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NOTEWORTHY: CSPRC's e-newsletter                October 2011
November 8 Luncheon: "Social Media: Not Another Thing to Do - But This IS Critical featuring Porismita Borah, PhD 
Dr. Porismita Borah, Professor of Communication with Maryville University, will enlighten and lighten the layers of this complicated topic for communications, increasing participation and even the delicate political communication threads of awareness-building and advocacy so needed within nonprofit work. Join us November 8, 2011 at the Sheraton Clayton Plaza. Networking at 11:30am; lunch and program at noon. $25 for members; $35 for non-members; $20 for students.  

If you have questions you would like Dr. Borah address at the luncheon, please forward to Kate Howell at

Register today!                


December 13 Luncheon - "Big Giving From Small Business - Engaging Small Business CEOs" featuring three recognized leaders from St. Louis small business community  
Small businesses have big hearts and lots to give. However, they are not structured like their big business peers with respect to corporate giving. There's no chief giving officer, no community relations department and there may not even be a staffer charged with PR or community relations. Often nonprofits work directly with the CEO.

Since small business CEOs wear a lot of hats from directing operations and overseeing accounting and finance to developing sales to marketing strategies, how should nonprofits engage CEOs in their cause? December's program will engage three recognized leaders from St. Louis's small business community in a panel discussion to provide their prospective on how nonprofits can communicate with the small to mid-sized CEO. Since a small business’ core competency may lie outside of community relations, the CEO panel will discuss what nonprofits can do to help them develop programs together.

If you have questions you would like the panel to address at the luncheon, please forward to Kate Howell at or Leah Bernstein at

Register today!

Thanks for attending the CSPRC October Luncheon!
CSPRC thanks Chris Miller from The Mission Center L3C who presented at our October Luncheon on how social entrepreneurship works and how he started his own social enterprise. He also discussed how social entrepreneurship (or social enterprise) can help a nonprofit's financial base and how such an endeavor can fit into your communication strategy.

At each luncheon, CSPRC holds a drawing for a free luncheon. Please join us congratulating our October winner, Antoinette Phillips from YWCA Metro St. Louis!  She was a guest at October’s luncheon.  

Read more about recent & future CSPRC luncheons.             

Resource Roundup              

Here are a few resources and tips that we have rounded up from our many communications channels:

  • The Nonprofit Quarterly online article, “Nonprofits Could Benefit from Facebook Changes”: Sometimes change can be unsettling, but it sounds like Facebook’s plans to make some dramatic platform changes could serve as an advantage for those in the nonprofit sector. Read more 
  • UMSL’s Nonprofit Management & Leadership Program - Program Planning & Evaluation: An Integrated Approach to Success on 12/1 & 12/15: Proper Program design, planning, and evaluation helps ensure both the success of your program, and a positive outcome with your program’s funder or funders.  This two-session class will look at evaluation as a part of organizational planning and implementation.  More information about this class can also be found here or register by phone at (314) 516-5994.
  • IRS Workshop 11/1 for small and medium-sized 501c3’s: Don't miss this rare opportunity for an IRS conference in the Midwest. Seating capacity is limited, so register today! Hear directly from the IRS about the benefits and responsibilities of tax exemption under 501(c)(3) and actions that may jeopardize the exempt status of an organization. Click here to register.
  • Will to Give orientation 11/1: Interested in starting a planned giving program at your organization and not sure how to get started? You still have an opportunity to participate in the region's only community-wide initiative designed to help you educate your donors about the importance of charitable bequest giving and potentially unlock several hundred thousands of dollars for your organization! Click here to register.   
Member profile: Linda Collins Shaw
Linda Collins Shaw is enjoying her third career as a freelance consultant assisting small faith-based organizations, nonprofits and business with organizational development, strategic planning and accessing funds for daily operational budget needs. Prior to starting LCS Consultants in 2007, Linda worked for four years teaching in the English as a Second Language Program with the University City School District.

After graduating from Washington University, Linda began her first career with the Mo. Dept. of Social Services in the Division of Family Support St. Louis City. She served as assistant to two Directors, assisting with the daily logistics, operations and marketing functions of an agency with a staff of 1,500.

Linda currently services on the Community Advisory Council for the Missouri Foundation for Health and volunteers with Missouri Humanities Council, Lutheran Family & Children’s Services, and the Witness Breast Cancer Education Project. Several years ago, she founded the Circle of Support for Survivors, an organization that provides supportive services and resources to cancer survivors.

Linda joined CSPRC “to meet organizations whose overall common goal is to improve the people and community,” she said.  “I am also looking forward to developing a diverse networking base.”

Married with one daughter, Linda is a passionate reader and enjoys a number of hobbies ranging from cooking and sewing to refurbishing furniture and clothes.





Tuesday, November 8
Social Media for Non-Profits
Register today!

Tuesday, December 13
Big Giving From Small Business
Register today!

Tuesday, January 10
Chris Reimer on Twitterati

CSPRC Luncheons run from 11:30 am - 1:15 pm at the Sheraton Clayton Plaza.
$25 for members, $35 for non-members, $20 for students


Welcome new CSPRC members!

We would like to welcome our new members who joined CSPRC in October:

Kim Cella, Citizens for Modern Transit

Courtney McDermott, Let's Start

Lauren Reifscheider,
Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments

Jacqueline Russell, Fontbonne University

Christy Schaper, Madison County Child Advocacy Center

Nancy Tonkins, Metro Theatre Company

If you would like to join CSPRC, or recommend joining to a friend or colleague, visit the Join Us page of our website.


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