| | | Addressing Gender Inequalities through Fiscal Law Design |
| Webinar: 22nd March 2023 | (13:00 - 16:00 GMT) | Webinar ID: 847 0331 7601 | Zoom Passcode: 663742 |
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| Program - Time is in EST (Eastern Standard Time) |
| Opening & Welcome by Rhoda Weeks-Brown, General Counsel and Director, Legal Department, IMF |
| Session on the macro relevance of Women Economic Empowerment and gender balance by Monique Newiak, Resident Representative, IMF |
| Legal Impediments to Women’s Economic Empowerment by Katharine Christopherson Puh, Assistant General Counsel, Legal Department, IMF |
| Tax Law Design Considerations when addressing Gender Inequalities by Christophe Waerzeggers, Senior Counsel & Lydia Sofrona, Tax Law Expert, Legal Department, IMF | Legal Foundations of Gender Budgeting by Ms. Karla Vasquez Suarez, Senior Counsel & Alissa Ardito Ashcroft, Senior Counsel, Legal Department, IMF |
| | Country Presentation: Rwanda (1) Gender Budgeting Legal Reform | Ms. Rehemah Namutebi, Director General of National Budget. | Country Presentation: Kenya (2) Gender related tax law issues | Mr. Maurice Oray, Deputy Commissioner for Corporate Policy at Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). |
| Panel Discussion | Alessandro Gullo (moderator) [Carine Chartouni] Assistant General Counsel, [Unit Chief], Legal Department, IMF | Country Authority – Ms. Jeanette Chanda Makgolo, Commissioner General of BURS (Botswana Unified Revenue Service) | Country Authority – Ms. Prudence Cele, Director, National Treasury of South Africa | Carolina Renteria, Division Chief, PFM, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF | Amina Bambara Billa, Resident Advisor in PFM Management, Lomé-Togo, IMF |
| | Closing Remarks by | Carine Chartouni, Unit Chief Legal Department, IMF | Sukhwinder Singh, Director, Africa Training Instititute |
| | | | | Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Togo |
| Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Rep., Congo Dem. Rep, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Niger, Nigeria, Tunisia |
| Botswana, Burundi, Egypt, Eswatini, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
| Comoros, Djbouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda |
| | | Virtual Webinar on Addressing Gender Inequalities through Fiscal Law Design | | Abstract | The Legal Department at IMF recently published Fiscal Law Design Considerations in Addressing Gender Inequalities: COVID 19 and Beyond. In response to the pandemic crisis, several countries embraced tax and spending policies that affected gender equality. The note examines the legal issues that emerge when countries design fiscal and tax measures to address gender inequality. Legislation can render these initiatives permanent, and the note helpfully explores key elements of effective legal design. How to make effective temporary policies endure beyond the fiscal year is a perennial challenge for government officials and policymakers. This peer-to-peer webinar presents a survey of the issues, a case study, and a round table discussion, in order to provide participants with an understanding of the key concepts relevant to addressing gender inequalities, the legal options available and key considerations when seeking to codify approaches and policies into the formal budget process and tax law. The webinar will also give an overview of the broader work of the IMF’s Legal Department on legal impediments to women’s economic empowerment. |
| | | | | | Legal Impediments to Women’s Economic Empowerment |
| | Gender Inequality and Tax Policy - Kenya |
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