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January 2019 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Monthly Newsletter

WMCA President's Message
 Kelly-New PicFinal

RECOUP, RENEW, REFRESH:  January is typically the month when we mix the last of our holiday parties and renewal of health and life goals with tax collection, election preparations and dog licensing!  Apparently, an epic toxic cloud of swirling viral germs has blown into the state, infecting many of us with its nasty strain of illness, despite getting our annual flu shot.   The work never stops so hopefully, we all have enough hot tea, warm blankets, fever reducers and staff to get us through it.    For those of you who have picked up the slack for those of us who have fallen ill, we thank you profoundly, from within the mile high pile of comforters keeping us alive!   You know who you are!     

MEETINGS, CONFERENCES AND COMMITTEES, OH MY:   Your Legislative Committee has met with representatives from the Counties Association and the Wisconsin Elections Commission staff, both offered advice on the bill’s language which LCAC is considering prior to its introduction this session.   Of course, the key components of the bill have not changed.   It is still an optional process whereby, absentee voters appearing in-person, could feed their own ballot into the tabulation equipment instead of using the envelope process.   The nitty gritty work of this is in the process details and gaining consensus on that while making sure it meets security, integrity and legal protocols is time consuming.  Your Manuals Committee is planning a review of the policies and procedures for updates they would like to take to the Board for consideration in Spring.   An email will be going out to committees that still need to provide input and others who just need to review what is there.   When you receive a request for information be sure to reply promptly as our Manuals Committee is waiting to hear from you.   Our Promotions Committee is working on our popular cow pin to share with others at the IIMC Conference in May as well as getting informational packets on the benefits of membership to the Towns Association.   Our Mentoring Committee is busy helping to match New Clerks with mentoring Clerks.  We have 73 mentoring Clerks with 23 New Clerks currently matched.   Finally, Board members are preparing for attendance at the IIMC Region VI meeting on January 26th.   We will be updating members from Iowa and Minnesota as to what Wisconsin Clerks are up to.   I am looking forward to representing you, as you are all rock stars in my book!

Wow!  We asked and you responded in a big way.   Both District 4 and District 7 have numerous Clerk professionals interested in the open Co-District Director positions (5 candidates in District 4; and 3 candidates in District 7)!   It warms my heart to see so many talented Clerks step up to this leadership opportunity.   Honestly, the difficult part for the Board will be picking from this talented pool of candidates.    I’ve read all the resumes and letters of interest provided and was blown away by the passion and heart expressed by our candidates.   We are truly blessed by your willingness to serve and your positive attitudes in wanting to help your fellow Clerks.   The selection will be made this week at the Board meeting.   I’m so excited for the two who will be joining us!   That means there will be six of you who will not be joining us.   For those candidates who will not be selected, my heart aches for you.   Please know these decisions are going to be incredibly difficult for the Board and if you are not selected, just know from my heart to yours that it isn’t a “no” but rather it is a “not right now”.   Please keep answering that door when opportunity knocks!  Hold your head high and show up for yourself!  You are so worth it and your leadership opportunity is just around the corner.

We have an opening for a Co-District Director position in District 2.   This position is a Co-Director working with in a team with Tracy Carlson and our Executive Director Faith Elford to organize district meeting trainings.  The training opportunities in Districts are so incredibly important for Clerks, especially those who don’t get the opportunity to attend the annual conference.   These district meetings may be the only opportunity for training they have (no pressure there).  Additionally, the District Directors have their fingers on the pulse of their district needs and are so important in making sure these training meetings are happening.  The position also serves on the Board representing the very important perspective of Clerks in your own district and taking information from the Board back to your peers.   Send me your resume along with a letter of interest detailing why you would be a great Co-District Director by February 15th so we can get you appointed to this incredible leadership position.   

The Association has been blessed with 141 new members in 2018 and some districts are seeing incredible turnover of experienced Clerks.  We are incredibly happy for our retirees who have enjoyed a full career of service to their communities and have earned a trip to the beach!  For those of us still working it means, we need to keep recruiting experienced Clerks to serve as mentors to our new Clerk professionals.   It is you who will teach the next generation of immerging leaders with your experience and wisdom.  That is impactful!  There is no better gift than to mentor another Clerk in their career!  If you are looking for a mentor or wish to become a mentor, contact the Chair of our Mentoring Committee, Nikki Elsen @    

Kelly Michaels, WMCA President

New Scholarship for
IIMC Conference                  


The WMCA Board of Directors voted to put $2,000 in the 2019 budget for an IIMC Conference Scholarship.  This scholarship is being offered to eligible WMCA members to attend the IIMC Annual Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, May 19 through May 22, 2019.  If you are interested in applying for a Conference Scholarship and match ALL the criteria listed on the application, either fill out the scholarship application on-line or download a fillable application form.

To be considered, your Application MUST be at WMCA Headquarters by March 1, 2019.  **DO NOT FORGET to send in a letter of support from your Supervisor.  Your application will not be considered without it!**

Click here to fill out the on-line version of the Scholarship Application.
Click here to download a fillable Scholarship Application.

District 2 Needs You            


As you may have heard, Fran Duncanson, District 2 Co-Director has resigned her post as she has accepted a deputy Clerk/Treasurer job in Wyoming, MN.  Fran has worked tirelessly with WMCA for many years and she will be missed.  We wish her all the best in her new journey.

With Fran’s departure, District 2 is looking for another co-district director to assist with planning or organizing district meetings (twice a year) and to represent our district in the association.  If you are interested in serving, please let Faith or President Kelly Michaels know.  Feel free to reach out to me to discuss what the duties and time commitments are of being a co-director.

Our spring meeting will be scheduled within the next couple of months.  If you have a suggestion for a venue to hold a meeting or if there are specific topics you would like discussed, please let me know.

Tracy Carlson
Village of Baldwin
District 2 Co-Director

Scholarship Applications Now Available for UW-Green Bay Institute & Academy

The UW-GB Clerks and Treasurers Institute in Green Bay is a great place to learn the skills you need to be the best Clerk you can be. Any Clerk planning to attend the Clerks Institute or Master Academy may apply for a scholarship to help with the costs. Applications must be postmarked by April 15. All members are encouraged to apply for a scholarship no matter which year of the institute you are in.
In 2018 - the WMCA gave out $9,753 in scholarships from their own funds; $772 in scholarship moneys from Past Presidents; and then our generous Associate Members(the vendors) donated $5,250 and, in addition, $349 not used last year, for a total of $16,124 in scholarship monies.

Click here to fill out an on-line Scholarship Application for the UW-GB.

Click here to download a fillable Scholarship Application.
Last Chance to Register
for IIMC Region VI Meeting & Athenian

 IIMC Logo
The Radisson Hotel in La Crosse has extended our room block into next week.  So if you have been debating about attending the meeting and/or education session next week Friday and Saturday, January 25-26th, you are in luck!  Join us. 

Call the Radisson at 608-784-6680 and use the code:  IIMC2019.

Click here for the registration materials to attend the Region VI meeting.

Issue #1  
January 2019

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In This Issue

District Meetings

Watch for your emailed invitation to the Winter WMCA District Meetings coming soon.


About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

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