In This Edition
WIN-MKE looks at int'l markets
WIN-MSN examines fracking
Present at Resource Rendezvous
Small Business Innovation Act
New non-profit fund to invest
Angel fund formed in DeForest
Angel tax credit cap lifted
WEDC ok'd startup credits, loans
State ranks 22nd on CNBC list
'WisBusiness: The Show'
Inside Wisconsin columns
Innovation news round-up
News, events and opportunities
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Sponsor a regional meeting
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WisBusiness: The Show
Click here for the latest episodes of "WisBusiness: The Show," which include a rising-and-falling stock report on Wisconsin business, commentary and an interview with a state business leader. Produced by Tweedee Productions and sponsored by BMO Harris Bank, Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek, UW-Milwaukee and Madison Gas & Electric.
Entrepreneurs' Toolkit |
The Entrepreneurs' Toolkit, a soup-to-nuts guide for Wisconsin entrepreneurs, is available at and through the Wisconsin Technology Council website. It was launched in April and is designed to give innovators a pathway to resources available in the state and beyond. Those resources include information on business assistance programs, sources of financing, permits and regulations, how to choose a business structure, how to write a business plan and more.
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QTI Group
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First Business Bank
BizStarts Milwaukee
Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau
Capitol Navigators
Vital Support Systems
Tweedee Productions
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Welcome to the July 2013 WIN eNewsletter |
Dear Reader:
The passage of Assembly Bill 181, the early stage capital bill, was a highlight of the legislative floor period that ended this month. The bill is awaiting Gov. Scott Walker’s signature, so look for an announcement of that event soon. A collection of news coverage surrounding the bill’s passage is here. The state budget bill included other good news for the state’s tech-based economy, such as the lifting of the lifetime “cap” on investor tax credits. Both actions were backed by the Tech Council and the Wisconsin Growth Capital Coalition. As other items in the newsletter reveal, Wisconsin continues to attract the eyes of investors. Those include the launch of the BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation, the recent WIN meeting featuring Chicagoland investors, the birth of the Yahara Angel Network and much more. So much for summer being a “slow” time!
Tom Still, president
Cracking international markets is topic at July 18 WIN-MKE |
Pathways used by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp’s international team to better connect state companies to export and foreign investment will be examined at the Thursday, July 18 meeting of the WIN-Milwaukee chapter. Mark Rhoda-Reis, WEDC’s market development director for the Americas and Europe, will speak on the agency’s role in encouraging international trade and foreign direct investment. He will also discuss the upcoming trade missions to South America, China and the Midwest U.S. – Japan Conference. The luncheon will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 10499 Innovation Drive, Wauwatosa. Registration and networking begins at 11:30 a.m., lunch at 12 p.m. and the presentation at 12:15 p.m. Register here.
July 23 WIN-MSN examines innovation behind 'fracking' |
The rapid growth of the hydraulic fracturing industry for oil and gas exploration, known as “fracking,” has dramatically increased the demand for industrial sand from Wisconsin as well as technologies used in connection with global exploration and mining. A panel of experts will discuss these and other outgrowths of the “fracking” industry at the Tuesday, July 23, meeting of the Wisconsin Innovation Network’s Madison chapter.
Panelists will include Todd Asmuth, president of Madison-based AquaMost, which has a water-cleaning technology applicable to hydraulic fracturing; Tim Keane, managing director of the Golden Angels Network and co-founder of the Keane D’Souza Venture Capital Fund in Milwaukee; and Tom Portle of the Nonmetallic Mining team at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Waste Management. Register here.
Apply to present at the 2013 Resource Rendezvous |
The producers of ‘Resource Rendezvous’ are looking for early stage companies from Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest to present at the seventh annual conference to be held Thursday, Sept. 19 in at the UWM Union Ballroom in Milwaukee. The conference is produced by the Wisconsin Security Research Consortium, the Wisconsin Technology Council and UW-Milwaukee. Companies pay no fee to apply or to present. However, companies must first register to attend the conference in order to be considered for a presentation slot. Applications must follow this four-slide PowerPoint template and are due to Joy Sawatzki by 12 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30. For more information on the conference, click here.
Baldwin introduces Small Business Innovation Act |
U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin has introduced the Small Business Innovation Act of 2013 to help fuel small business job creation and economic growth. The legislation, Baldwin’s first bill in the U.S. Senate, will help provide startup businesses the capital they need to grow their companies and create jobs.
“Using the Small Business Administration to leverage private venture capital in an effort to target high-growth industries makes sense for America’s innovation sector," said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council and Wisconsin Innovation Network. "Of special interest to private investors will be the requirement that qualified companies in the program will include recipients of federal merit-based grants, such as Small Business Innovation Research grants. These are tech-based companies that have already demonstrated commercial potential and have survived a rigorous competitive process to win such grants. For investors, that means significant due diligence has already taken place and their risk is reduced because they are investing in companies with demonstrated potential.”
Click here for the full release and to read coverage of this story.
New non-profit fund will invest in startups |
Eight investors are forming a new nonprofit foundation aimed at helping startup businesses across Wisconsin. BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation will invest donors' money in high-growth, technology-based startup companies. Read more here.
DeForest angel group adds to state's robust network |
A new angel investment network with a target fund size of $1 million has formed in DeForest and will hold its first formal meeting in early August, a co-manager has announced.
Angel tax credit cap lifted as part of state budget |
A lifetime cap on state angel investment tax credits was eliminated in the $70-billion, two-year budget Gov. Scott Walker signed into law Sunday. Read the full story here.
State startups ok'd for investment tax credits, loans |
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. today announced approval of early stage tax credits and loans for seven emerging Wisconsin companies.
WEDC approved Qualified News Business Venture (QNBV) tax credits for MPSP LLC, Milwaukee; HuTerra LLC, DePere; and HealthMyne Inc., Madison. Xolve Inc., Middleton, was approved for a $330,000 Technology Business Development Investment loan. Shamrock Energy Corp., Neenah, was approved by a $150,000 Technology Development Fund Loan. Pegasus Sustainability Solutions Inc., Fitchburg, received QNBV certification and was approved for a $125,000 Wisconsin Venture Debt Fund loan. Wound Zoom Inc., Longmont, Col., was also approved by QNBV certification and a $400,000 Technology Business Development Investment loan. Wound Zoom will relocate to Stevens Point.
For more information on these companies, click here.
Wisconsin ranks 22nd in CNBC's "Best States for Business" |
Wisconsin ranked 22nd overall in CNBC’s annual list of “America’s Best States for Business.” Click here to read how Wisconsin fared in a number of categories that comprised the 2013 ranking.
In a report for The Atlantic Cities, researcher Richard Florida ranks Madison 20th among U.S. metropolitan areas for venture capital investments. Florida examined venture capital deals per 100,000 people.The report suggests cities with major research universities lead the per capita investment trend. Click here to read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report and the Wisconsin State Journal story.
'WisBusiness: The Show' covers news, commentary |
Please watch these latest editions of "WisBusiness: The Show," the twice-a-month Web show covering state business news and issues.
On the latest episode of “ The Show,” Liz Schrum speaks with Sanjeev Chitre of Silicon Valley’s U Group about an outsider’s perspective on Wisconsin’s startup economy; Tom Still discusses the next steps for Wisconsin’s early-stage capital bill; and the Stock Report for late June 2013 covers private sector jobs and the farm bill.
Click here to view the biweekly show, produced by Tweedee Productions for the Wisconsin Technology Council and, as well as our archives of past shows. The show is sponsored by BMO Harris Bank, Madison Gas & Electric, Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C., and the UW-Milwaukee.
Guests on other recent shows:
Brian Birk, Sun Mountain Capital
Inside Wisconsin columns tackle state, tech issues |
Innovation takes place in all business sectors – including some of Wisconsin’s largest
Recent studies and news reports show innovation is helping to reshape some of Wisconsin’s largest business sectors. That’s vital to the state’s long-term recovery, not only from the Great Recession that began in 2008, but a much longer slide in manufacturing employment that began more than 13 years ago.
Wisconsin economy needs more to compete globally
More must be done for Wisconsin to compete in a global economy that increasingly values innovation and knowledge.
How immigration reform will help keep talent in Wisconsin
In a global economy, Wisconsin looks much less international than even its neighbors. Compared to Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan, Wisconsin has a smaller share of foreign-born population and total labor force, as well as fewer foreign-born business owners. The gap is most glaring when it comes to keeping foreign-born workers with specific skills needed in a knowledge-based economy.
State’s early stage capital program will begin with process, patience
The Legislature has voted overwhelming to support a $25-million state investment in a larger “fund-of-funds” – and Gov. Scott Walker is likely to sign it into law – but the process of establishing the fund now enters a due diligence phase.
Healthy sprinkling of greed can reap economic growth
Four Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors with Wisconsin ties returned to the state this month for the annual Wisconsin Entrepreneurs' Conference. Their message: Don't try to be Silicon Valley, but don't ignore what made it successful, either.
Wisconsin is well-positioned for explosion in health IT
Like it or not, health-care reform is here to stay. A major tool being applied to health care’s challenges is wider adoption of health information technologies, which collectively help patients, providers, insurers and medical practitioners as they come to grips with change.
Innovation news round-up |
JSOnline: C5-6, UW-Stevens Point get grant for biofuel initiative
Researchers at C5-6 Technologies and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point are collaborating on technologies that they think can help develop next-generation biofuels and help move beyond the food vs. fuel debate that surrounds corn-based ethanol.
Virent secures DOE award for next generation biofuel conversion
Virent announced it has received a federal award of up to $4 million, subject to final contract negotiations with the U.S. Department of Energy, to develop carbon conversion efficiency of biomass to distillate products ideal for blending into existing diesel and jet fuel infrastructures.
InBusiness: Madison’s Idle Free Systems sees rapid growth
Madison-based Idle Free, whose APUs lower the energy consumption and operating costs of commercial trucks and school buses, recently announced that it saw remarkable year-over-year growth in 2012 of 250%, in the process doubling the size of its manufacturing facility and increasing its workforce by 30%.
WisBusiness: New catalyst could cut cost of making hydrogen fuel
A discovery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison may represent a significant advance in the quest to create a "hydrogen economy" that would use this abundant element to store and transfer energy.
Illinois investors encourage startups to look across border
Badger State entrepreneurs -- especially those with ideas for creating health-care or agriculture-related software companies -- shouldn't be shy about looking south to Chicago for funding and networking, a pair of Windy City investment pros said Tuesday. "Madison is connected to Chicago and Chicago connects Madison to the rest of the Midwest," Jeff Carter, a co-founder of Chicago's Hyde Park Angels to a Wisconsin Innovation Network gathering.
Cap Times: Madison goes 3-D, city a potential hotbed for 3-D printing
Madisonians, from scientists to businesses to hobbyists, are right up there in the eye-opening world of 3-D printer creations.
JSOnline: Drug research firm to open clinical trial unit at Aurora Sinai
Spaulding Clinical Research said Monday it plans to partner with Aurora Health Care to open a research unit at Aurora Sinai Medical Center. The 18-bed unit will conduct Phase I clinical trials that test the safety of potential drugs.
State Journal: Exact Sciences completes secondary stock offering
The Madison company is working to get its colorectal cancer test, Cologuard, on the market.
JSOnline: Businessman turns software company into national success
Dan Maynard twice had a chance to walk away from the company he founded. Instead, he stuck around, once buying it back for $1. Partly because he chose to stick with it, Connecture Inc. today employs more than 400 people, including 186 in Brookfield. Revenue last year totaled about $50 million, up from $30 million in 2011. This year, including a recent acquisition, revenue is projected to top $90 million.
State Journal: 'Trep lands $700,000 in seed funding
Madison entrepreneur Mark McGuire is the co-founder of Nextt, “a private social network for friends to connect online so they can do more together offline." The company announced recently that it had attracted $700,000 in seed funding from investors.
JSOnline: Angel investor tax credits help raise $164M in 2012 Investors in 63 early-stage companies received $12.1 million of tax credits from the state in 2012 under a program designed to spur funding for young, high-tech companies, according to a new report.
JSOnline: Wisconsin ranked in top 5 states for medical imaging jobs
Wisconsin is one of the top five states for direct jobs in the medical imaging industry, with an estimated 6,920 people employed in the manufacturing, selling and servicing of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and other equipment, according to a new study from the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance.
JSOnline: UWM student lab buzzing with app developers
The AppBrewery is among a growing number of university-led initiatives crafting apps that might not otherwise get made. The group — technically known by the little-used name of UWM Mobile Innovation Lab — is planning to launch its first project in late summer. The Milwaukee County mobile app will feature bus schedules, with real-time GPS tracking of bus locations; county park maps and information; and events at the zoo.
JSOnline: Exact Sciences files to sell 5.5 million shares
Exact Sciences Corp., a Madison company developing a DNA-based, non-invasive test for colon cancer, said Tuesday it is trying to raise nearly $64 million in a stock offering.
Partnership to help Wisconsin companies in Foreign-Trade Zone
A new partnership between the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and the Port of Milwaukee will make it easier for state businesses to take full advantage of the regional Foreign-Trade Zone. This unique effort is designed to increase the participation in the Port’s Foreign-Trade Zone and boost international trade by managing tariffs and in some cases reducing or eliminating those fees.
News, events and opportunities |
Crowne Plaza,Wauwatosa
July 18
Sheraton, Madison
July 23
Midwest Social Innovation Startup Challenge - Round 3
July 29 (Deadline to enter)
2nd Annual Racine/Kenosha Fast Pitch Competition
July 31 (Deadline to enter)
2013 Lake Superior Business & Technology Conference
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, Ashland
August 9
Get WIN-volved! Membership has its privileges |
Wisconsin Innovation Network (WIN) is The Tech Council's membership subsidiary - a community-based economic development organization dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. In association with the Tech Council, WIN programs focus on the needs and challenges faced by new and growing technology-based businesses in Wisconsin. When you become a WIN member, your membership applies to all chapters, statewide. Membership is for one year starting with the month you join. Go here to learn more about the benefits of a WIN membership.
Thank you to the following individuals and organizations that have recently joined or renewed their WIN memberships:
Corporate Members
VentureLab Inc. (Wisconsin Angel Network member)
Angels on the Water (Wisconsin Angel Network member)
Individual Members
Philip Crawford
Tim Kane
Joel Moyer
William Reay
Sponsor your next regional meeting |
Sponsoring your chapter's next WIN meeting will give you and your company immediate exposure to Wisconsin's best and brightest people. WIN is a network dedicated to giving a voice to the technology community as a whole - from the bottom up! Sponsorship opportunities are available on a monthly or annual basis. Contact Molly Lahr, WIN director, for more information.
Post your events in our community events section |
Click here to add your event to the Tech Council Community Events section that is designed to assist in the development, growth and success of science- and technology-based businesses in Wisconsin. |