Global Entrepreneurship Week! |
November 16 - 22 is Global Entrepreneurship Week and the WET Center is gearing up to celebrate! Check out our WET Center Webinar Series on November 20 to see how we are supporting entrepreneurs!
COVID-19 Resources |
The Water, Energy and Technology (WET) Center is proudly working with CMTC in providing meaningful help to over 7,000 California manufacturers to survive, recover, and thrive as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to learn more. |
2021 AmeriCorps State Grant Funding Opportunity
Deadline: October 27, 2020
RAMP 2020
Deadline: October 30, 2020
CEC Clean Energy and Technology Grant Programs
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
Deadline: November 4, 2020
DOE Funding
Deadline: November 5, 2020
MWD Grant Solicitations
Deadline: December 8, 2020
Waves to Water Grant Solicitation
Deadline: December 18, 2020
Renewable Energy Proposals - SoCal Public Power Authority
Deadline: December 30, 2020
American-Made Challenges - Groundbreaking Hydro Prize
Deadline: January 31, 2021
Plastics Challenge
Check out Funding Wizard and the California State Grants Portal for
more funding opportunities!
WET Center Won a $50K Competition!
2019 Kern County Crop Report
New Technology offers on-farm Nitrogen Management
Smart Ag Market Growth Prediction |
*Events subject to cancellation/rescheduling as professional recommendations regarding COVID-19 emerge
TED X Elemental | October 28, 2020
For the past 7 years, Elemental Excelerator has been scanning the globe for cohorts of climate-tech entrepreneurs ready to meet this moment with real-world impact.
These entrepreneurs will answer critical questions about climate change and Equity & Access through a collection of live conversations and stories.
WET Center Webinar Series | November 20
Join us on November 20th at 10 a.m. to discuss the current and future state of the irrigation industry with Aric Olson, President of Jain Irrigation.
We will be covering topics of where irrigation innovation is needed in the areas of permanent crops and how technology could fill the gaps. We will also be covering questions and challenges from the perspective of an ag-tech startup and how a company could enter into a partnership with an established industry business. Come prepared and ready to ask questions!

Tech Support Engineer
Check out CalAgJobs for
job postings!

Want to learn more about your Technology Readiness Level?
Check out our website!

Bakersfield | Chico | Fresno | Humboldt | Monterey Bay | Sacramento | Truckee

Our Valley Ventures V Cohort is about to graduate!

Nitricity's fertilizer was used in a Stanford experiment!
HyperBorean was accepted into the PAX Momentum Fall Cohort!
ReNuble is one of the finalists for GrowNY 2020!
Are you a WET member? Have a success story you want to share? Email us to be featured in the newsletter.
