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March 2020 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association
Monthly Newsletter

Your President's


WE ARE WMCA STRONG …... and we are proving that every day, for what doesn’t break us makes us stronger!!!!   I tip my hat to all the Professional Clerks and Professional Clerk Staff as we embark on an unprecedented journey that we are facing with the COVID-19 Pandemic and how it will affect our daily duties, interactions with our residents and especially the April 7th and May 12th elections.  We will all see a record number of absentee voter requests that we will somehow need to process while facing many challenges – shortage of staff, pollworkers, envelopes, disinfectant supplies, and so much more, along with not enough hours in the day.  We cannot control the virus, but we can control common sense measures in how we do our daily job, administer elections and take precautions to minimize risk by using disinfectants and good hygiene practices.  Hang in there, remember to breathe, you are only one person so use any and all available resources (WMCA; WEC; County Clerk’s Office; League of Wisconsin Municipalities; Center for Disease Control; Your Pandemic and/or Election Contingency Plans; etc.) and ask for help.  There is support all around you – especially WMCA - you just need to keep reaching out like you have because everyone is willing to provide each other with a crutch if you need it to stand.  Once the pandemic is over, the effects will linger for months or longer so help will continue to be needed and we will continue to be there.

We could all use some encouragement so I am sending an Irish Prayer in hopes it will keep us grounded amid all the chaos.

May God give you, for every storm, a rainbow
For every tear, a smile
For every care, a promise
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

“RED HOT ALERT”:  I am providing you with a copy of my City of Oconomowoc Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan [Click Here] and remember under the WMCA Member Log-In section there are Election Contingency Plans available.

VISIONS:  The Vision is to survive the Pandemic, do all you can to stay healthy and minimize risk to those around us, hold the Elections on April 7th and May 12th and learn from this experience to better plan for future events.  This pandemic and especially the absentee voting process we are all experiencing will be a very valuable tool for us to use when we reach out to our State Legislators to let them know the time is now for AVEO.  We are WMCA Strong and our Voices of Experience and Knowledge can no longer be silenced.  It is not acceptable that those on the front line (Professional Clerks) are not heard and helped!!!

VICTORIES:  Keeping our sanity, staying healthy and surviving all the daily challenges we are facing and most importantly getting State Legislators to understand we need HELP NOW!!!

HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!!   The holiday, started in the 17th century is a global celebration of Irish culture and it remembers one of Ireland's patron saints, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century.  Today, it is a day of revelry and a celebration of all things Irish.  This “Feast Day” always takes place on the anniversary of Patrick's death, which was believed to be March 17, 461 AD.

Wishing all Professionals, a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and may the Luck of the Irish be with thee!

In Closing an Irish Blessing -
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face, and
rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Diane Coenen WCMC/CMC
2019-2020 WMCA President


    Scholarship Banner 
    Scholarship Applications Available Until April 15
    UW-Green Bay Institute

      The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay is a great place to learn the skills you need to be the best Clerk you can be. Any Clerk planning to attend the Clerks Institute may apply for a scholarship to help with the costs. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in – Year 1, 2 or 3 or Clerks Completion.

      In 2019 - the WMCA gave out $10,413 in scholarships from their own funds; $775 in scholarship moneys from Past Presidents; and then our generous Associate Members(the vendors) donated $4,854 for a total of $16,042 in scholarship monies.

      Click here to fill out an on-line Scholarship Application for the UW-GB.
      Click here to download a fillable Scholarship Application.

       WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA.  The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.

      Issue #3  
      March 2020

      For the best display of this E-Newsletter, click here to open as a webpage.

      In This Issue

      Other 2020 Educational Opportunities
      Mark your calendars for the following opportunities and watch your email for the registration information:
      All Spring District Meetings have been put on hold until further notice.

      Northern Spring Training - in Minocqua on May 14-15, 2020.  Registration is On Hold.  Watch your email for more information,

      IIMC Annual Conference
      - May 17-20, 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri.  Click here for all the details.

      UW-Green Bay Clerks Institute -
      July 12-17, 2020. Click here for all the details.

      40th Anniversary WMCA Conference
      August 26-28th, 2020 - Chula Vista
      You can reserve your hotel room now.  See Hotel information and code on the WMCA website.  Click Here.  Registration for the conference will be out in April-May.

      CareerAds Button

      Have You Checked Out the Career Ads Lately?  Have you been thinking of making a change or possibly moving up to a bigger position?  Don’t forget to check out the “Career Ads” section of the WMCA website.  Go to: and click on the blue button on the right side of the website to check out all of the openings around the state.



      About Us

      To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

      Check Out Our Website at:


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