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June 2021 Monthly E-Newsletter
Your Professional Link to Excellence
The Summer is 'Hot' with Education |
President's Message

It’s almost “officially” summer, but the weather certainly feels like it began weeks ago!
Hopefully all of you have been taking advantage of the sunshine and are able to get out and enjoy some well-deserved time off.
By now you should have received the invitation to the August conference in Brookfield. The Conference Committee had an opportunity to tour the facility last week, and you will be impressed! The facility is new with great meeting and gathering spaces. If you haven’t already signed up, please do! We have great education sessions planned and some fun too.
WCEF is holding their 2nd Annual Sweepstakes to raise money for education. The money raised helps Clerks attend meetings, the Institute and conferences so that they can receive the education they need. Thank you to the committee for continuing to raise funds over the last year, even without our in-person attendance. Apply for scholarships! We want you to have the opportunity to attend the conference even if your budgets don’t allow.
Mentors needed! During our last board meeting, we were informed there are 98 NEW Clerk’s this year! 98! In addition, Kassie informed us that over 400 Clerks/Treasurers are signed up to attend the Institute in July. I’m sure some of them could use our help. Please consider offering your assistance to your neighboring Clerks/Treasurers and let Nikki Elsen with the City of Lacrosse know if you are interested on being placed on the mentor list.
As my time winds down and incoming President Sara Bruckman is getting Officers, Directors and Committee Members in place, please consider giving it a try. If you’ve received an email to see if you’re still interest, I hope you will continue to serve. Maybe you want to try a new committee? Or make this your year to run for 2nd VP. It’s a fun way to connect with fellow Clerks and meet new people. Reach out to Sara or Faith if you have questions about what it entails.
Keep smiling!
Wendy Helgeson WCMC
WMCA 2020-2021 President
41st Annual WMCA Conference
Together Again! |

Our opportunity to learn TOGETHER! Over the last year, we have been faced with changing the way we do business; particularly day-to-day, and that includes how we have conducted training. While it has been great to continue to get education virtually, nothing beats the learning and networking you receive at an in-person WMCA Conference! We hope everyone will join us at the Brookfield Conference Center in Brookfield in August!
REMEMBER: This year the Pre-Conference Classes are on Tuesday, August 24th, and the conference opening ceremony is at 8:00 AM on Wednesday morning and runs through noon on Friday, August 27th.
Click here to see the line-up of classes and register on-line.
Click here to download a paper copy of the Conference information and registration forms.
If you haven't made your hotel room reservation yet, click here to go to the WMCA webpage for the reservation information for the Sheraton Hotel across the parking lot from the conference center. The Hilton Garden Inn is already full.
Guests at Conference - please note that all attendees to our meals and special events will need to have meal tickets and their name badge. Therefore, if you have a spouse or significant other that wants to attend any of our events, you need to contact the WMCA office before the registration deadline and we will quote you the costs and register your guest. Email:
Are you just getting into local government work as the municipal clerk? Do you have questions about how, what, where, when or why you are doing what you do? Then our New Clerks Class is the class for you. You can come to Brookfield just for the day-Tuesday, August 24, for the New Clerks Class or stay all week and take in all the great education WMCA has to offer.
Five veteran clerks representing a town, a village and three cities (large and small), and a Municipal Attorney will share volumes of information with you. These seasoned clerks know the rules and are preparing a very informative session. We guarantee that you will go back to your municipality armed with information, knowledge and the resources to find the answers you need to accomplish your daily duties. Click here to go to the Conference registration pages on-line for more information.
After the Tuesday New Clerks Class-the WMCA will be holding a "New Clerks Reception" to give you more information about the WMCA and the UW-Green Bay Institute and to give you a chance to network with your peers. Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be served.
What is WCEF? The Wisconsin Clerks Education Fund (WCEF) of the WMCA was established to promote the training and education of Municipal Clerks so that they will bring high professional standards to the office of Clerk and will better serve the elected officials and citizens of their governmental unit by providing efficient and economical services.
WCEF’s purpose is to raise money for Municipal Clerk scholarships at WMCA approved educational sessions. Every dollar you donate helps promote education to Wisconsin Clerks in keeping with the WMCA’s mission: ”To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of Municipal Clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development and the promotion of excellence.”
With that being said, WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE MONEY!!!!! In honor of WMCA’s 41st Anniversary, WCEF will give away 41 scholarships for attendance at the annual conference. 21 - $425 scholarships and 20 - $210 scholarships can be awarded. But you have to do your part and APPLY!
Click here for fill out an on-line WCEF Conference Scholarship application.
Click here to download a fillable WCEF Conference Scholarship application.
WCEF will also randomly draw and award 15 - $100 scholarships/reimbursements on Friday at the close of the conference. You must be present to win.
WCEF 2nd Annual Sweepstakes
Win Money & Help Build the Fund |

How are we raising money in 2021? The Cash Sweepstakes is Back!! Sweepstakes tickets are available here: 2nd Annual WCEF Sweepstakes Tickets. A $5 per ticket donation is recommended, but any donation is appreciated.
Prizes are: 1st Prize - $1000, 2nd Prize - $500, plus 2 - $250 winners and 5 - $100 winners
Winners will be drawn on Friday, August 27th at the Brookfield Conference Center at 11:30 am
Please remember that the money earned from this sweepstakes helps WCEF fund future scholarships for our Clerks.
New Clerks Boot Camp Webinars
Many of the classes that were held at the New Clerks Boot Camp in May were recorded and are now available individually for you to register for and watch whenever you wish. These classes were developed for new clerks and are a great resource of basic information in many categories of the clerk's job. Click here to see the list of classes available. Click on each class name to read a description of the class and how to register. The WI Alcohol and Tobacco Laws webinar is also still available. All of our webinars will close on June 30, 2021. |

Check out this Event - You Need to Register Today!
Join Granicus and an impressive group of municipal clerks from all over the country on Wednesday, June 23 at 4:30 p.m. CT for a complimentary mixology, networking, and learning event to discover best practices and approaches for success in 2021.
Attendees will receive a cocktail kit before the event* to ensure they have all the necessary ingredients to participate in the mixology portion.
Register here:
Speakers include:
- Lucinda Williams, MMC, City Clerk / City Services Manager, Fullerton, CA
- Katie Smith, CMC, Deputy Clerk / Manager Clerk of the Board Department, Orange County, FL
- Jim Owczarski, City Clerk, City of Milwaukee, WI
- Sarah B. Johnson, MMC, City Clerk, Colorado Springs, CO
- Wendy Helgeson, Village Clerk, Greenville, WI
- And more
Questions? Reach out to *Must register before Friday, 6/18 to ensure on-time delivery of kit valued at $19.99.