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Tanisha Carino

Get to Know Executive Director Tanisha Carino

It’s been an exciting start to the new year for me. Having joined FasterCures in January, I am filled with anticipation for all that 2018 holds in store and energized for how our work with you will improve lives by speeding the benefits of science to patients.

Growing up in Alabama, the idea of cutting-edge medical research and innovation felt far away. My upbringing in a small town revealed to me that science doesn’t always flow to all populations equally. This has been my inspiration to be a change agent in improving the lives of others by creating a better system in which the best of the science leads to medical innovation that benefits patients everywhere.

Over the last 20 years, my career has taken me many places – from organizations that directly serve the needs of patients, to government in roles that balanced access to innovation and affordability, and then to the private sector, where I have had the honor of helping organizations bring new medical technologies to market. 

As way of introduction, I sat down with the FasterCures team and answered a few questions. I hope that this Q&A provides some insight into my hopes for our work together and for the vision I have as we seek better treatments and cures for patients everywhere. Continue reading →

Medical Research and Development Issues to Watch In 2018

What’s in store for biomedical research and development (R&D)? Health Affairs recently published an article written by FasterCures’ Kimberly McCleary, managing director, and Kristin Schneeman, director, programs, forecasting the industry issues they believe the community will encounter in 2018. 

After a turbulent 2017, the article notes that the coming year may see progress happening in the background, with stakeholders pushing forward historic ideas into reality. The predictions include greater utilization of the patient perspective across the industry, an increase of philanthropy’s innovative impact within R&D, and a growing “sharing economy” with regards to the use of health data.

Patient-Reported Outcomes: Design with the End in Mind

Throughout the last several years, the biomedical research and development community has made an important pivot toward increasing the significance of patients in medical product discovery, development, and delivery.

In response to this shift, FasterCures held a workshop in June 2017 that provided valuable insight into the benefits of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and the challenges faced while gathering and utilizing them.

That discussion last year resulted in the creation of our recently published white paper, “Patient-Reported Outcomes: Design with the End in Mind,” which includes the next steps for making PROs a useful tool within R&D.

5 things foundations want you to know about patient engagement by Taylor Cusher, Associate Director

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Medical R&D: Hope or Hype? by Kristin Schneeman, Director

“Recommended for You:” Can Direct-to-Consumer Expertise Inform Precision Medicine? by Colin Ward, Senior Associate

A New Generation of Philanthropy Joins the Battle Against Disease by Taylor Cusher, Associate Director

Getting on the Same Page: Key Points to Consider in Industry/Patient Engagements by Samantha Mayberry, Associate Director
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