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March 2021 Monthly E-Newsletter

Issue 03 | 2021

Your Professional Link to Excellence

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In This Issue

     St Patricks Day               

President's Message



I’m sure everyone is gearing up for what we hope to be the last election for 2021, municipal races, referendums….April promises to be a bit busier than February.  Hang in there – there are virtual district meetings being planned and conferences to look forward to!

Some districts have held virtual meetings with much success.  Faith is working with Kassie to offer virtual training for our entire membership.  We know how very important it is to be kept up to date and to get training hours in order to obtain certifications.  Also, we are planning the August Conference which will be held in Brookfield and as of recent, IIMC is still planning to be in-person in Michigan this May.

Speaking of May – there is STILL TIME to participate in the League’s “The Municipality” May Cover Contest.  The May edition is focused on Municipal Clerks.  The League of Wisconsin Municipalities and the WMCA partnered to find a new image that celebrates Clerks for the cover of the League’s magazine, social media and other applications.  I can’t wait to see what has been submitted!  Deadline is 11:59 PM, Monday, March 22nd.

I have recently participated in a number of conversations regarding elections and our processes, including a conversation with Kelly Michaels and the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau.  In addition, I’m sure most of you have received communication regarding the many legislative bills that have been introduced.  I’ve seen communication sent to Clerks from their County Clerks, from other legislators seeking opinions and from our own LCAC Committee.  Please take the time to review the legislation and reach out to the LCAC Committee or your legislators.  Your opinion matters.

Hope you have a chance to enjoy the nice weather (when it’s here) and I hope you have a successful, uneventful Spring Election.

Keep smiling!

Wendy Helgeson WCMC
WMCA 2020-2021 President

With the new stimulus package (American Rescue Plan) the President just approved there will be some significant funding opportunities for municipalities and perhaps some additional federal single audit implications for them as well.  Baker Tilly would like to help your municipality wade through the ins and outs of the new stimulus package.

Check out the following information they have available so far:  

  • Upcoming webinar  - American Rescue Plan: eligible uses and strategies for readiness webinar
    • Wednesday, March 24 at 11 am CT
You may contact Wendi Unger, Partner at Baker Tilly at  if you have any other questions.
THE MULTI-MEDIA COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU!                                  Uncle Sam
The Multi-Media Committee has been created to help all Clerks with the preparation of common documents used in this profession. We are seeking templates so all members can utilize them through the WMCA website. It is our plan to ask for particular templates on a monthly basis. Please help your fellow Clerks by providing sample documents to ease their time in preparing documents that already exist.

This month, we will be seeking documents for Board of Review, Liquor License forms/letters, Election Letter templates to clean up our databases (those not used by WEC), and any Excel sheet you may use which reflects Class 1, 2 & 3 Notices and their deadlines for postings. We appreciate you and t
hank you in advance for your help in getting this portion of the website established for your colleagues. 
Please email your templates to either Kelly Meyer or Jeanne O'Brien, Co-Chairs of the committee at or

The Wisconsin Historical Society is planning records management workshops for local government employees throughout this year. This year’s workshops will be hosted through zoom. The workshop is intended to give local government officials the opportunity to learn about their legal responsibilities and basic records management of public records.   

The 2021 Workshops are planned for the following dates: 

  • Friday, April 23, 2021 
  • Friday, June 18, 2021 
  • Friday, August 20, 2021 
  • Friday, October 15, 2021 

Read more. . .


The UW-Extension will have the 2021 BOR Training “Conducting a Hearing” video and the accompanying BOR training packet master ready to distribute to the WMCA hopefully by April 1st.  The Wisconsin Department of Revenue will be re-certifying WMCA Trainers, and we will be able to start having Board of Review Zoom meetings to train everyone that needs to certify or re-certify.  The DOR has stated that our Zoom trainings do qualify as “in-person” training, as required by the new laws this year.

Watch for emails from the Executive Director announcing class dates and times when the materials are ready and we can open registration.  Please note:  due to video expenses we are required to charge $30 per municipality this year to be paid back to UW-Extension just for showing the video.  We will also have our regular charge of $10 for the first Training Packet and $5.00 for each packet after that.


Cyber Security Workshop
April 20, 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom
Details and Registration
Please thank our sponsor! 
League Mutual Insurance
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.​

Local Government 101
May 7, May 21 and June 4 via Zoom

Details and Registration
Please thank our sponsors!
League Mutual Insurance
 * Stafford Rosenbaum LLP

Clerks, Treasurers & Finance Officers Institute
June 9-11, 2021 via Zoom
Details and Registration
Please thank our sponsors!
League Mutual Insurance * MPIC
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.


Now is the time to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or office. The Institute is truly the premiere place to learn the skills you need to be the best Professional Clerk you can be. Aside from saving your municipality money for travel expenses, the WMCA has registration scholarships available for members planning to attend the Clerks Institute. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion.  The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay has gone virtual again for 2021.


CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE MEMBER ADS.  Click on the ad to go to their websites.
Wokhorse ad 
 Town Web Ad-fEB21
 Ehlers WI 3.5 x 4.5 fall 2020

For more information about the WMCA, go to

CHECK THESE OUT:  Career Ads | 2021 Conference Hotels | Virtual Learning

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