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Keep abreast of changes to policies, dividend and excess stock repurchases, new product announcements, and other information regarding your membership in FHLB Dallas. (Select this option ONLY if you are an FHLB Dallas financial institution member.)

Members may sign up to receive information and notification on advance specials, advance auctions, product webinars, Members-only workshops, conferences, trainings, events, auctions and weekly market view emails. (Select this option ONLY if you are an FHLB Dallas financial institution member.)

Receive notification of new COVID-19 relief programs information and updates.

Solutions Newsletter features members that are utilizing FHLB Dallas programs and products and the impact on their communities.

Receive information on FHLB Dallas' grant offerings, community advance programs, such as community investment, economic development, and disaster relieve Advances. In addition receive information on community activities, events, workshops, and training opportunities.

Receive FHLB Dallas press releases.

Receive updates on FHLB Dallas' activities on Capitol Hill, legislation affecting GSEs and financial services, and receive a newsletter devoted to various legislative topics.

Receive FHLB Dallas Dividends Magazine. Dividends is FHLB Dallas' member-centered publication, which focuses on products, industry trends, current economics, best practices and other topics that matter to members.

Receive notifications of changes to membership investment requirements, collateral policies and collateral requirements.

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Check out the latest blog post from FHLB Dallas.

Bankcast is an FHLB Dallas podcast that shares news, trends and insights of interest to people working in the financial services sector and related industries. It is available on the FHLB Dallas website as well as on hosting sites such as iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.

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