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A Message from
Higher Things Conferences

Dear Group Leaders,

This week we have a couple of things for you to note as you are making your travel and packing plans for this summer’s conferences! 

Travel Plans

As you begin to finalize your travel plans for the conference, please be sure to attend both the opening and closing Divine Services (2:00 pm on opening day and 1:30 pm on closing day)! Check-in will be open from 9:00 am until 1:30 pm on opening day. Breakfast and lunch are on your own that day. There are plenty of restaurants close to each conference site. You will receive information on where to go when you arrive in a later Group Leader email. Please also plan to attend the first Leaders’ Meeting on that day, which will take place at 1:00 pm. 

For your plans to travel home, the closing service will conclude on the closing day at 3:00 pm.

If you are arriving the day before the conference begins, our Registrar, Cyndy, will contact you the week before the conference with arrival details. 


All registrants, unless they have requested and paid the fees for a private room, should expect to be housed in double-occupancy rooms. (“Private room” only refers to sleeping quarters; restrooms may still be shared.) We do our best to honor roommate requests, but it may not always be possible – especially if a request is made for a roommate from another group. We also make it a priority to assign groups to rooms with each other, but cannot guarantee that it will always work out perfectly. Not every group will have an even number of registrants of each gender, so sometimes individuals from different groups will be assigned as roommates.

The dorms this summer will be a mixture of suites (multiple beds and rooms sharing a bathroom) and common bathrooms (traditional dorm rooms with one bathroom on the floor). Some will have air conditioning, and some will not (NE and MN are all AC; IL and WI are mixed; there is no AC in CA.). Plan to bring fans if you think the heat will be an issue as fans will not be available for rent. Bedding (sheets, blanket, pillow, pillowcase) and towels/washcloths will be provided.

Coming Soon: Packing List and Group Leader Details. As always, contact us with any questions!


Sandra Madden and Crysten Sanchez

Conference Executive and Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.

2019 Concordia Logo

“The Word of the Lord endures forever.”
(1 Peter 1:25)

“Concordia.” It literally means “with one heart” in Latin. The Church is unified around the confession of Jesus as our Lord and Savior like a congregation singing together in many different parts but singing the same song together in perfect harmony.

Concordia isn’t just a feeling that we are one. It’s not only something that we strive to have. We don’t sacrifice what we believe in order to be unified. True Concord is always centered around the confession of Christ and Him crucified!

God speaks. We receive His words into our ears. He gives our tongues the words to say to Him and to those around us. We repeat, together, His Words back to Him. We sing them, we confess them, all agreeing together, “with one heart and voice” our confession of Jesus!

In a world where youth are tempted to compromise, Higher Things is excited to plan our 2019 Conferences centered on the theme of the Church and Unity.

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Higher Things, Inc.
(888) 482-6630

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