Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Professor David Grant, Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans, Transit Australia Group CEO Michael McGee, Head of Department of Business Strategy and Innovation Professor Rosemary Stockdale and RedEye CEO Wayne Gerard at the launch of the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation held at South Bank in March 2019. (Photo supplied)
Department of Business Strategy and Innovation official launch
Griffith Business School has ushered in a new era for one of its most enduring and significant Departments, officially launching the freshly rebranded Department of Business Strategy and Innovation at an event in South Bank. Joined by industry partners, alumni, students, colleagues and distinguished guests, Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Professor David Grant officially opened proceedings to celebrate the Department’s reinvigorated vision alongside the Head of Department, Professor Rosemary Stockdale.
Also in attendance as guest presenters were the Honourable Leeanne Enoch MP – the Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for the Arts – and Queensland Chief Entrepreneur Ms Leanne Kemp. Read more...
Dr Rob Hales, Professor Rosemary Stockdale and Adjunct Professor Rod Welford pictured with students from the sustainable enterprise major in May 2019. (Photo supplied)
Welcome to Adjunct Professor Rod Welford
Professor Rosemary Stockdale and Dr Rob Hales welcomed newly appointed Adjunct Professor Rod Welford to the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation at a lunch event to provide an overview of employment prospects in the area of sustainable business to the sustainable enterprise major students.
"We have a growing number of students undertaking the major indicating renewed interest in sustainable business," said Dr Hales.
Professor Welford and Dr Hales spoke about recent positive trends in employment. The event was co-hosted by the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation and the Griffith Centre for Sustainable Enterprise.
Introducing our new Industry Advisory Board
The Department is pleased to introduce the members of our new Industry Advisory Board. The Advisory Board has been established to provide strategic advice with regard to our research profile, activities and strategic direction, and assists in improving links with industry and government. The first meeting of the Board took place on 9 May 2019.
Welcome to our new entrepreneurship staff
We are also happy to welcome two new staff members in the area of entrepreneurship. Associate Professor Naomi Birdthistle commenced on 13 May and Dr Carla Riverola will be joining us on 16 July.
Blue Economy CRC draws on national and international expertise in aquaculture and marine renewable energy
Associate Professor Ki-Hoon Lee, along with colleagues from CSIRO, University of Queensland, Griffith University and University of Tasmania have been awarded $70 million to fund a new Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) from 2019 to 2029.
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Sisters support business together
The Sisters Project, led by Dr Dhara Shah aims to empower ‘sisters’ (aged 50 and over) by building their self-efficacy, fostering their earnings, bringing them together in groups to form support networks or partnerships, and providing them with skill development, training, mentoring and coaching support, and grants to start a small business. Find out more...
Making palm oil sustainable and inclusive: incentives and disincentives in Indonesia
Dr Tapan Sarker co-authored an article that investigates the impacts of palm oil on the economic development of smallholder communities and deforestation in Indonesia, based on his ACIAR funded project (FST/2012/040, Enhancing smallholder benefits from Reduced Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia).
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Anneke’s research recognised with Australia Day Achievement Medallion
Professor Anneke Fitzgerald was presented with the Australia Day Achievement Medallion for her research contributions at the Australasian College of Health Services Management (ACHSM) breakfast celebrating international women’s week. The ACHSM nominated her for this medal, which is given out by the National Australia Day Council.
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Degraded peatland area within Katimpun village forest, Central Kalimantan. (Photo: Faridh Hamdani)
Implementing UN-REDD+ in Indonesia
While developing countries around the world are preparing to implement UN REDD+ (a mechanism namely, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), there is a debate on the possible role of fiscal instruments in encouraging the private sector and smallholder stakeholders in reducing emissions. Drawing on external funding through The Australian Council for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Dr Tapan Sarker has completed a collaborative project examining the role of fiscal instruments in encouraging the private sector and smallholders in Indonesia to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Find out more...
Developing remarkable leaders
In 2016 the City of Gold Coast (CoGC) signed an agreement with Griffith Business School to deliver a leadership development program to a cohort of their middle and senior managers. The first cohort completed the Graduate Certificate of Leadership and Management and graduated in December 2018. Find out more...
The power of the entrepreneurial thinking
Teamwork is a major feature in the course of Entrepreneurship and New Business Ventures delivered by Dr Julienne Senyard. In this course, students explore team activities as entrepreneurs and create innovative products or services with the help of others. Through the “Marshmallow Tower Challenge”, students are asked to use dry spaghetti, tapes, sticks and marshmallows to create a tower. This team activity is an important exercise to practice innovation and explore creativity, problem solving and prototyping.
Students think big and win big in the Griffith Innovation Challenge
In the Griffith Innovation Challenge, students work individually or in teams to develop a concept, venture or product, and compete for $10,000 in prize money to support the launch of their idea. Find out more...
Cassandra flourishes in Honours program
Cassandra Pointon had not considered studying further upon completion of her Bachelor of Business. In her final year, she received an invitation to an Honours information session which proved to be a game changer. Find out more...
Beyond learning: Vietnam Study Tour
Developing work-ready graduates with a competitive edge
This year’s participants of the Vietnam Study Tour, convened by Dr Cathy Burns, assisted in a clean-up with the Scuba team while enjoying a kayaking around Halong Bay. (Photo: Kelly Burstow). Linking up with students from Hanoi University and the Banking University Ho Chi Minh City, Griffith students worked with the problem of business, tourism and development. Over three weeks they were able to experience first-hand the social, economic and political complexity of a developing nation: from the old capital of Hanoi to the cosmopolitan business centre of Ho Chi Minh City, remote village homestay to Halong Bay cruise, and the Mekong Delta river trade. Read more...
MBA boardroom lunch a resounding success
Associate Professor Stephanie Schleimer (Acting MBA Director), and MBA Program Support Officer, Ms Rebecca Quinlan hosted the first MBA boardroom lunch for the year at the Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML) Australia and New Zealand in the Brisbane CBD. The event was attended by 12 recent graduates of the program. There was a considerable buzz in the room as our alumni connected with each other, sharing stories of their career journey since graduation. Subsequent events were held in Sydney and Melbourne.
Design, innovation and creativity-led entrepreneurship (DICE)
Design, Innovation and Creativity led Entrepreneurship (DICE) is an ecosystem of education providers based in the Mumbai area, seeking partners to enhance the international experience and opportunities of students. The objective of the delegation is to empower Indian educationalists to herald innovation and leadership in the knowledge economy of the 21st Century. Professor Michelle Barker and Dr Dhara Shah presented their project to address the needs of women entrepreneurs in India to the visiting delegation to explore opportunities for collaboration.
How will the present government meet the SDGs?
Just over 10 years ago the then Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, halted the unsustainable Traveston Crossing Dam near Gympie. At the recent CMI conference Dr Rob Hales spoke to Peter Garret about his decision.
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Australia-Indonesia collaboration on climate change
Dr Tapan Sarker and Dr Rob Hales took part in the inaugural Witoelar Dialogue at South Bank, organised by the Griffith Asia Institute as part of the Collaborative Australia-Indonesia Program for Sustainability and Climate Change.
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Australian Intrapreneur Summit
Professor Rosemary Stockdale and Professor Brad Jackson attended an intrapreneur summit along with Griffith student volunteers. The array of interesting speakers addressed different aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship within organisations across the profit, not-for-profit and government domains.
Talking leadership in NZ
Professor Brad Jackson delivered the keynote address ‘Foregrounding place to create collective leadership for a sustainable future’ at the 4th International Public and Political Leadership conference in Wellington as well as leading a master class on ‘Purpose-driven leadership’ at the Future of Work conference. While there he also co-led the ‘Collective leadership and collaborative governance for public value co-creation’ track at the International Research Society for Public Management conference.
Brexit: Facts, fallout and future
Professor Sara McGaughey spoke to a packed Legislative Council Chamber at Parliament House as part of an expert panel discussing Britain’s bitter divisions over Brexit. The Speaker of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, Hon Curtis Pitt MP opened the event, presented by the Australian Institute in International Affairs Queensland and the Queensland Chapter of the Australasian Study of Parliament Group. Find out more...
Sustainability science and sustainable solutions
Dr Rob Hales delivered the keynote address at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Indonesia's launch of their cross university Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Hub.
Financing energy efficiency in Singapore
Tapan Sarker took part in a roundtable event organised by the Energy Studies Institute on the insights from international experience of financing energy efficiency and the implications for Singapore.
Why renewable energy needs to be mainstream—not an alternative
In case you missed our public lecture presented by Associate Professor Pat Glynn, Dr Rod Gap and Dr Luke Houghton about current state of play in terms of renewable energy generation and storage, you can view the video here.