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August 2021 Monthly E-Newsletter

Issue 07 | 2021

Your Professional Link to Excellence

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In This Issue

Farewell to 2020-2021 WMCA Year!

President's Message



Can you believe it? Conference is almost here!  I’m really excited for in person training and to see those of you who are able to attend.  We are in for great educational sessions and we get to have some fun too.

Conference also means the beginning of a new chapter, and by that I mean it’s time to swear in a new President, Executive Board members, DistrictDirectors/Co-directors and appoint new committee members.  I am more than excited for Sara Bruckman to begin her term - she has amazing energy, great ideas, heart and a lot of passion.  Let’s hope we can begin in person district meetings again so she can get out to see all of you; it’s something that Diane and I certainly missed.

Serving as WMCA President has certainly been a journey over the last year.  I’ve learned a lot about this role in what it means and I’ve learned a lot about myself.  I cannot thank enough those who served with me through one of the craziest of times we as Clerk’s may ever see.  You served selflessly and somehow managed to go above and beyond to keep this organization going even when we had a hard enough time keeping our own ships afloat.  You passed budgets, kept us informed on legislative changes and fought for us when we needed a voice.  You found ways to celebrate us, fought to get us on the “essential worker list” (still baffles me how we never made it) and raised funds to help with education.  Thank you to Kassie for finding ways to keep us educated and thank you Faith for your work in keeping us on track.  To all of you, I will forever be grateful. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President.

See you soon,

Wendy Helgeson WCMC
WMCA 2020-2021 President

Congratulations to the Latest IIMC Certification IIMC Logo

IIMC is pleased to inform you that as of today, the following individual has earned the prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):

Lorena R. Stottler, CMC - City Clerk/Treasurer - City of Beloit, WI -

The Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC and is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs often totaling more than 120 educational hours. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State/Provincial/National Associations. The CMC program has been assisting clerks to excel since 1970.

 Congratulations to the following members that were awarded full and registration scholarships to attend the 41st Annual WMCA Conference next week. 
Full $425 Scholarship Winners
Anne Arndt, Village of Biron
Sarah Brown, City of Wisconsin Dells
Jilline Dobratz, Village of Jackson
Cindi Gamb, Village of Kohler
Deb Hall, City of Marshfield
Judith Holley, Town of Hull
Cynthia Howard, Town of Eagle
Jerri Johnson, City of Adams
Linda Kuhlman, Village of Brooklyn
Rhea McGee, Village of Belleville
Natalie Megow, Village of Poynette
Kelly Meyer, Village of Fox Point
Brian Mooney, Village of Merrimac
Bobbi Reedy, Village of Stockbridge
Julie Routhieaux, Town/Village of Greenville
Barbara Schuh, Village of Black Creek
Kristy Van Hefty, Village of Harrison
Rebecca Wallendal, Village of Union Grove
Kay Wege, Town of Osceola

Registration $210 Scholarship Winners
Susan Conaway, Town of Minong
Berta Downs, City of Tomah
Megan Dunneisen, City of Lake Mills
Sherry Eckert, Town of Barton
Linda Gourdoux, Village of Mukwonago
Cindy Hegglund, City of Edgerton
Teresa Hughey Groves, Village of Dane
Shelly Kazda, Village of Montfort
Jennifer Lopez, Village of Edgar
Brooke McLarnan, City of Adams
Becky Mesko, City of Mellen
Kelly Michaels, City of Brookfield
Erin Mueller, City of Algoma
Vicki Olson, Village of Brooklyn
Jacqueline Schuh, Village of Pewaukee
Casandra Smith, Village of Pewaukee
Tammy Tennies, Village of Slinger
Barbara Van Clake, City of Omro
Julie Wathke, Village of Woodville
Anita Young, City of Reedsburg
UW Extension

Wisconsin Extension. We will be hosting a webinar for zoning boards of adjustment and appeals in late September. Our flyer is attached.  They would like to reach out to you, the clerk, with this opportunity.  Click here to bring up the flyer.


Due to circumstances beyond our control, our vendors will not be able to have the usual 45 minute vendor demonstrations at our conference next week.  Therefore, they have been offered to make a demonstration video and send it in and we will post them on the WMCA website.  Watch the website and your email for more details in the near future.

 Watch for the September E-Newsletter!
Watch for next month's E-Newsletter to see the names of all the award winners at the 41st Annual Conference and the introduction to the new 2021-2022 WMCA Board of Directors.  Also find out who your next 2nd Vice President will be.  Nominations will be taken from the floor at the Annual Meeting in Brookfield next Thursday, August 26, at 12:30 pm.

CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE MEMBER ADS.  Click on the ad to go to their websites.
Ehlers WI 3.5 x 4.5 fall 2020 
 GEC Publication 5x3.5 Cropped
 Lee Recreation - May, Aug., Nov
TownHall Software Qtr Page Portrait 5x4 (002) 
 TW 4x5 Con Ad (1)

For more information about the WMCA, go to

CHECK THESE OUT:  Career Ads | 2021 Conference Hotels | Virtual Learning


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