Special Edition-Clerks Week WMCA E-Newsletter
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Monthly Newsletter
President's Message -
The Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA), a professional non-profit association comprised of Professional Clerks, Deputy Clerks and Clerk/Treasurers from Cities, Towns, and Villages throughout Wisconsin, is proud to announce Professional Municipal Clerks Week —May 5 through May 11, 2019.
As we celebrate this week, we’d like to increase the public’s awareness of Professional Municipal Clerks and the vital services they provide for local government and their community. Professional Municipal Clerks serve their communities with duties including, but are not limited to, administering elections, alcohol licensing, record retention, budgeting, preparing agendas, taking minutes, maintaining ordinance and resolutions files, keeping the municipality’s historical records and official seal, processing permits and serving as the central contact for information about the local government. Many also serve as financial officers or treasurers and, in some municipalities, may act as chief administrative officers.
A very important responsibility is administering the election function. There are many local, state and federal laws when it comes to elections and coordinating all of the activities involved in having a successful election day can make election administration very challenging. It takes Professional Municipal Clerks months to organize supplies, ballots, public notices, polling location set up, training of poll workers and testing of voting equipment, all in preparation of Election Day. Additionally, Professional Municipal Clerks often work in a politically charged environment while making sure the process is open, honest and secure.
Professional Municipal Clerks do this all while performing a multitude of other tasks for their municipality. They know the importance of getting all of their duties done correctly in order for the whole system to work efficiently. To stay abreast of new laws and technologies Professional Municipal Clerks must continually expand their knowledge base and skills in order to stay current and relevant in today’s government. Professional Clerks serve in a very important role for their local government and community and we are proud to celebrate our “Professional Municipal Clerks” this week and every week.
Click here for a sample Proclamation you can download, complete with your information and put it on your next Board meeting agenda to celebrate Professional Municipal Clerks Week.
Kelly Michaels, CMC, WCMC
Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association President
WMCA Northern Wisconsin Professional Clerk Training Registration Extended to Friday
I want to dis-spell a couple of bad comments I have heard - "this training is only for Northern clerks" OR "this training is only for new clerks". Neither one of these statements is true.
This training is for any Clerk or Deputy or Clerk's office personnel that want to learn more about the clerk's job. You can download the paper brochure to read details but you do need to register on-line to get in on time.
If you need help to register call Faith at the WMCA Office at 920-568-9278.
Click here to download the brochure and read through the details.
Click here to go on-line to read the details and register today. Whether you can only come for a day or one class, we look forward to providing you with some great education!
Aveo-Direct Balloting Bill
The Aveo-Direct Balloting Bill (see below) is in process at the state capitol. We will let you know as soon as a public hearing has been scheduled so you may participate. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or the Chair of our Legislative Communications and Advocacy Committee, Kathy Nickolaus. Your support in getting this initiative moving has been greatly appreciated. It will be very important for you and your elected municipal officials to continue providing support and contacts to the state as this bill is considered in the coming month. The Presidential turn out is right around the corner.
Proposal: SB193 (-2663) View Bill History
relating to: using an electronic voting machine to cast a vote with an in-person absentee ballot and providing a penalty.
- 4/30/2019: Read first time and referred to Committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues
Kelly Michaels, CMC, WCMC
Wisconsin Municipal Clerk Association President
Brookfield City Clerk
(262) 796-6653
UW-Green Bay Master Academy is Here
July 29-31, 2019
News! Kassie and her team completely rebranded the curriculum/schedule
for this year’s program. I think you’ll approve and like the changes.
is offering badging. It is an electronic badge/certification that you
can attach to a resume, linked-in, a signature box etc. which when
opened is like a transcript of what you did to earn it. It is GREAT
credentials that is really taking off in education. We are the first
University in the UW System doing it. Click here to learn about the badge.
The (four) 4 classes listed at the bottom make up the
certification/badge. They are all advanced classes and you have to take
an assessment of learning and pass to earn it.
If you are not interested, you can pick and choose and take any of the classes like in the past.
Registration is Open - Click here to see the curriculum for the Master Academy this year.
If you have questions about the Master Academy, please contact Kassie at vanremok@uwgb.edu.
Need a Scholarship for Master Academy |
Thought about/Thinking about going to the UW-Green Bay Master Academy the end of July?
As a result of the late announcement with the new MA curriculum, the Scholarship Committee has some limited funds to share in the form of a scholarship to attend the Master Academy. If you are interested, please complete the application and submit no later than June 15, 2019.
Click here to fill out the Scholarship Application on-line.
Click here to download a paper Scholarship Application.
If you have any questions about the scholarships, please do not hesitate to contact me at jkl@browndeerwi.org.
Thank you.
Jill Kenda-Lubetski, CMC/WCMC
WMCA Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Thank You to the Associates Sponsoring
the Northern Training
Click on the logos to learn more about these Companies
Attending & Sponsoring the Thursday Networking Reception
These Companies Are Sponsoring Classrooms:
Click on the Logos to go to the Associates website. |
WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA. The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.
DISTRICT 5-May 15, 2019
Brookfield, WI
Classes start early on May 9th and 10th at the Northern Training in Eau Claire.
The block deadline has passed, however, Ricci Rudesill, the Sales Manager, said that she would still take a reservation if you call her directly at 1-715-318-6341.
BOR Classes Available
have a freshly trained set of WMCA Member Trainers authorized by the
Department of Revenue to certify you for the Board of Review for the
next two years.
Check out the classes that have been scheduled so far and watch the WMCA website for more classes in the next two months.
WCEF Cash Raffle
Want to win some cash! 10 Prizes available. Click here for more information on the 2019 WCEF Cash Raffle.
IIMC Hawaii Raffle
Need a Vacation? How about Hawaii?!? Take a chance on the IIMC Foundation Hawaii Raffle. Click here to download this year's flyer for the details.
To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.