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October 2020 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Monthly Newsletter



Wendy 2 


As we are nearing the end of week one of In-Person Absentee Voting, I wanted you all to know that you are amazing and appreciated.  You may not hear it often enough, but you are appreciated.  You are doing an amazing job administering one of the most important rights we have as US Citizens – THE RIGHT TO VOTE, and you are doing it during unprecedented times.  The hard work, long hours, preparation, countless phone calls and inquiries is a lot in addition to what we do every day.  You are appreciated.  I have been seeing a lot of great posts on Facebook from various Clerks and I have to say I love the positivity!  Keep sharing.  Keep educating. 

I have been doing my best to answer media questions and participate in all the requests for interviews.  I have talked to various organizations from Wisconsin Public Radio to ABC News and the New York Times.  ABC and New York Times?  Well, in case you missed it, if you listened to the first debate and heard the President mention “ballots were found in the river”… well guess where he was referring to?  Yep!  My nice little mid-sized Town.  Except it was not a river – it was a ditch across from the airport on the edge of Town.  And it was not just ballots, it was mail, and not even Wisconsin mail.  If you find yourself needing a good read and are on Instagram, look up #wherestheriver.  But most importantly, every interviewer I have spoken with provided the opportunity to share anything else I thought the voters should know.  I am quick to tell them Wisconsin Clerks do this job with integrity.  We are doing our best, but there is a lot to do and prepare for. I ask them to be patient.  Fill out your absentee ballot certificate completely.  Be prepared.  And under no circumstances are we trying to end up in the newspaper.

I hope that everyone has an uneventful election.  Busy?  Absolutely.  But we have been planning for this.  It is likely we will end up with more twists and turns as this election draws to an end, like people in polling places with weapons, but volume of people and absentee ballots – we can do it.  We have watched the webinars, participated in trainings, attended meetings, had conversations with our Clerk friends and neighboring Clerks.  We all still have a lot of work to do, but we are almost there!  I am so proud of who we are as an organization, and who each and every one of you are.  I am happy to stand next to you and work with you through this election, which I am certain no one will ever soon forget. 

Keep going, keep smiling and I wish all you all the best. 

Wendy Helgeson WCMC
2020-2021 WMCA President

40th Anniversary Sweepstakes Winners

On behalf of the WCEF (Wisconsin Clerks Education Fund) Committee, thank you to everyone that participated in the 40th Anniversary WCEF Sweepstakes.  We have received $4,702 in donations through the Sweepstakes.  That total is actually more than the money raffles and 50/50 raffles made at the conference last year! 

Now we just need Covid to get under control so that we can go back to having our Northern Conference in May and the Annual Conference in August next year.  The WCEF will be ready with several scholarships to help our clerks attend.

Click here to see the list of winners.

The Lastest IIMC MMC Recipient
 IIMC Logo

IIMC is pleased to inform you that as of today, the following individual has earned the prestigious Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):

Diana Dykstra, MMC - Village Clerk/Treasurer - Village of Mukwonago, WI -

The Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC. To qualify for the MMC Designation, one must first earn the Certified Municipal Clerk Designation (CMC) as well commit to life-long learning by attending extensive advanced education programs and making significant professional contributions to the community and municipality in which they serve. Those that achieve the MMC Designation have demonstrated that they have actively pursued educational and professional activities and have remained informed of current socio-political, cultural, and economic issues that affect local governments and municipalities in today’s day of age.


Ehlers WI 3.5 x 4.5 fall 2020
Click on the ad to go to the Ehlers website.

 WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA.  The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.

 Issue #11  
  October 2020

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In This Issue

Check Out the Virtual Learning Page

Continue to check out the Virtual Learning page under Education on the WMCA website.  The offerings are changing all the time.

Granicus has a new "Clerk Virtual Summit" coming up.

 2021 Annual Conference Hotels     
2 years in one 
There are two hotels right next to the Brookfield Conference Center that are ready to take your reservations.

Click here to go to the hotel page.

​         Check Out the          
Vendor Demos

Since you cannot attend the vendor demonstrations at the conference this year, the Associates are bringing their demonstrations to you.  Go to the WMCA website and run your mouse over Municipal Vendors in the drop down menu and you will see 2020 Virtual Vendor Demonstrations.   Click on a vendor name to bring up a recorded demo at your convenience.  The demonstrations will be available through September.

Click here to see the virtual vendor demos now.
CareerAds Button
Have You Checked Out the Career Ads Lately?  Have you been thinking of making a change or possibly moving up to a bigger position?  Don’t forget to check out the “Career Ads” section of the WMCA website.  Go to: and click on the blue button on the right side of the website to check out all of the openings around the state.


About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Check Out Our Website at:


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