President's Message |

It is truly a time to be thankful and I am very thankful for all of you. Everyday that you show up for your municipality, the extra time you put in that no one notices, and your extra commitments to this association is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being your amazing self!
I hope some of you are taking some well-deserved time off, spending time with family and friends and of course eating some delicious food. Whatever your plans are, I wish you all a blessed holiday.
Speaking of being grateful, I attended District five’s meeting in-person! It was wonderful to be together again. I was unable to attend the District 1 and 2 meetings this last time but look forward to attending at least one meeting in every district in the future. Thank you to Kathy Morse, Amy White, Pamela Little and Deanna Braunschweig for planning. To be back together for training is so refreshing!
I’m also grateful for Diane Coenen and Karen Schuh for becoming chairs of the LCAC Committee.
Thank you to the Finance Committee who met on Wednesday, November 3 to recommend the budget for the year to the board.
If you are looking for a way to give back this holiday season, please consider becoming a Clerk Mentor. There are so many new Clerks that would appreciate the resources of a seasoned Clerk. Please contact Melissa Hongisto if you are interested.
Warm wishes and Happy Thanksgiving!
Sara Bruckman WCMC/CMC
2021-22 WMCA President
Multi-Media Committee - Help Us Help Your Fellow Clerks
What's Up? I Need Your Help!
a new member of the Multi-Media Committee, I’m hoping for your
assistance. How can you help? Easy!
On Wednesday’s we are featuring
Clerks on the WMCA Facebook page and calling it “What’s Up?” Wednesday!
This is your chance to share any community event, fun internal or
external pictures, retirements, staff changes, GoFundMe assistance,
milestones and marriages …really anything that is about you, your staff
and your community. If you can help me out and share with your colleagues of WMCA please contact me,
Julie Routhieaux, Deputy Clerk for the Village of Greenville at
Social Media Policies
The WMCA Multi-Media Committee is putting together a resource that includes social media policies from different-sized municipalities across the state. The policies would be available to WMCA Members in the Member Log-in area of the WMCA website.
If you have a document that guides your municipality's or office's social media presence and you're willing to share it, please send to Maggie McClain at
Please provide your document in Word or excel. By providing your document you are agreeing to allow your document to be changed into a template format and shared with the membership. Thank you!
Maggie McClain
Complaint Forms and more
Vicki Olson, Village of Brooklyn and a member of the Multi-Media Committee, is looking for examples of Complaint Forms and any Ordinances or Policy and Procedures that are related.
If you are willing to share, please send examples to Vicki at
Thank you for your assistance.
Email Address Changes
I know that some of you will be changing your email addresses for better security, and I just wanted to remind you to please let the WMCA office know when you make an email address change. While you can do some updating of your record through the Membership Directory, one thing you cannot change on your own is your email address. You need to email to and I will change your email address in our records.
In addition, if you are on Clerklist (a separate system) you need to let me know that, too, if you want your email address changed in that system.
Check Out The Following On-Line Webinars & Workshops
New Clerks Boot Camp
is Back

Many of the classes that were held at the New Clerks Boot Camp back in May 2021 were recorded and are being made available again for you to register for and watch anytime in the next month. These classes were developed for new clerks and are a great resource of basic information in many categories of the clerk's job. Click here to see the list of classes available. Click on each class name to read a description of the class and how to register. The WI Alcohol and Tobacco Laws webinar is also still available. All of our webinars will close on December 15, 2021.

From Kassie VanRemortel:
The Gubernatorial Election Academy is set. We have some really great classes this year. The Academy is the cycle of the election: PREPARATION, DAY OF THE ELECTION, CLOSING OF THE POLLS AND ELECTION RECONCILAITION IN WISVOTE. Click here for more information and registration.
Vendor Demonstrations on our Website |
We still have several vendor demonstrations on the WMCA website. Run your mouse over the Municipal Vendors button and the 2021 Vendor Demonstration listing will pop up. Check them out. There is also extensive information from Wisconsin Deferred Compensation. Click here to check out the products and services they have for you.
Get the 2022 42nd Annual WMCA Conference in Your Budget!

The 2022 42nd Annual WMCA Conference will be at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. The actual conference will run from 8:00 am on Thursday, August 25 through Friday, noon, August 26th. There will be Pre-conference classes starting at 8:00 am on Wednesday, August 24th including a New Clerks Class, so make your hotel reservations accordingly. While the true registration fees for this conference will not be finalized until Spring, $175 in your budget for conference registration should cover it. Pre-conference classes run $80-$85 on average. You can click here to go to the 2022 Conference page in the WMCA website for the hotel room costs and reservation information. Please note that Chula Vista does charge your credit card for the first night at the time of making the reservation.