenta Corn Case for Indiana Corn Farmers

William Chaney
William B. Chaney
Gray Reed & McGraw

If you’ve been keeping up with the Syngenta corn case, you know that in February 2015, the United States District Court in Kansas City named me co-lead counsel for plaintiffs in the multi-district litigation cases filed against Syngenta. The other co-lead counsel are Don Downing of Gray, Ritter & Graham, P.C. in St. Louis, Scott Powell of Hare Wynn Newell & Newton in Birmingham and Patrick Stueve of Stueve Siegel Hanson LLP in Kansas City.

We have been working virtually full time representing corn farmers in the United States (plaintiffs) who allege that Syngenta prematurely and irresponsibly sold Agrisure Viptera and Duracade, causing significant losses to corn farmers across the country. It is estimated by the plaintiffs that U.S. corn producers lost between $5-7 billion in current and future revenue because China stopped importing U.S. corn when Syngenta’s new genetically modified trait contaminated export shipments from the United States. China had not yet approved that corn for import when Syngenta started selling its seed on a widespread basis across the U.S. We claim those losses were suffered by all corn producers (including crop-share landlords) who marketed corn in the fall of 2013 or later.

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The IALF is a charitable organization established by Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc., to promote better understanding of legal issues facing the agricultural community.

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