A New Year, A New Newsletter Design!
Happy Holidays and New Year from all of us at the Water, Energy, and Technology Center! We can't believe that 2021 is coming to a close and we hope you get the rest you deserve over the holiday break.
Campus (including our offices) will be closed for Winter Break from Dec. 23, 2021, and will reopen on Jan. 3, 2022.
We will be back with more opportunities, events and news in the new year. Until then, check out the upcoming events for January, funding opportunities and more below.
Animal Health Vision (AHV), Reaches New Heights as They Complete Their First Year Membership with the WET Center! |
The WET Center congratulates business member AHV on their extraordinary growth and accomplishments during their first year in the United States market. Animal Health Vision (AHV) became a WET Center member in 2020. AHV applies quorum sensing (QS) science to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to overcome significant obstacles in the animal health sector. Here in the United States, the company is focused specifically on helping dairy farmers care for their cows and calves without the use of antibiotics. Read the full release here.
Farm to School Grant
Deadline: January 10
BREW 2.0
Deadline: January 15
California Department of Food and Agriculture-State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program
Deadline: January 18
California Energy Commission-Natural Gas Program
Deadline: January 31
US Department of Energy-Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize Program
Deadline: February 25
Check out the California State Grants Portal for
more funding opportunities!
Fast Company has awarded AQUAOSO an honorable mention on the first Next Big Things in Tech list
CSUB receives pledges of $1 million-plus to establish business accelerator.
How Can California Protect Its Water Supply From Wildfire?
2021 Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan.
USDA to Make Up to $800 Million Available to Provide Economic Relief to Biofuel Producers and Restore Renewable Fuel Markets Hit by the Pandemic.
*Events subject to cancellation/rescheduling as professional recommendations regarding COVID-19 emerge
TechStars Startup Weekend | January 28-30
Join the Institute for Innovation and Economic Development at Cal State University, Monterey Bay for a three day event to network, attend workshops and watch different startups pitch.
Ideas to Actions Workshop | January 13
Join UC Davis as they host a workshop on defining and validating your business model. Learn how to Solve complex problems, be a part of and effectively lead cross-functional and cross-cultural teams
an make connections and build your network.