May 22, 2020
Dear readers:
As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, many Americans are pondering what comes next for them, their families, friends and neighbors, and the nation’s economy. Amid it all, let’s not lose sight of the sacrifices by those American service members who came before us, thus creating a nation strong enough to endure today’s hard times.
Visit wisvetsmemorialday2020.com to participate in the state’s virtual observances, including a 9 a.m. Monday ceremony and a 3 p.m. Monday live national moment of silence.
Stay tuned as we roll out more highlights of the annual Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference in the coming days and watch for news media coverage of the June 4 event: You may register here for the conference. Get early access today!
Make sure to check out our newsroom below for fast-changing information about Wisconsin’s reopening proces
Stay tuned for announcements about virtual Tech Council webinars on COVID-19 issues of interest to our members and others.
Do you have news or best practices to contribute to a future edition of Tech Council Current?
Contact Laura@wisconsintechnologycouncil.com
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, and we'll see you again on Tuesday!
Tom Still, president
GUEST COLUMN: COVID-19 has only intensified the broadband gap
We are living in a new world, a world racing online as social distancing forces many of us to work, communicate and connect in new ways. In the United States alone, state and local directives have urged 316 million Americans to stay in and, when possible, work from home. As communities around the world adapt to a world with COVID-19, broadband connectivity and access are more critical to our lives and livelihoods than ever before.
Broadband already powers much of our modern lives, but COVID-19 has acted as an accelerant, a fuel of sorts that has driven many essential activities online. All learning, services, commerce, most workplaces and daily interactions online require a high-speed connection to the internet. Click here to read Smith’s full column.
The BPC class of 2020: Finalist profiles
The Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest began in late January and will culminate June 4 during the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference. Some contest finalists were profiled by senior and graduate students in a UW-Madison Department of Life Sciences Communication capstone class. Visit WisBusiness.com, our “Student Stories” and our BPC website to see more stories about these young companies. Today’s feature story is about “Last Lock.”
What happens when you mix tradition with technology? You lock up success!
By Brianna Van Matre
It’s hard to believe that during a time of technological innovation, people sometimes forget to incorporate tradition in their ideas.
For Jack Ryan, his idea began by looking at a traditional gated entryway and wondering how it could become better.
Ryan has developed a “smart lock” that is able to give people a more secure and advanced lock, while keeping the traditional look and function of a normal deadbolt. Ryan, founder of Last Lock, has designed a lock with “smart” software features as well as functions for a variety of uses. Click here to read the full story.
Our Business Plan Contestants could use your support!
We announced a crop of 28 finalists in the 2020 Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest this week, and we’re looking forward to the competition entering the next phase. If you’re able to contribute services to the prize kitty – legal, accounting, consulting, office space, media and design, cash or something else a young company might want – please contact us. Email your ideas to: tammy@wisconsintechnologycouncil.com and she’ll get back to you. Thanks for helping this exciting group of entrepreneurs advance their companies during a challenging time.
Watch for the "Diligent Dozen" presentation videos coming next week!
WisBusiness: the Podcast with Buckley Brinkman, executive director and CEO of Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing and Productivity discusses the upcoming June 4th Entrepreneurs’ Conference
WisPolitics: Gov. Evers announces $100 million for long-term care, home and community based services, and emergency medical services
Milwaukee Business Journal: Nimble Therapeutics working on diagnostics of virus that causes Covid-19
Wisconsin State Journal: Federal lawsuit filed against Dane County COVID-19 stay-at-home order
Wisconsin Public Radio: CEO of nursing homes: 'We are at center of this storm. We need help'
Madison.com: Conservatives continue to press for everyone-for-themselves strategy
BusinessNorth: BusinessNorth: COVID-19 impact forces Essentia Health to cut 900 employees
The Cap Times: Dane County businesses to reopen Tuesday with restrictions
CNN: CDC estimates that 35% of coronavirus patients don't have symptoms
WisBusiness: Gentueri Inc. to develop COVID-19 oral testing kits
Milwaukee Business Journal: Dr. Raymond says keep cleaning despite CDC update that coronavirus 'does not spread easily' on surfaces
Fast Company: The COVID-19 vaccine will require billions of glass vials—but lockdowns are cratering the supply of recycled glass
WisBusiness: UW Professor to develop rapid COVID-19 test for large institutions
The Cap Times: Dane County Board sets priorities for CARES funds
Wisconsin State Journal: Close to half of Wisconsin businesses say they wouldn't survive 10 months in continued shutdown
Milwaukee Business Journal: Companies consider mandatory masks, cutting meetings as they take steps to reopen
WisconsinEye Morning Minute: [Video] Department of Tourism Secretary Sara Meaney
Milwaukee Business Journal: 'Quite a road': How restaurants are reopening dining rooms
Wisconsin Public Radio: Wisconsin Farmers to receive $50 million from federal COVID-19 aid
Wisconsin State Journal: Wisconsin's unemployment rate more than quadruples to 14.1% in April; 385,900 private-sector jobs lost
Milwaukee Business Journal: The current pandemic is upending many investment and estate-planning strategies
Fast Company: 7 ways flying could change in the age of COVID-19 (and 1 way it definitely won’t)
Wisconsin State Journal: Virtual Brat Fest online fundraiser to replace World’s Largest Brat Fest

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Tech Council Innovation Network membership:
Experience for yourself why the Innovation Network has been a Tech Council tradition for over a decade. With more than two dozen events annually, you'll expand your network while learning from top-notch speakers. When you become a member, your membership applies to all chapters, statewide. With a variety of membership types to choose from, you and/or your company will be sure to find a membership that fits your business goals. Join today!
Need help finding the membership level right for you?
Please contact Angela Schlobohm, development & member relations director:
angela@wisconsintechnologycouncil.com or 608-442-7557.
Tech Council Investor Networks membership:
Your $750 Investor Networks membership entitles you to one free pass to our two major conferences (Entrepreneurs' Conference and Early Stage Symposium), as well as regular Tech Council Innovation Network events.