I hope you all were able to celebrate Municipal Clerk’s Week in some fashion – hopefully your boards or councils celebrated you or shared their appreciation for all of your hard work. A HUGE thank you to Aja and the Promotions Committee and their brilliant idea to do a Cameo in celebration.
This week is the IIMC Conference in Michigan and I’m excited to attend as a first-timer. I was made aware that our association and Executive Director are recipients of awards that I will be excepting on behalf of WMCA and Faith. I can’t wait to share the details!
Legislative discussions continue and thank you to the Legislative Committee and their diligent work on keeping us informed. When needed, please respond to the committee with your opinions and reach out to your Legislators. There is a lot proposed and your opinion matters.
I hope you all get a chance to get outside and enjoy the weather.
Keep smiling!
Wendy Helgeson WCMC
WMCA 2020-2021 President
Give and Receive –
Please Consider Becoming a WMCA Mentor

The “Adopt-a-Clerk” Program is designed to connect experienced clerks with new clerks. This 25+ year old program has been very successful due to its one-on-one contact and continues to be one of WMCA’s most valuable programs. With continuous turnover in clerks around the state, we are in need of experienced clerks to come forward to mentor new clerks.
As a mentor— YOU GIVE:
- Your knowledge of a clerk’s duties.
- Your advice about the responsibilities of the office.
- Your support to let a new clerk know that he/she is not alone.
As a mentor— YOU RECEIVE:
- The satisfaction of helping a fellow clerk through the overwhelming first year of their job.
- Points toward a WCPC certification.
- A new colleague friendship and member of your clerk network.
We need clerks from cities, villages and especially towns throughout the state to volunteer as a mentor; there are too many counties that currently have no one signed up. Click here to download a Mentor Application.
If you have further questions regarding the program, contact Nikki Elsen, Mentor Committee Chair, at Thank you!
Time To Start Thinking About It
It is that time of year. Time to start looking ahead to the next WMCA year 2021-2022. It is time for you to start thinking about whether you want to be involved in the work of the WMCA. That might be on a WMCA Committee or as a District Director or an Officer in the WMCA.
We are looking for a few good leaders to serve on the WMCA Board of Directors. The positions open for election are 2nd Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer or Director-at-Large. Please note that the 2nd Vice President position ascends to the Presidency in three years. All other positions are term positions.
You need to fill out and send in the 2021-2022 Board of Directors Packet or you can find it on the WMCA website. June 1st is the deadline for the Board of Director Application to be submitted electronically to the WMCA Executive Director at and/or mailed to the WMCA Office at 1414 Montclair Place, Fort Atkinson, WI 53558. Applications must be received by 4:00 pm on June 1st and include a letter of support from your immediate supervisor/primary elected official. You can read a short job description on page 4 of the packet.
District Directors are elected for a two-year term and the terms are staggered between the two Co-Directors, so that just one Director is up for election each year. That way there is always one Director that knows some history of the job.
Read Job Description here. . .
The WMCA Office will be sending out an email to each District individually asking if you are interested in becoming a District Co-Director or wish to nominate someone else. District Directors DO NOT have to fill out the Board Packet. If we receive more than one candidate for the position, there will be an electronic election in your District later in June. The results will be announced by August 1st and the new Board of Directors are sworn in at the annual conference in Brookfield. If you have any further questions regarding any of the positions above, contact the Executive Director.
Not ready for a Board position, it is also time to think about working on a WMCA Committee. An email will be sent out to all current committee members next week and the current members will be asked if they wish to remain on their committee. All committee members need to respond to that email right away. A week later an email will be sent to everyone else asking for new volunteers to fill the remaining spots needed on the committees. Watch for those emails. Don’t know what committees we have and what they do. Check out the Committee page under ‘About’ on the WMCA website.
Professional Education Certificates
Have Your Educational Efforts Recognized
Deadline: June 1st |
This annual PEC application is designed for annual recognition of your extraordinary efforts for completing additional education to gain knowledge of the current laws and processes to assist you and your municipality towards a productive and efficient office.
Send in the 2020-2021 PEC Application on or before June 1st this year and attach the required documentation for proof of attendance. The Certification Committee will review your annual application and verify the points you have earned. Then you will be recognized at the annual WMCA Conference and receive a Diamond, Gold or Silver Certificate for your achievements.* The certificates will be mailed if we do not have our annual conference.
The Certificates are based on the following hours per year:
- Silver Certificate for 25-50 hours
- Gold Certificate for 51-74 hours
- Diamond Certificate for 75+ hours
In addition, all courses listed in this application count toward state certification and will be tracked and documented for you by the WMCA. After you have accumulated the required points for certification, you will send in the certification application with a copy of the annual certificates you have received. You will not need to send in all the individual certificates of attendance again! The $20 annual fee will be deducted from the regular certification fee for every annual certificate you use.
*You do not have to be working toward certification to qualify for the annual PEC certificate.
The New Clerks Boot Camp is designed to give survival skills to a brand new clerk. The WMCA and UW-GB have pooled their resources to bring you the best basic education possible. The first invitations to this live session was to new clerks that have joined the WMCA in the last two years. As of this afternoon, any clerk or clerk office member may register. Click here to Register.
You will learn about agendas, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, publications and more. You will even get a walk through of a two-year calendar of clerk duties. The live Zoom classes will be 1:00-5:00 pm on Monday afternoon and will reconvene on Tuesday morning and go until Noon. Let your officials and/or fellow workers know that you need the time away from the front desk to concentrate on this training. You won't want to miss a minute of this training! Click here to check out more details.
Held virtually May 27, June 10 & June 17, 2021
Cost: $100/day | $250 for entire program
IIMC Approved for CMC and MMC Hours
Earn a new credential! Digital Badge: Sensitivity and Conflict Skills (See details below)
May 27, 2021 -Mental Health: COVID Trauma and the Impact on Mental Health
June 10, 2021 -
June 17, 2021 -
The Wisconsin Historical Society is planning records management workshops for local government employees throughout this year. This year’s workshops will be hosted through zoom. The workshop is intended to give local government officials the opportunity to learn about their legal responsibilities and basic records management of public records.
The 2021 Workshops are planned for the following dates:
- Friday, June 18, 2021
- Friday, August 20, 2021
- Friday, October 15, 2021
Read more. . .
Local Government 101
May 7, May 21 and June 4 via Zoom
Details and Registration
Please thank our sponsors!
League Mutual Insurance * Stafford Rosenbaum LLP
Clerks, Treasurers & Finance Officers Institute
June 9-11, 2021 via Zoom
Details and Registration
Please thank our sponsors!
League Mutual Insurance * MPIC
This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.
District 5 Directors Pamela Little and Deanna Braunschweig have put together another 2-hour session for District 5 members. This session will be on Thursday, June 17th starting at 9:00 am.
The Class is called: Good Day Sunshine! with Attorney Eric J. Larson
The 2-hour session will be a review of all of the “Hot topics” in Wisconsin Open Meetings and Public Records Law. Then from 11:00-11:15 am there will be a short District 5 meeting to vote in a new District Director for the 2021-2022 WMCA year. Pamela Little is at the end of her two-year term this year.
WHEN: AUGUST 24-27, 2021
WHERE: Brookfield Conference Center, Brookfield, WI
HOTELS: Hilton Garden Inn and the Sheraton - Click here for the hotel info on the WMCA website
Pre-Conference classes on Tuesday-New Clerks Class; an Athenian Dialogue; UW-GB Class
Conference opens at 8:00 am Wednesday morning and ends on Friday, at 11:30 am