July 2019 WMCA E-Newsletter
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
Monthly Newsletter
It is July and in one short month, we will be gathering to learn, grow, network and celebrate! The year has flown by so quickly, but I feel we’ve accomplished so much together and I can’t wait to give you the “wrap up” at our Conference Banquet. I promise to be brief so that you can enjoy the 1920’s party atmosphere with your fellow Clerks! I am also really excited to announce we have some special guests coming to our Conference this year. Our guests include the President of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Lana McPherson; the President of the Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association, Kris Lindquist; and our IIMC Region VI Co-Directors-Audra Etzel from Minnesota and our own Marie Moe of Portage. I can’t wait to introduce you to these amazing Clerks!
Our Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee got off the ground and accomplished so much this year. We’ve established our seat at the table and while there are some who are still getting used to WMCA having a voice, others have embraced it. We’ve been able to communicate the bills under consideration with our members so that they can also weigh in on legislation impacting their office before it becomes law. Additionally, the committee has met regularly to set priorities for continued work with our legislative partners. Getting legislation passed is very long and difficult process but with your help, we are being heard. Your Committee is working on several initiatives that have either been put forth by other groups or are topics identified by your fellow Clerks who are committee members. These are not ready yet for introduction, however, be sure to watch for email communications from the LCAC Chair in the coming months. Following are two bills that have been introduced and are gaining steam:
- SB193/AB203 – This bill creates an optional procedure for processing in-person absentee ballots, called the “absentee voting efficiency option” (AVEO), which a municipality may adopt if certified to do so by the Wisconsin Elections Commission.The AVEO process allows a voter to feed his or her in-person absentee ballot into the electronic voting machine at the Clerk’s office, rather than sealing the ballot in an envelope that is opened on Election Day.Though ballots under the AVEO process are cast directly into an electronic voting machine, the votes are not tabulated until Election Day.The Clerk must publish the number of absentee ballots cast using the AVEO process each day.The bill also makes it a felony for a person to know or provide information about the accumulating or final results of ballots cast using the AVEO process.The bill passed both the Senate and Assembly Committees however due to their budget work, it did not make it to the floor during the summer session.We’ve been told, it will go to the floor during the fall session so our work is not finished.Your Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee will let you know when it is time to send emails again.Please be aware if this bill passes in the fall and Governor Evers signs it into law, it is highly unlikely we will have enough time to implement it for the April Presidential Primary Election.WMCA supports this bill.
- AB216 – This initiative would allow a municipal governing body to delegate authority to issue operator’s licenses to a designated municipal official.A public hearing on the bill was held this past Wednesday.We thank all those who emailed their thoughts on this bill.WMCA supports this bill.
HEADS UP CONFERENCE ATTENDEES!: Please be aware we will NOT be giving out conference tote bags so please bring one from a prior year. I know I have a closet full of them so I’m going to pick out my favorite one to bring with me. I encourage you to do the same, as I’ve asked our Conference Committee to purchase beads and hats so that those of you who choose not to dress up can still participate in our Flapper / Gangster fun. Also remember to pack a “We Care Donation” for the Restoration Bags we will be donating to victims of human trafficking across the state. Lastly, a reminder for those of you on a restricted diet please remember to pack a few of your favorite snacks as our choices were limited with the state pricing menu. The break time snacks will probably not meet your dietary restrictions, as I know they will not meet mine.
YOU GOT OUT THERE AND SLAYED!: In my second newsletter article, I mentioned all of the opportunities WMCA membership provides for education and information including use of mentors, clerk list email, district meetings, Facebook, WMCA web page, conference and institute. I encouraged you to plug in and get connected to professional Clerks across Wisconsin. I have made so many new friends and I’ve learned a lot of new tricks this year by following my own advice and connecting to others. I don’t know about you, but I found our Facebook page very helpful in getting to know many of you! Thank you for embracing our “Get Out There and Slay” initiative. We rocked it! I encourage you to keep accepting opportunities to grow.
MY HEART IS FILLED WITH GRATITUDE: As this is my last newsletter, I’d like to thank you all for allowing me the privilege and honor of being your President. It has been an awesome year in Clerk World!
President Kelly Michaels WCMC/CMC
Early bird Registration pricing ends this Friday, July 19th for our 39th Annual WMCA Conference in Middleton! If you haven't registered yet, you need to do so this week. The easiest way to register is on-line -
Click here to go to the Conference website to read all about it and register on-line. You do not have to pay by credit card. You can mail in a check after you register on-line.
You can download the paper brochure here but you should really fax or scan and email in those forms this week, too. Some classes are filling up so you don't want to wait any longer. Get your registration in this week!
ALSO REMEMBER that the room blocks at the area hotels are set to expire on July 20th. You may have to pay a higher room charge if you have to find a hotel on your own after this week.
One Day Government Records Management Workshop
The Wisconsin Historical Society is offering one final chance to attend a one-day workshop on local government records management this year. The popularity of our first two workshops has prompted a third to be offered on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Murphy Library on the UW-La Crosse campus. Registration is free. Attendees are required to cover their own lunch and transportation costs.
Click here to visit the link for more information and registration instructions.
Registration is limited to 30 attendees.
The Wisconsin Historical Society is also planning to host four additional workshops across the state next year. This is currently in the planning phase, but two of the workshops will likely be hosted at the campuses of UW-Parkside and UW-Oshkosh in April 2020. More details will be made available on these workshops in the near future.
Questions may be directed to govarc@wisconsinhistory.org.
2019 Conference
Scholarship Winners
The following clerks have been awarded $340 scholarships to cover the registration and half the cost of 2-nights in a hotel for the 2019 WMCA Conference coming up in August.
Beverly Bernier, Town of Otter Creek
Michelle Copley, City of Fountain City
Penny Danielson, Village of Merrillan
Chrystal Fitzmaurice, Village of Merrillan
Marcy Granger, Town of Milton
Shely Kazda, Village of Montfort
Rachel Ladewig, Village of Waterford
Brenda Mead, City of Adams
Kelly Meyer, Village of Fox Point
Nicole Mrzena, City of Adams
Kerri Roller, City of Waukesha
Jackie Schuh, Village of Pewaukee
Aja Taylor, City of Lancaster
Christina Wallace, City of Oconomowoc
Congratulations Everyone!
One More Chance
for a Scholarship!!
$ $ $ $ $ $
Greetings Fellow-Clerks!
WCEF has some wonderful news to share with all of you. Due to the low number of qualified scholarship applications received, another $2,500 is available to this year’s Conference attendees!
25 randomly drawn qualified attendees will each receive $100 to be used toward your conference expenses. What makes you a qualified attendee? You must attend all of your classes, attend the vendor meet and greet on Wednesday afternoon, and attend the Friday class. This drawing will happen at 11:30am on Friday along with the cash raffle drawing.
Good Luck to all of you!
Racquel Shampo-Giese
WCEF Chairman
Click here to go to the Hawkins Ash website. |
WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA. The next time
you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out
the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page. |
Four area hotels have agreed to giving us a block of rooms. Check out the options available on the WMCA website on the 39th Annual Conference page.
UW-Green Bay Master Academy-July 29-31 |
NEW: UWGB is offering badging. It is an electronic badge/certification that you can attach to a resume, linked-in, a signature box etc. which when opened is like a transcript of what you did to earn it. It is GREAT credentials that is really taking off in education. We are the first University in the UW System doing it. Click here to learn about the badge. The (four) 4 classes listed at the bottom make up the certification/ badge. They are all advanced classes and you have to take an assessment of learning and pass to earn it.
If you are not interested, you can pick and choose and take any of the classes like in the past.
Registration is Open - Click here to see the curriculum for the Master Academy this year.
If you have questions about the Master Academy, please contact Kassie at vanremok@uwgb.edu.
WCEF Cash Raffle
Want to win some cash! 10 Prizes available. Click here for more information on the 2019 WCEF Cash Raffle.
To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.