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March 2018 "Special Edition" WMCA E-News

Monthly E-Newsletter for WMCA Members

Issue 2, Volume 2018

 For the best display of this E-Newsletter, click here for the web version
Inside This Issue 


    The district meetings are not listed and linked here today because the links will be changing on Monday.  Watch for the next E-Newsletter.

    **REMEMBER:  You may attend any District meeting that is of interest for you.  It does not have to be in your district.

    We have started setting Board of Review Certification Classes for 2018.  Watch for the new Board of Review page under Education in the new WMCA website next week.

    WMCA is on Facebook

    Search for Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association and like us.

    About Us

    To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

    Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Assoc.


    Sm Logo
     The New Website is Ready!!

    We Are Ready to Flip the Switch


    The new WMCA website through GovOffice is now built and it is time to switch over from our old site to the new one.  Since we will be switching website companies, we will also be switching servers. GovOffice has let us know that there may be a 24-48 hour lag before you see the new site.  We wanted to let you know that we may be disconnected for a short time.  We will be flipping the switch at 3:00 PM on Monday, March 19th.  Our domain name and URL will remain the same – .

    Along with the change of website, the email address for the WMCA – will also be moving AND CHANGING.  While you are waiting for the WMCA website to become live again, please take the time to change your email records.  The new email address will be .  The old email address will work for a while because it is out on many registration forms and out there in print, but eventually it will be shut off, so take the time to change it now.  Remember, that there may be a timeframe on Monday and Tuesday when you cannot reach Executive Director Faith Elford by email.  She will be in the WMCA office, so give her a call at 920-568-9278.

    You will be able to register for District Meetings and the Northern Training through the links in this E-Newsletter or through the emails you were sent announcing the district meeting.  Our registrations happen through our Cvent software and it is separate from our website, so please do continue to register for these events.

    Executive Director Elford will be sending out a regular March E-Newsletter next week after the website is live with more information.


    We are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Northern Wisconsin Training Days! 

    The theme this year for President Barb Goeckner is celebrating that Wisconsin clerks are ”Super Clerks”.   However, just like any other Super Hero, it takes training to grow and become a “Super Clerk”.

    The WMCA Northern Wisconsin Training Days is a great place for young clerks to learn the basics to help them grow into that “Super Clerk”.  However, even “Super Clerks” can use a refresher, so whether you are new or a seasoned “Super Clerk” everyone is invited to seek out the latest information available on many of the basic and statutory responsibilities you have in your municipality.  Please join us in one of the many beautiful parts of Wisconsin – Minocqua in May!

    Click here to check out the great line-up of “Super” classes listed in the brochure.  The training starts with everyone attending the Election Updates class with the WEC.  After that, you pick the breakouts you need to become a “Super Clerk”. 

    Click here to go to the on-line Northern WI Super Clerk in Training registration website for all the details.

    Would you love to attend both days but can only get away one day or one morning or one afternoon?  That works!  Choose from the ala carte menu and attend when you can.

    Need Financial Help to Attend the May Northern Training?

    Apply for a WCEF Scholarship.  WCEF is the Wisconsin Clerks Education Fund.  The WCEF Committee is committed to growing the fund each year through raffles and donations and then distributing the money to our members in the form of conference/ training scholarships.

    The WCEF is pleased to announce that they are accepting applications for scholarships to attend the two-day Northern Wisconsin Super Clerk in Training. 

    Click here to download the WCEF Northern Training Scholarship paper form

    Click here to go to the on-line fillable Northern Training Scholarship Application.

    Deadline to apply on-line is April 20, 2018, so don't delay-apply today.

    Here are the first two "Superman" Sponsors for our Northern WI Super Clerk in Training Days!


    Click here to check out General Code
    Lee Recreation logo with words 
    Click here to check out Lee Recreation
    Our Associate members support the WMCA by purchasing ad space in our E-Newsletters and on our website.  Remember the next time you need to buy new equipment or services, see what the WMCA Associates have to offer.                  
    [Contact the WMCA Office for details for posting your ad here.] 











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