Corrected - January 2020 WMCA E-Newsletter
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
Monthly Newsletter
Your President's
I’m President Coenen and “THIS ….. IS 2020”
WOW 2020 – Who would have thought that I would say a Barbara Walters line 😊
It’s actually “2020” VISIONS AND VICTORIES for WMCA
1920 was the Year that made the Decade Roar – will 2020 be the Year that makes WMCA Roar? I hope it will be an accomplished year for WMCA and all Professional Clerks – we are well on our way, but I also know it will be a very busy election year! As we start gearing up for what will be a very “HOT” election cycle remember to breath and reach out to your resources and your WMCA family when you need help or just a friend. We are WMCA Strong and if we Stand Together we will survive!
VISIONS – from the Past: When reading the history about 1920 it has been written that every aspect of life today was in some way influenced by these things that happened: The League of Nations held its first Executive Council meeting and at its height, had 58 member states - The United States never joined. America had a de-facto Woman President, First Lady, Edith Wilson, who made policy decisions on President Wilson’s behalf for the remainder of his term (1 ½ yrs.) America sustained the worst terrorist attack in its history when a horse-drawn cart carrying a massive explosive was detonated on the busiest corner on Wall Street. Thirty-eight people were killed and hundreds were injured. Women gained the right to vote by every state west of the Mississippi River. Nine states denied women the vote and seven of those, were among the original thirteen colonies. The last “yes” vote needed for ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, was Tennessee on August 18, 1920 by a vote of 50-49. The Constitution was twice amended in a single year the only time since the passage of the Bill of Rights. The KKK terrorized the nation when they reorganized in 1920. Charles Ponzi came up with a sales scheme where he bought “international reply coupons” (which made it easier for people to send mail across national borders) in one country and traded then for postage stamps in another. His scheme collapsed although Ponzi schemes continue. The mass media was born when radio stations began broadcasting live results of the presidential election. “No other event of 1920 would have more of an effect on the future than the birth of radio, with was in turn the birth of American mass media.”
No wonder the decade roared!!!!
VICTORY: Did you know that JANUARY is National Mentoring Month?
Each January youth mentoring is promoted in the United States. It was inaugurated in 2002 and our US President endorses the campaign by proclaiming January as National Mentoring Month. A highlight of the campaign is “Thank Your Mentor Day – January 31.”
For me, being a mentor means that I can give back to others, what mentors gave to me – my legs to stand on and a shoulder to lean on. I encourage you to take some time to think about the person(s) who mentored you along the way and brighten their day by letting them know you are thinking about them and appreciate that they took the time to listen and help. Click here for the list of current WMCA Mentors and I also ask that everyone take a little time to thank our WMCA Mentors for their willingness to serve their fellow Professional Clerks.
WMCA can always use more mentors especially in the counties that are not represented in the list. Please consider helping. Thank you!
Diane Coenen WCMC/CMC
2019-2020 WMCA President
The Municipality Focuses on Elections
Need to explain the work that goes into an election? There’s a resource for that!
The League of Wisconsin Municipalities January The Municipality magazine is focused on elections and is a good resource for people with questions about the work that you do. Articles include: “Election Day: Not Just a One-Day Affair” by Kelly Michaels, Certified Professional Clerk, City of Brookfield; “Municipal Clerks and Election Security” by Reid Magney, Public Information Officer, Wisconsin Elections Commission; “Badger Book Overview” for those of you using Badger Book and “Election Training: An Overview” by Nikki Perez, Municipal Clerk, City of Madison City Clerk’s Office.
If you get a lot of questions from your local media about elections and/or would like to provide information to a new reporter, you can use the following draft email to send your media list a link to the magazine:
You may have questions about the upcoming February 18 Spring Primary and April 7 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary. For background information, please see the League of Municipalities January The Municipality magazine which is focused on elections.
Articles include:
- “Election Day: Not Just a One-Day Affair” by Kelly Michaels, Certified Professional Clerk, City of Brookfield. Kelly details the extensive amount of work necessary both before and after an election. Included is information on poll locations; turnout projections; staffing, training and scheduling poll workers; ordering ballot stock, supplies, programming and testing equipment; absentee balloting; voter registration; preparing poll layout plans; the ‘day before’ – preparation and troubleshooting; election day and what happens after election day.
- “Municipal Clerks and Election Security” by Reid Magney, Public Information Officer, Wisconsin Elections Commission. Included is information on online and in person cybersecurity training; state and local technology and municipal clerk election security responsibilities.
- “Badger Book Overview” the new electronic polling book in use by some municipalities.
- “Election Training: An Overview” by Nikki Perez, Municipal Clerk, City of Madison City Clerk’s Office. Included is the role of the Municipal Clerk; support for clerks; elections inspectors and election day; the checks and balances and training and preparedness.
You may also want to check out “Voting by the Numbers” on page 16 of the January The Municipality which provides a variety of interesting data points related to voting in Wisconsin. For example, did you know that the number of clerks responsible for maintaining voter lists, managing polling places and hiring poll workers is - spoiler alert – 1,850 and that 100% is the percentage of Wisconsin votes cast on paper ballots or with a paper backup – details are provided on what percentage on optical-scan paper ballots, touch screen and hand-counted paper ballots.
Click here to download a pdf copy of the January Municipality.
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CORRECTION: In the League’s January 2020 The Municipality magazine article titled, Badger Book Overview, it is important to clarify that Badger Books, used to check in and register voters and process absentee ballots at local polling places, do NOT use an internet connection.
Scholarship Applications Now Available for
UW-Green Bay Institute
The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay is a great place to learn the skills you need to be the best Clerk you can be. Any Clerk planning to attend the Clerks Institute may apply for a scholarship to help with the costs. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion.
In 2019 - the WMCA gave out $10,413 in scholarships from their own funds; $775 in scholarship moneys from Past Presidents; and then our generous Associate Members(the vendors) donated $4,854 for a total of $16,042 in scholarship monies.
Click here to fill out an on-line Scholarship Application for the UW-GB.
Click here to download a fillable Scholarship Application.
IIMC Conference Scholarship Available
The WMCA Board of Directors voted to put $2,000 in the 2020 budget for an IIMC Conference Scholarship. This scholarship is being offered to eligible WMCA members to attend the IIMC Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO, May 17 through 20, 2020. If you are interested in applying for a Conference Scholarship and match ALL the criteria listed on the application, either fill out the scholarship application on-line or download a fillable application form.
To be considered, your Application MUST be at WMCA Headquarters by March 1, 2020. **DO NOT FORGET to send in a letter of support from your Supervisor. Your application will not be considered without it!**
Click here to fill out the on-line version of the Scholarship Application.
Click here to download a fillable Scholarship Application.
Did You Get Your
2020 Membership
Dues Email?
Did you receive your email to renew your dues with WMCA for 2020? The emails were sent out on December 30th. Contact Faith at the WMCA office at if you did not get your email. (Double check your junk mail, too.)
WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA. The next time
you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out
the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page. |
2020 Educational Opportunities
Mark your calendars for the following opportunities and watch your email for the registration information:
Northern Spring Training - in Minocqua on May 14-15, 2020. Great place to come for basic clerk education. Details coming soon.
IIMC Annual Conference - May 17-20, 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri. Click here for all the details.
UW-Green Bay Clerks Institute -
July 12-17, 2020. Click here for all the details.
40th Anniversary WMCA Conference -
August 26-28th, 2020 - Chula Vista
You can reserve your hotel room now. See Hotel information and code on the WMCA website. Click Here. Registration for the conference will be out in April.
Have You Checked Out the Career Ads Lately? Have you been thinking of making a change or possibly moving up to a bigger position? Don’t forget to check out the “Career Ads” section of the WMCA website. Go to: and click on the blue button on the right side of the website to check out all of the openings around the state.
To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.