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 November 2022 WMCA E-Newsletter

  Issue 10| 2022

 Click here to bring up this E-Newsletter in your browser.
   Your Professional Link to Excellence

In This Issue






WCEF thermometer 

Wisconsin Clerk Education Fund (WCEF) was established to promote the education and training of clerks! 

 We couldn’t do it without your generosity!  All donations received are returned in scholarships!

WCEF gave out $7,130 in Scholarships for the 2022 WMCA Conference; as well as $1,590 last Spring for the Northern Training.

Click Here to Donate $10.00 Now!

Don't forget to donate while you shop with Amazon Smile.

WMCA Mission

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association


President's Message  

Marie Moe

Greetings Members,

Congratulations on conducting a successful election.  Attention now turns to the 2023 election cycle; computing mill rates for tax bills, preparing for the 2023 assessment cycle, being among the tasks.

The Board will be meeting December 2nd to approve the 2023 budget.  The Finance Committee is beginning the discussion of looking to create a policy regarding an increase in membership dues to be in place for 2024.  The Board will need to look at the viability of the Northern Training.

The transition process from current Executive Director, Faith Elford, to AEG has begun.  The process will continue through the end of the year to ensure a smooth change. 

If you have any comments or suggestions, we want to hear from you.  This is your Association and for it to be successful, it is important that you be involved.

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Marie A. Moe, WCPC/MMC
2022-23 WMCA President

BIG Changes Coming
Please Help it be a Smooth Transition


As you know, your Executive Director Faith Elford is retiring at the end of the year.  After 20 years, there are a few changes coming and you can help prepare for the Executive Director change.

Address Change: As of the first of the year, you will be mailing all membership fees or event registrations to the following address:

7044 S. 13th Street
Oak Creek, WI  53154

PLEASE pass this along to your Accounts Payable Department and get them to make the change in your payment system.  We will send out a copy of a new W-9 next month.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!  I can tell you that even after 20 years - I was still receiving payments with incorrect billing names on the checks.  Many still saying, "WMCA District #" or made out to my name with the title of "Coordinator".  It is time to clean this up please.

But some things will remain the same:

Email Address: will still be the main email address when the new association management company takes over.  However, my old email address has still been live in the background and there are still several of you that are using it.  Please note that is going to be shut off in the next few days.  Please finally update your contact list to make sure that the WMCA Executive Director email address is 

Main Phone Number:  I have hung on to a landline all these years so that you could fax information to the WMCA office.  I will be shutting down my landline at the end of the year, however, 920-568-9278 will go on to be the phone number for the WMCA.

Please make sure that your Accounts Payable department understands that the address change does need to be done before your WMCA Dues Statement is emailed out at the end of the year.  With your help, I won't need to be forwarding mail to the AEG company for months to come!!

5th Annual WCMA Women's Leadership Seminar

This is not a typo of WMCA – This is a Wisconsin City County Management Association event.  The WCMA Women’s Leadership Committee presents the 5th Annual Women’s Leadership Seminar: Communication for Effective Leadership.

This Seminar will be held on December 9th from 9:00 am -4:15 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn in Wausau, WI.

Sessions to include:

  • Opening Keynote: Interpersonal Communication - Collaborate Better and Resolve Conflict Before it Starts
  • Working with Elected Officials: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Panelists will share their insight and answer questions on navigating working relationships with a variety of elected officials
  • Ready to Lead: What does it take to assume a leadership role in local government?
  • Life as a Municipal Leader: Public Servant is Only Part of the Equation, Not the Entire Sum: How to fulfill your obligations as a public servant without losing yourself
  • Closing Keynote: Resiliency - Roots and Shoots: How to balance our need to slow things down when the world is constantly speeding up.

Click here to go to the Seminar website for full information and registration.  Registration ends on December 6th.



Wisconsin is one of the three states that makes up the IIMC (International Institute of Municipal Clerks) Region VI.  Along with Iowa and Minnesota, Region VI holds a mid-year meeting every January.  This year it is Minnesota's turn to host the event.  There is always a great educational component-An Athenian Dialogue.  If you have never experienced an Athenian Dialogue before, you should check it out and find out what IIMC is all about at the same time.  All are welcome.

Click here to download the full Newsletter and registration information for this meeting.


The WMCA announced at the 2022 Annual Conference that the 2023 WMCA Annual Conference will be in Appleton at the Hilton Paper Valley Hotel & Conference Center.  While it is too early to announce the line-up of classes, you can get your hotel room reserved now.  You can make your room reservation by calling 920-733-8000 and hit Option #1.

The 2023 WMCA Conference will be the longer 3-day conference with a pre-conference day on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.  Conference will be August 23-25.

 Coming Next Month:
  • Watch for the list of the latest WMCA Certified Clerks.  The Fall meeting to review the applications was delayed because of the November elections.
  • Learn all about AEG - Association Executive Group - your new Executive Director starting on January 1, 2023.
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 To Our WMCA Associates
Please contact the Executive Director Faith Elford at if your contact information and/or email address has changed or if you would like to know how to advertise in the WMCA E-Newsletter.

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