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February 2021 Monthly E-Newsletter
Your Professional Link to Excellence
President's Message

There has recently been a great deal of communication regarding Clerks, staff and poll workers being included in the next group of eligibility for the Covid vaccine. As you have recently seen, we approved Resolution 2021-1, supporting Clerks, Clerk Staff and Election Day Poll Workers to be included in group 1B for the Covid vaccine. I’d like to thank our Covid Task Force- Chris Astrella, Sara Bruckman and Melissa Hongisto for volunteering to draft the documents and doing the mass distribution of the documents on behalf of the organization! You made it happen and fast.
Read the Resolution and Press release.
We also approved Resolution 2021-2, supporting the combining of Optional AVEO and Monday Processing Bills, to help Professional Clerks and Staff across the State of Wisconsin with Absentee Ballot Processing. This resolution will be forwarded to the legislature to show our support in providing Professional Clerks with Absentee Voting options. Thank you Kelly Michaels for your continuous work to make this happen, and to Diane Coenen for quickly drafting the resolution for board approval!
Read Resolution 2021-2
In addition, work has begun within the committees. We have begun planning the conference, we’ve got great ideas for educational opportunities for the year, fundraising, Red Hot Alerts…we are getting to work! Together. I thank you for your time.
Thank you, all of you - for your hard work, dedication and passion to the job and to the organization. Best of luck on election day!
Keep smiling!
Wendy Helgeson WCMC
WMCA 2020-2021 President

The US Census Bureau has notified all of the State Redistricting contacts that the redistricting data delivery schedule has been officially delayed. The P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data will be delivered to the official state recipients after July 31, 2021, instead of the anticipated on or before date of March 31st. This will shift the start of the statutorily described Local Redistricting schedule forward to after July 31st. We just sent out a communication to all county and municipal clerks.
All currently scheduled local redistricting trainings will be conducted as scheduled, and more trainings will likely be added as we get closer to the new data release date after July 31, 2021.
For information and updates CLICK HERE.
Please contact the following groups with any specific questions:
Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB)
Joseph Kreye:
(608) 504-5857
UW Applied Population Lab (APL)
Dan Veroff:
(608) 265-9545
Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB)
(608) 283-1830
Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC)
Wisconsin Elections:
(608) 266-8005

The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay has gone virtual again for 2021!
Now is the time to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home or office. The Institute is truly the premiere place to learn the skills you need to be the best Professional Clerk you can be. Aside from saving your municipality money for travel expenses, the WMCA has registration scholarships available for members planning to attend the Clerks Institute. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion. The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay has gone virtual again for 2021.
The League of Wisconsin Municipalities and the UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program have teamed to present two webinars on Electronic Meetings.
The Part 1 will cover the basics to keep your electronic meeting compliant with the Wisconsin open meeting law.
Part 2 will delve into addition advanced issues and all participants can submit ahead of time their specific questions to our expert panel.
Speakers: Paul M. Ferguson, Assistant Attorney General, Wisconsin Department of Justice, Office of Open Government and Andrew T. Phillips, Attorney, von Briesen & Roper, S.C., outside general counsel for the Wisconsin Counties Association. Philip Freeburg, Law Educator and Distinguished Lecturer, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program.
Read on and Register

The WMCA Board of Directors has again voted to put $2,000 in the 2021 budget for an IIMC Conference Scholarship. This scholarship is being offered to eligible WMCA members to attend the IIMC Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, MI, May 9 through May 13, 2021. If you are interested in applying for a Conference Scholarship and match ALL the criteria listed on the application, either fill out the scholarship application on-line or download a fillable application form.
To be considered, your Application MUST be at WMCA Headquarters by March 5, 2021. **DO NOT FORGET to send in a letter of support from your Supervisor. Your application will not be considered without it!**
Click here to go to the applications.
Click here to check out the great line up of classes and register for the UW-GB Municipal Clerks Institute.
CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE MEMBER ADS. Click on the ad to go to their websites.