Newsletter: October 2024
AFRITAC West 2 Welcomes New Phase, and Management
Mr. Ivohasina Fizara Razafimahefa AFW2 Director
FY 2025 Q2 (August – October 2024) marked significant beginnings for AFRITAC West 2 (AFW2). The center kicked off the third financing phase (Phase III) in August and marked the mid-point of fiscal year (FY) 2025 in October 2024. The team also welcomed new head, Mr. Ivohasina Fizara Razafimahefa, as it bade farewell to former Director, Ms. Eva Jenkner, in September 2024.
In FY 2025 Q2, a total of 35 activities – 28 TA Missions, 6 regional workshops and 1 professional attachment - supported member countries to advance progress on key outcomes.
AFW2 launches peer-to-peer research webinar series to boost regional knowledge creation and expertise.
Former AFW2 Director, Eva Jenkner awarding Abdul-Aziz Hamza, Winner and at the AFW2 10th Anniversary and 11th SC Meeting.
This new project follows the AFW2 Young Economist Research Contest for Central Bankers and Government Economists, which honored economists from Nigeria and Sierra Leone at the 10th Anniversary celebrations. It aims to establish a regular platform for economists within AFW2 member countries to engage in discussions on high-quality applied research addressing critical economic policy issues. The quarterly series seeks to promote continuous dialogue and foster robust peer networks.
AFW2 Coverage of FY 2024, the last annual instalment of Phase II (2019 – 2024) activities, is available. Read the full AFW2 FY 2024 Annual report here.
CD Highlights by Work Area (May-July 2024)
AFW2 Member Countries were supported to upgrade key processes to improve service delivery.
Ghana Revenue Authority Customs Officers who attended an investigation workshop held in Accra, Ghana
The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) of Nigeria was aided in reviewing its taxpayer services strategy, aligning it with their new vision and compliance risk management. Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Officers participated in a customs workshop designed to enhance understanding of the practical application of investigation procedures. PFM experts helped the Ghana Ministry of Finance (MOF) to improve budgeting processes and implement a comprehensive Treasury Single account. Support to the Bank of Sierra Leone focused on widening risk-based supervision (RBS) capacity of staff in specialized areas within the financial sector.
AFW2 Hybrid CD mission on FPAS at the Central Bank of The Gambia, August 2024
Countries upgraded their real sector statistics and strengthened their monetary forecasting and analysis capabilities with CD from AFW2.
Support to the Central Bank of The Gambia (CBG) expanded forecasting capabilities, with the August 2024 mission resulting in a successful update of the medium-term three-year macroeconomic outlook. Nigeria Bureau of Statistics advanced progress in CPI updates and GDP rebasing, and the corresponding results are expected to be disseminated by December 2024, and March 2025, respectively.
Regional Workshops and Professional Attachments
AFW2 Customs LTX, STX and participants in the Regional Workshop on Intelligence, Banjul, The Gambia
AFW2 Center Director, Ms. Eva Esselba Mends, Chief Director, MoF Ghana, Mr. Alex Amankwah-Poku, Director of Budget Development and Reforms, MoF Ghana, PFM LTX, and participants in the Regional Workshop on Enhancing Gender Responsive Budgeting, Accra, Ghana
Participants during the AFW2/AFE/MCM Workshop on Fintech Risk, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Director of AFW2, and Second Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana with participants of the workshop on FPAS and Communication on Monetary Policy, Accra, Ghana
Outreach and Key Developments
Former and current AFW2 Directors, Regional Advisor for Statistics, and Economist with Statistician General of the Ghana Statistical Service, Prof. Samuel K. Annim, and other GSS officials
Both the outgoing and incoming AFW2 Directors paid a courtesy visit to the Ghana Statistical Service in August 2024.
AFW2 appreciates the unwavering support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) with renewed funding of $1.5 million for Phase III.
The second African Regional Technical Assistance Centre in West Africa (AFRITAC West 2), is a collaborative effort between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recipient countries and several bilateral and multilateral partners. It originated from the IMF’s response to African leaders’ call on the international community to increase technical assistance (TA) to Africa and focus it more sharply on capacity building in core macroeconomic and financial management areas. AFRITAC West 2 provides TA and training to Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.