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July 2018 WMCA E-News

Monthly E-Newsletter for WMCA Members

Issue 7, Volume 2018

 For the best display of this E-Newsletter, click here to open the E-Newsletter as a webpage.
Inside This Issue 


Spring WMCA District Meetings are now completed. 

Watch for a new season of meetings this fall.

 Hulk with money
Super Clerks Deserve a Super Hero Raffle and the Hulk Will Have You Seeing Green!
 2018 WCEF Raffle

First Prize:  $2,500 Cash
Second Prize:  $500 Cash
Third Prize:  $250 Cash

Tickets are $10 ea/3 for $25
Click here for a form to request tickets from the WMCA Office.

The winners will be drawn at the 2018 Annual Conference on August 24th at 11:30 am in the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay.

About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Assoc.


Sm Logo
President's Letter

to the Membership


Wow – the month of July is flying by and my term as President is ending soon.  Incoming President Kelly Michaels is busy preparing her appointments for the next year of WMCA when she takes over at our annual conference next month.   We are just one month away from this exciting time when we have a chance to reconnect with our network of Clerk friends, take some valuable educational courses, including WEC training, visit with our vendors and be able to enjoy some fun activities all at the same time!  

District 1 is in need of one co-director.  This is a great opportunity to become involved in the organization that supports all of us in our careers as Municipal Clerks, providing training and networking to keep us abreast of all changes in our jobs and duties.  If you or someone you know in this district is ready to step up and get involved, this is the way to do it!  You’ll get to help plan your district meeting and be involved at the WMCA Board meetings, which occur about 4 times a year.  If you’re unable to attend the meeting in person, you can always teleconference in, so you can still provide valuable input on what is happening with our Association!  Please contact Faith who can assist you with any questions you may have and to get you set up as a new Co-Director!

Last week was a busy week for Kassie at UWGB as the 40th year of the UWGB Clerks & Treasurer’s Institute.  There were over $16,000 in scholarships awarded through WMCA for this year’s Institute.  This could not be accomplished without the generous support of many vendors who work with us throughout the year and support us at conference.  As well as all the fundraising efforts of the WCEF to provide funding for these also.  Please be sure to thank the vendors for their support when you see them at the conference next month, or at your place of work when they stop to see you.  And thank the WCEF Committee members who work tirelessly to make this happen!

Kassie held another successful week with fantastic learning for each year of those in attendance along with a terrific graduation night for all!  It was so refreshing to see the banquet room filled for the event and all enjoyed some great karaoke at the end of the evening, for a perfect celebration.  Congratulations to all of you who were able to attend – this is training you will carry with you for the rest of your life!Positive

Also, right around the corner is the August 14th Partisan Primary Election.  While we are all busy conducting absentee voting and preparing for equipment testing, may you take a few moments each day just for yourself, to regroup and recharge!

Barbara K. D. Goeckner MMC/WCPC

President, Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association

 New DOR Alcohol Beverage Publication

The Department of Revenue has created
Publication 309, Retail Alcohol Beverage Licensing Information (a new publication on retail alcohol beverage licensing.)  The  publication is available on the Department of Revenue’s website -click here.  The publication replaces the former licensing guidance document Form AT-109 Information Pamphlet for Licensing for Alcohol Beverages. 

Tom Ourada
Revenue Tax Specialist
(608) 266-8875


The State of Wisconsin is happy to announce the new Edvest 529 College Savings Payroll Direct Deposit Benefit for State Municipal Employees.  Wisconsin Municipalities fall into the “All Other Employee’s” category, there is a button on the new Edvest web-site - click here  (please help us spread the word of the Edvest Benefit to every Municipality and every Clerk in the state by helping us instruct Clerks within the municipalities to add this URL to their Intranet site for Muni employees), you may need a specific instruction line for all Municipal Employees directing them to use the “All Other Employee’s button”.  If you are “not” on the STAR Payroll System, your employees will need to be directed to the all other employees category.  Inside the Edvest Tool Kit, there is a special set of instructions called: Employer Payroll Guide, Wisconsin Municipalities fit into this category.  Please read this guide and let me know if you have any questions. You can order materials for your employees on this website as well.   Let me know if you would like to arrange a meeting and I will come out and talk with you further if you would like.

Also, in the Tool Kit, click on Benefit Managers Download Your Tool Kit:  there is a lot of helpful information towards the bottom, if you scroll down, email blogs, newsletter articles, mobile Banners, buttons, etc.  Please let me know if you need anything, I would be happy to help.  Please let me know the dates of your municipal Benefit Fairs and the WI Municipal Clerks Association Conference, Edvest would like to attend. 

Listed below are some digital banners that you can download and use internally and externally, the digital banner named “State Consumer Banner” is for the municipal public community websites, if you could help us spread the word by getting this URL link behind the banners: and these digital banners both on the intranet for state municipal employees, and the URL for the State Consumer Banner - on the Public community internet sites for state residents that would be appreciated. 

Edvest is hopeful that Wisconsin Residents and Employees can take advantage of the Edvest Benefit to save for college.  Please let me know if you need anything.  Thank you,

Once you have had a chance to implement the Edvest Benefit within your community please would you send me a screenshot and a brief description of all of the places your municipality is able to use our resources, Jessica.Fandrich@Wisconsin.Gov .  I am following up with each municipality to make sure that everyone in the state has access to the Payroll Direct Deposit Benefit.  Your municipality is a great partner for this opportunity, and we are happy to assist in any way. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything.  Thank you,

Jessica L. Fandrich - Officer
Department of Financial Institutions
Wisconsin 529 College Savings Program

4822 Madison Yards Way | North Tower | P.O. Box 8861 | 5th Floor | Madison, WI  53708-8861
Office: 608-266-1805 | Cell: 608-516-9172

College Savings Program Websites:

Tomorrows Scholar


Roben Haggart, WCMC/CMC, Clerk for the Town of Minocqua has stepped up to work with Valerie Foley as Co-Directors for District 8.  Congratulations Roben and welcome back to the WMCA Board of Directors.

DISTRICT 1 still has an opening for a Co-Director. 
Become a part of the WMCA Board of Directors and help shape the future of the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association.

Your WMCA Executive Board would like to share a great resource containing information on the latest scams to help you and your community stay informed.  We have provided you with a link for “Scam Alerts” that can be accessed from the WMCA website under the Helpful Links button on the Home Page.

With all the schemes and scams going on in today’s world, one way for you and your community to stay a step ahead is with the latest information and practical tips from the nation’s consumer protection agency – Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – is by using the link we are providing or visiting their website . You can also subscribe to receive automatic alerts.

The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace which affects everyone when crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people out of millions of dollars every year.  They often combine sophisticated technology with age-old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. They add new twists to old schemes and pressure people to make important decisions on the spot.  But one thing that never changes is that they find people to scam.

So consider making use of this link and information by sharing it as a service to your community on your website, Face Book page, Twitter, Community Newsletter, or any other means you use to reach out, as well providing the information to community organizations such as your Senior Center, Chamber of Commerce, etc. to help them reach out to those most vulnerable.  By staying informed collectively, we can put a dent, and hopefully a big one, in the schemers fraudulent gains.

Diane Coenen
WMCA 2nd Vice President
Clerk, City of Oconomowoc

The 38th Annual

WMCA "Super Clerk" Conference

 Logo on Red Cape
The 38th Annual WMCA "Super Clerk" Conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay on August 22-24, 2018.  You can read all about it by clicking here to download the conference brochure and registration forms.  
If you have not registered for the 38th Annual Conference yet, I would advise that you do it soon. Early Bird pricing is over but you can still register until August 10th. The "Common Municipal Employment Issues in Employee Handbooks is full."  All other classes are still available but going fast.  Beat the deadlines. . . register now! 
Click here for on-line registration.


The following individual has earned the prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):

Aja Taylor, CMC - Deputy Clerk/Treasurer - City of Lancaster, WI -

The Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC and is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs often totaling more than 120 educational hours. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with institutions of higher learning, as well as State/Provincial/National Associations. The CMC program has been assisting clerks to excel since 1970.

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