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September 2018 WMCA E-News

Monthly E-Newsletter for WMCA Members

Issue 8, Volume 2018

 For the best display of this E-Newsletter, click here to open the E-Newsletter as a webpage.
Inside This Issue 


Fall WMCA District Meetings are being set now:

District 1 & 2 Joint Mtg-Oct 12

  District 5- Tuesday, Oct. 2

Have you checked out our Facebook page?
Have you had a chance to check out the WMCA Facebook Page?  President Michaels has assigned a member to each day of the week to bring you some great ideas and information.  Check it out!

Monday – Motivations

Tuesday – Productivity Tips

Wednesday-Wonders of Clerk World

Thursday-Thirsty for Education

Friday-Professional Peep of the Week  [You can also see the Peep of the Week on the WMCA website.]


Certification Deadline Coming:
 The next deadline to send in your certification applications is October 1st.


There is an ARMA Milwaukee meeting on Thursday September 20th.  Click here to see what's on the agenda.
Click here to register.

About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Assoc.


Sm Logo
Kelly Michaels President's Letter

to the Membership

My Fellow Clerks

First I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for the trust and support you’ve placed in my leadership!  I promise to serve you all to the best of my abilities and want you to know I have GREAT EXPECTATIONS for the year ahead!  

In the past 29 years of working in what I call Clerk World, I’ve seen the many ups and downs of our profession.  I know some people think our job is easy, but being a municipal Clerk is not easy and some days it is downright difficult.  There are moments of self-doubt when you’ve just received a screaming complaint call and you’re asking yourself “What in the world am I doing here?” 

There are sleepless nights of worry wondering if something was missed and whether or not the media would be waiting at the office in the morning!   Oh, and then there are those moments of being completely dumbfounded like when a resident calls you up to ask “how do I become a priest?”

Being a municipal Clerk can sometimes involve learning lessons, some of which can be quite unpleasant, as some of you have recently experienced on Election Day!   From the exploding ballot pens in the City of West Allis to the failing memory stick in Ixonia to the voter who pooped on the bathroom floor up in the Village of Merten.    I know I’m just scratching the surface of all the bizarre occurrences out there because we all know that Elections can come with some very bad behavior as tensions run high!

Please don’t despair, lessons like these can be extremely helpful and they are a huge opportunity for insight and growth as long as you learn the lesson and move forward with resolve to continually improve!   I’ve been asked why anyone would want to be a Clerk?  

I believe it is all about the Passion!  Because there are those absolute “Over the Moon” moments when you have a brilliant, successful and positive impact on your community, and you know it and they know it and it is SO INCREDIBLY GOOD!    So the blessing in the lesson is that you will be a much wiser and more resilient Clerk.

Thankfully, the communities I’ve worked for, have all been supportive of membership in the WMCA!  They’ve seen the value of continuing education and having a large network of experienced Clerks to draw from.  Clerks that have already experienced the passion and the lessons.  Clerks who’ve answered my surveys, taken my calls and shared with me the tough lessons they learned along the way so I wouldn’t have to.   

Isn’t that truly, the greatest thing about membership in our association?  The shared connection we have to each other! It means that while we are sometimes or all the time, alone in our offices, we are never alone in facing the next crisis.  We are never alone when we are overwhelmed and have no clue where to begin!  We are never alone when we’ve had our worst day, week, month or year!

Because WMCA is not ONLY about education and mentoring!  We are an association of professionals.  You are “my people” and I am “your people!”   We are the people who truly understand the struggles of being a municipal Clerk, the ones celebrating our wins, mourning our losses, sharing our wisdom and experiences, supporting and working tirelessly to raise our profession up.   I invite you all to join me in embracing our association with your talents and utilizing all of the benefits that membership has to offer.   And please, don’t keep it a secret!   Tell everyone!  Reach out to neighboring municipalities and invite those non-member Clerks to a meeting.

Yes, we do have great expectations for the coming year and we are moving forward with positive attitudes, resiliency, determination and deliberate intentions for growth and improvement in how we do what we do through inspiration, education, professionalism and good old fashion, roll up your sleeves, “clerk work”.  

In closing, I’d like to share the inspirational thoughts of award winning author LR Knost who for me has perfectly described my life personally and professionally and I bet you will relate as well: 

Life saying

Kelly Michaels WCMC/CMC

President, Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association

Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule has been Approved

The Wisconsin Public Records Board, during their last meeting on August 29, 2018, approved the Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule for use. The new Municipal Schedule replaces the Wisconsin Municipal Records Manual (commonly called the “little orange book”) for the retention and disposition of municipal records.

Unlike the old Municipal Manual, the new Schedule gives municipal governments the option of adopting into the schedule, rather than using it as a model to draft ordinances. Other changes include an updated format that (hopefully) allows you to find specific record schedules with ease, and a new column that identifies whether or not the Wisconsin Historical Society has already waived the notification process for that particular record series.

For more information on how to adopt and apply the Municipal Schedule, and to access the application form and schedule, please click here to visit the Wisconsin Historical Society’s website

The schedule can also be accessed on the Public Records Board webpage

Please visit the PRB’s webpage for additional information on other existing records schedules.

For specific questions, please contact the Public Records Board or Andrew Baraniak, Local Government Records Archivist with the Wisconsin Historical Society, at

The 38th Annual

WMCA "Super Clerk" Conference


 Logo on Red Cape
The 38th Annual WMCA "Super Clerk" Conference was held at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay on August 22-24, 2018.  While not everyone that attended the conference has responded to the post conference survey yet, at least 95% of those that have responded gave the classes Average to Above Average ratings!  Along with the great classes, the WMCA did award several worthy members for their outstanding accomplishments in the last year and in their career lifetime.  Here is a recap of all the winners:


Nancy Zastrow with Teri Lehrke,
Chair of the Lifetime Achievement Award Committee

 Nancy Zastrow WCMC/CMC

Awarded the Prestigious

Lifetime Achievement Award


The Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA) awarded Town of Ixonia Municipal Clerk/Treasurer Nancy Zastrow the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at their annual conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin on August 23, 2018.

Ms. Zastrow is a Wisconsin Certified Municipal Clerk as well as a Certified Municipal Clerk.  She has been involved with many WMCA committees that work to improve all clerks such as Professional Education, Promotions, Manuals and Scholarships.  In 2008-2009 she served as the WMCA President. 

Perry Goetsch, Town of Ixonia Chairman stated, “Nancy is dedicated, hard-working and always ready to answer any questions that come her way and to be as helpful as possible to everyone she meets and works with.”

Nancy has served the Town of Ixonia since June, 2016.  Prior to that, she worked in several municipalities in southeastern Wisconsin.  She married her best friend, Dale, in November, 1976.  They raised three children and have six grandchildren.




 Marie and Lois

President Goeckner honored several clerks for their accomplishments and service to the WMCA with the President's Award of Excellence.
Left Above - President Goeckner gave a President's Award to Fran Duncanson,in recognition of her strength and perseverance as a Clerk, unwavering dedication to the WMCA as a District Director, Committee Chair, and for her support of President Goeckner.

Right Above - President Goeckner gave a President's Award to Co-Directors Marie Moe and Lois Frank for their 8 and 7 years of service to District 4 respectively,
Last, but certainly not least, President Goeckner also honored the New Clerks Class members- Steve Braatz Jr.; Cindy Hegglund; JoAnn Lesser; and Lynn Pepper - in recognition of your dedication and support of WMCA through their enthusiastic training of "New Clerks" around the State.
 Congratulate Our "Extra Super Clerks" This Year
 On Thursday at lunch at the conference, President Goeckner also recognized all of the members that earned their WMCA or IIMC Certifications in the last year; as gave out "25 Year" Awards to several clerks; and announced the PEC-Professional Education certificates.  Click here for the entire list of award winners!

 NEW IIMC CERTIFICATION - Congratulations!

The International Institute of Municipal Clerks has announced the following individual has earned the prestigious Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):

Jeanne O'Brien, MMC - Deputy Clerk/Treasurer - Village of Fox Point, WI -

The Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC. To qualify for the MMC Designation, one must first earn the Certified Municipal Clerk Designation (CMC) as well commit to life-long learning by attending extensive advanced education programs and making significant professional contributions to the community and municipality in which they serve. Those that achieve the MMC Designation have demonstrated that they have actively pursued educational and professional activities and have remained informed of current socio-political, cultural, and economic issues that affect local governments and municipalities in today’s day of age.

IIMC Logo  Click here to download an Informational Newsletter from the IIMC Region VI Co-Directors           

DOR Alcohol Beverage Fact Sheets
 The WI Department of Revenue has created a set a ten Alcohol Beverage Fact Sheets.  While you can find them on the DOR website, we also have copies of the Fact Sheets in the Member Log-in area on the WMCA website.  After you sign into the Log-In area, click on the State Department Info folder and you will find the folder with the DOR Alcohol Beverage Fact Sheets-2018.
 Grants Guidance in Wisconsin - Two Classes Available

Learn where to find the grants and how to get them.

Join us September 27-28, 2018 when Milwaukee County Sheriff's Training Academy hosts Grant Writing USA's two-day grant writing workshop in Franklin.  Attend this proven class and you'll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals.  Beginning and experienced government, education and nonprofit personnel are welcome to attend.  You do not need to work in the same profession as the host agency.
Click here to open the website for more information.

Hawkins Newsletter Ad
Click here to go to the Hawkins Ash website.
Our Associate members support the WMCA by purchasing ad space in our E-Newsletters and on our website.  Remember the next time you need to buy new equipment or services, see what the WMCA Associates have to offer.                  
[Contact the WMCA Office for details for posting your ad here.]



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