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January 2021 Monthly E-Newsletter

Issue 01 | 2021

Your Professional Link to Excellence

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In This Issue

President's Message



Welcome 2021!  For most, we probably thought the New Year was going to be a little slower and a bit more peaceful.  Given the political climate, it doesn’t exactly seem that way, does it?  Feels a bit like we are under scrutiny for the job that we work so hard at.  We have an amazing group of professionals who are constantly giving everything they have to this profession.  We’re all in this together.  Hang in there.

Exciting things are underway for WMCA.  With this year being a short election cycle, I’m hopeful we can accomplish great things within our own organization.  Work is beginning with our various committees, with meetings set up over the course of the next couple of weeks to continue work started in 2020. 

The Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee has been feverishly working towards drafting language to have the AVEO Law passed.  I know there is not a one size fit all when it comes to absentee voting in everyone’s municipality, but the hope is that we can find relief for most, if not all.  Kelly Michaels has been in discussion with lawmakers who have suggested some compromises in the draft language in an attempt to have legislation passed.  We will share more information as it becomes available.

 A Zoom meeting was held in December with Jacob Crosetto for the Scholarship Committee.  You can find information on the scholarships for the UW-GB Clerks Institute in the next article. 

A meeting is also scheduled for the Ad-Hoc Multi-Media Committee.  As luck would have it, the committee has an opening!  If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send an email to Faith and we will get you the information for the meeting.  We also had a WMCA Executive Board Meeting last Friday.  Aja Taylor has some great ideas for the Promotions Committee!

It is my sincere hope that during the course of 2021, we have the opportunity to meet in person.  I hope all of you stay healthy and happy.

Wendy Helgeson,

WMCA 2020-2021President

2021 Scholarships

The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay has gone virtual again for 2021!

Now is the time to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or office. The Institute is truly the premiere place to learn the skills you need to be the best Professional Clerk you can be. Aside from saving your municipality money for travel expenses, the WMCA has registration scholarships available for members planning to attend the Clerks Institute. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion.  The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay has gone virtual again for 2021.



Safety and Prof Services  

It is that time of the year again! As 2021 starts, there are two things your municipality needs to complete for Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS).  Both the Injury Illness Report/ OSHA 300A Log and 2% Fire Dues can be completed in the new online portal, eSLA. It is the same process as last year for both reports. 


The Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB), Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB), and UW Applied Population Lab (APL) have organized training webinars to help Municipal Clerks and their staff prepare for the 2021 Local Redistricting process. The trainings consist of a two-hour lecture and a separate two-hour software training. These will be virtually held webinars, and anyone involved in local redistricting is highly encouraged to attend.
 Master Academy
 Click here to check out the great line up of classes and register for the UW-GB Master Academy.

Are you a newly appointed or elected Clerk or Deputy or any clerk member who would like additional assistance to guide you in your duties and responsibilities associated with your position?   Learn More


The “Adopt-a-Clerk” Program is designed to connect experienced clerks with new clerks.  This 25+ year old program has been very successful due to its one-on-one contact and continues to be one of WMCA’s most valuable programs. With continuous turnover in clerks around the state, we are in need of experienced clerks to come forward to mentor new clerks.  Learn More

 It has been a while since we have promoted Clerklist and I know there have been many new clerks joining the email network in the last year.  Clerklist is available to every clerks’ office person that is a member in good standing with the WMCA and it is a great way to get a question answered quickly.  However, I think it is important to go over a few items concerning the use of Clerklist.
Learn More

The Log-in area of the WMCA website is a great resource.  As a municipal member of the WMCA you can go to see all the stored information WMCA has compiled for you to use.
Learn More

        Log In
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