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May 2019 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Monthly Newsletter



 Kelly-New PicFinal


Your Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee has been asked to review legislation supporting an optional “Monday Processing” bill that would allow municipalities who would not be interested in using the AVEO-Direct Balloting process or those such as Milwaukee whose absentee numbers have exploded to extremely high numbers, the option of using multiple efficiency processes.  This is something we will be pursuing among other initiatives identified by Committee members as soon as we can get the AVEO-Direct Balloting bill adopted.  We have heard some comments from those who have indicated a preference for a “Monday Processing” solution over the AVEO-Direct Balloting solution.   Please consider that while the “Monday” idea does NOT save taxpayer dollars; does NOT allow voters to correct their own error thus reducing the number of remade ballots; and is NOT feasible for many Clerks who are setting up multiple polling locations on Monday, we DO believe there is VALUE in the idea for many of our Clerks across the state.   There seems to be a pitting of one process over the other or even worse, instead of the other.   This is NOT something we want to see happen.  We are working to find solutions that help communities solve challenges in election management across the state.   Yes, getting a bill passed is very difficult and time consuming.  It is painfully slow.   The AVEO bill has been in the works for three years when a group of Clerks from Southeastern Wisconsin got together after the 2016 Presidential to brainstorm ideas to solve the increasing numbers of voters coming in-person to vote absentee.  The bill has been vetted and re-vetted over and over.   This legislation is ready to go.   Our LCAC committee was created in 2018 to help us get a seat at the table and to have our collective voices heard.   We are 1,872 strong and together we can work towards efficiency solutions that allow all municipalities to deploy processes that fit their communities if we just commit to working together.  Municipal Clerks, it is time to unite in solidarity; to help each other out so that we can present a very strong voice at our state capitol.  This is our beginning and while there is more work to be done, it is time to act.   Get involved, help your profession even if this particular legislation isn’t something you see a need for in your community.  


We’ve just heard that the Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Committees where our optional AVEO- Direct Ballot bill will be heard is scheduling a joint public hearing on Wednesday, May 29th.   Please save this date in your calendar and join us in Madison to speak or show your support for your fellow Clerk at the public hearing.   Also invite your elected officials to join us.   This legislation is critical for those communities who are experiencing thousands and thousands of absentee voters appearing in their office to cast an in-person absentee ballot.   My community experienced 10,000 absentee voters of which 8,000 showed up in-person at my 4 person office.   Milwaukee had over 50,000 absentee ballots.   This legislation saves taxpayer dollars; allows in-person absentee voters to fix their own balloting errors thus reducing the number of ballots being remade and has a well thought out process for security and integrity.   The Wisconsin Elections Commission reported over 11,000 errors made in remaking ballots by poll workers following the statewide Stein recount.   The time to have your voice heard is now.   Be on the “look out” for an email with the time and location of the hearing coming in the next few days.

 Leaders Wanted!

Deadline June 1st


It is that time of year when we are looking for a few good leaders to serve on the WMCA Board of Directors.  The positions that are opening up are 2nd Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer or Director-at-Large.   We are also looking for District Directors in District 1 and 2.  Please note that the 2nd Vice President position ascends to the Presidency in three years.   All other positions are term positions.

You need to fill out and send in the 2019-2020 Board of Directors Packet or you can find it on the WMCA website.  June 1st is the deadline for the Board of Director Application to be submitted electronically to the WMCA Executive Director at and/or mailed to the WMCA Office at 1414 Montclair Place, Fort Atkinson, WI  53558.   Applications must be received by 4:00 pm and include a letter of support from your immediate supervisor/primary elected official.  You can read a short job description on page 4 of the packet.

District Directors work in a Co-Directors team with one vote on the Board.   The duties involve working with the Executive Director to develop one-day district meetings in the Fall and Spring.  The Co-Directors determine what classes to offer and contact speakers.  (The PEC Committee can help with speakers, too.)  The Executive Director assists in finding places to meet and ordering the food for the day as well as negotiating the prices, creating the meeting registration forms and taking in the moneys for you.  The Directors just need to be at the meeting to check people in from a sign in sheet created and sent to you by the Executive Director.  At lunch time you report to the members about what is happening with the Board of Directors and upcoming events.   Also as a District Director you are part of the WMCA Board of Directors which meets 4-5 times per year in-person or via telephone.  You are part of the decision-making body representing member Clerks from your district!  The Board keeps the WMCA growing and sets the pace for helping clerks into the future. 

If you are interested in becoming a District Co-Director or wish to nominate someone else, please reply to Faith as soon as possible.  District Directors DO NOT have to fill out the Board Packet.  If you have any further questions regarding any of the positions above, contact the Executive Director.

 The PEC Awards – Profession Education Annual Certificates
Have Your Educational Efforts Recognized
Deadline:  June 1st

This application is designed for annual recognition of your extraordinary efforts for completing additional education to gain knowledge of the current laws and processes to assist you and your municipality towards a productive and efficient office.

Send in the 2018-2019 PEC Annual Application Form on or before June 1st this year and attach the required documentation for proof of attendance.  The Certification Committee will review your annual application and verify the points you have earned. Then you will be recognized at the annual WMCA Conference and receive a Diamond, Gold or Silver Certificate for your achievements.*

The Certificates are based on the following hours per year:
- Silver Certificate for 25-50 hours
- Gold Certificate for 51-74 hours
- Diamond Certificate for 75+ hours

In addition, all courses listed in this application count toward state certification and will be tracked and documented for you by the WMCA. After you have accumulated the required points for certification, you will send in the certification application with a copy of the annual certificates you have received.  You will not need to send in all of the individual certificates of attendance again!  The $20 annual fee will be deducted from the regular certification fee for every annual certificate you use.

*You do not have to be working toward certification to qualify for the annual certificate.

If you have any questions about allowable courses, contact the Certification Committee Chair Melissa Blease  at or the WMCA office at or call the WMCA Office at 1-920-568-9278.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Deadline June 14th


What is a Lifetime Achievement Award?  This award is the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association’s most prestigious.  It was originally known as the Clerk of the Year Award, and the name was changed in 1999 to the Lifetime Achievement Award to better reflect the long-term commitment of the recipient clerk.  The award was developed to recognize clerks for outstanding contributions and commitment to their local municipality and their profession.  

Who is eligible for the Lifetime Achievement Award?  Must be a current member of the WMCA for at least five years, hold the position of municipal or deputy clerk, exhibit leadership ability, have received or currently hold certification as a Municipal Clerk (WCMC, CMC, MMC, WCPC), be active in the WMCA by serving on the Board of Directors, serving on a committee, attending annual conferences, workshops, or trainings.

What is the process for nomination?  Nomination forms must be received by the WMCA Executive Director by June 14th of each year.  Click here for the Guidelines and Nomination Form on the WMCA website, or you may contact WMCA Executive Director at  Because of the level of detail required in the nomination, it is strongly recommended that if someone is going to nominate, they work with the individual.

When is the award presented?  The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented at the annual conference in August.

Teri Lehrke, WCPC
Chair – Lifetime Achievement Award Committee

Grants Training in Platteville, WI  -  June 10-11, 2019

Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grants workshop in Platteville, June 10-11, 2019.  This training is for grant seekers across all disciplines.  Attend this class and you'll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals.

Click here for full event details.

Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.

We are excited to offer Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association  members and their staff a special tuition rate of $425 which includes everything: two days of terrific instruction, workbook, and access to our Alumni Forum that's packed full of tools, helpful discussions and more than 200 sample grant proposals.  Please use discount code "WIASSN" to receive this $30 discount off full price at registration. 

Multi-enrollment discounts and discounts for Grant Writing USA returning alumni are also available.  Tuition payment is not required at the time of enrollment.

Complete event details including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration are available here.

Janet Darling
at Grant Writing USA

Kate Koziol
Economic Development Specialist

More than 10,000 agencies across North America have turned to Grant Writing USA for grant writing and grant management training.

WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA.  The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.

 Issue #5  
 May 2019

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In This Issue


Even though the Registration for the conference is not out yet, people have been reserving their hotel rooms for our Annual Conference.  Therefore, the host hotel - Madison Marriott West is already fully booked.

Four more area hotels have agreed to giving us a block of rooms.  Check out the options available on the WMCA website on the 39th Annual Conference page.

UW-Green Bay Master Academy-July 29-31

NEW:  UWGB is offering badging.  It is an electronic badge/certification that you can attach to a resume, linked-in, a signature box etc.  which when opened is like a transcript of what you did to earn it. It is GREAT credentials that is really taking off in education.  We are the first University in the UW System doing it.  Click here to learn about the badge The (four) 4 classes listed at the bottom make up the certification/ badge.  They are all advanced classes and you have to take an assessment of learning and pass to earn it.
If you are not interested, you can pick and choose and take any of the  classes like in the past. 

Registration is Open - Click here to see the curriculum for the Master Academy this year.

If you have questions about the Master Academy, please contact Kassie at

Need a Scholarship for Master Academy

As a result of the late announcement with the new MA curriculum, the Scholarship Committee has some limited funds to share in the form of a scholarship to attend the Master Academy.  If you are interested, please complete the application and submit no later than June 15, 2019.

Click here to fill out the Scholarship App on-line.

Click here to download a paper Master Academy Scholarship App.

If you have any questions about the scholarship, please do not hesitate to contact Jill Kenda-Lubetski at

 WCEF Cash Raffle

 Want to win some cash!  10 Prizes available.  Click here for more information on the 2019 WCEF Cash Raffle.


About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Check Out Our Website at:


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