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Message From the President
HRMA 2015: "Change Your Strategy!"

Jim Paul
Happy New Year! I cannot believe we are firmly entrenched in 2015 already. Was Y2K really as big as a deal as I remember it was in 1999?! And is my daughter (born in Y2K) really a 15-year old teenager now?! Nonetheless, here we are, all of us with personal change and growth occurring in our personal and professional lives - whether we welcome it or not. And both SHRM and HRMA are also in the midst of important change.

Business leadership strategy has greatly evolved over the last decade, and the human resources profession has followed suit (or needs to follow suit - if you and/or your organization are still evolving). Similarly, the HRMA Board intends to focus on our Chapter's agile strategy and evolution. Therefore, the Board has fittingly decided to unveil - and operate under - the 2015 theme of "Change Your Strategy!" No matter how successful anyone or any organization is or has been, the abilities to "bob and weave" around obstacles, maneuver and identify new opportunities are necessary components of a successful strategy. This is true whether your goal is to maintain, grow or improve. Click here to read more.
January 21st Networking Happy Hour &
Dinner Meeting

phil brandt
When Baby Boomers Retire:
Winning the Talent Wars

Pre-Dinner Happy Hour: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Buffet Dinner: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Extended Keynote Presentation: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Each day, 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 and are eligible for retirement. There are 26 million fewer Gen Xers' than Baby Boomers. This demographic reality means that you may not be able to find the talent you need to fill critical rolls in your organization. This, combined with the fact that our colleges are graduating 38% fewer people than predicted market needs, implies that every business will be engaged in a war for talent. Join us and learn more about the upcoming "Talent Wars" and the succession planning strategies you can take to win them! Join us for this fantastic program with an incredible group of panelists for the first HRMA meeting of 2015.

Facilitator: Phil Brandt, President & CEO, AAIM Employers' Association

  • Tim Volk, Vice President Global Human Resources, Emerson
  • Darrel Keesling, Chief Operating Officer, Component Bar Products
  • Keith Guller, CEO, Essex Industries
This program has been approved for 1.5 hours of HR (General) HRCI Credit, and is eligible for 1.5 hours of SHRM Certification Credit.
Click here for more information and to register.
Welcome Our New Members!
We would like to officially welcome our newest HRMA members! We hope to see you at our upcoming meetings! View new members here.
Why Earn Your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP?
It's a Win-Win Situation!

SHRM understands the time and energy you've invested in obtaining your existing credentials. Along with SHRM, HRMA's goal is to make earning the new SHRM Certification as simple as is reasonably possible to ensure your continued success. Your existing HRCI certification makes you eligible for the new SHRM certification. Click here to read more.
5 HR Blogs You Should Follow in 2015
Are you looking to be more active on social media in 2015? A great way to start is by following blogs. Recently this article was published about five HR blogs you should follow in 2015. Check it out for a good place to start!
4 Major HR Tech Trends to Keep Up With in 2015
  1. Mobile Everything
  2. Push for Paperless
  3. LMS Market Continues to Boom
  4. Switch to Single Vendor Solutions

We're all talking budgets, must-haves and laying out plans to kick 2015 square in the saas. Everyone is ramping up with their recruiting and HR technologies - are you ready? Learn more about these tech trends here.


Save the Date!
Annual Legal Update
February 18, 2015
7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Details coming soon!
HRMA Chapter Honors
2013 CHAPTER-Gold_web
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